[Global Times reporter Lu Wenao and Global Times special correspondent Liu Yupeng] The Russian space real-life movie "Challenge" will officially land on the Chinese big screen on the 15th. The film tells the story of a female surgeon who is sent to the International Space Station

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[Global Times reporter Lu Wenao and Global Times special correspondent Liu Yupeng] The Russian space real-life movie " challenges " will officially land on the Chinese big screen on the 15th. The film tells the story of a female surgeon who is sent to the International Space Station to perform emergency surgery on an astronaut who was accidentally injured during an extravehicular mission and help him return to Earth. In order to complete the filming of the film, directors Krim Shipenko and Yulia Persild arrived at the International Space Station aboard the "Soyuz MS-19" spacecraft on October 5, 2021, and then returned to the International Space Station on October 5, 2021. Within days, the first human shooting of a movie in space was completed. Among them, 35 minutes of real space footage was used in the movie.

[Global Times reporter Lu Wenao and Global Times special correspondent Liu Yupeng] The Russian space real-life movie 'Challenge' will officially land on the Chinese big screen on the 15th. The film tells the story of a female surgeon who is sent to the International Space Station - Lujuba

On March 12, 2024, in Beijing, actress Yulia Persild appeared at the Russian movie "Challenge" discussion event. (Visual China)

"The whole world is paying attention to how this movie was shot in space on the International Space Station." Natalia Stepkina, Minister Counselor of the Russian Embassy in China, said on the 12th. The film's heroine Persilde said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Global Times that in order to conduct this real-life space shooting, she went through a physical examination and screening process of 3,000 actors and was trained by Gagarin astronaut. The center conducted relevant aerospace training for three and a half months before the trip finally took place. This period also included four parabolic flights on the IL-76 transport aircraft to shoot a small part of the weightless footage on the earth, and two times withstanding 8g centrifuge training simulated overload. state. Persilde mentioned that her longest swivel chair session lasted 22 minutes. In the

movie, the heroine’s hair has been flying after boarding the International Space Station. This scene was shot without the help of film technology, and it is currently not possible to show it on earth through physical means. state of weightlessness. Persilde mentioned that when she was shooting a scene in the "Science" experimental module of the International Space Station, because the glass inside the cabin was not covered with a protective film to filter ultraviolet rays, she was so close during the filming process of only 30 seconds. The skin on the half of the window was sunburned.

"Even if the aerospace industry becomes more and more reliable, the risks involved in space travel are still very high." Persilde said, "Nowadays, many 'high-traffic' occupations have received extremely high attention. But positions such as aerospace science, medicine, and engineers need more attention."

"Challenge" grossed more than 2.14 billion rubles at the box office after it was released in Russia in April last year, and won multiple Russian awards. The cost of sending astronauts to space is not low, which has caused some opposition to film shooting. They believe that the International Space Station should be used for scientific experiments and exploration rather than making movies. Persilde thought such remarks were "hurtful" at first, but looking back, she believes that such a "space experiment" was a success because the success of the movie brought attention to the aerospace industry, "making Everyone will get to know space again, and even inspire more young people to explore the aerospace industry."

Persild was awarded the title of Honorary Artist of Russia. She starred in the war-themed film "Female Sniper " and won the Best Actress Award at the 2015 Beijing International Film Festival for this film. She said that China and Russia have broad space for film cooperation, and that putting two different cultures together may produce unexpected effects. "Maybe one day in the future, when China will shoot similar (space-themed) movies, I can provide some relevant experience."

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