Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters "Dune 2" and "The Three Evils", which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.

entertainment 7831℃

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters " Dune 2" and " Remove Three Evils in One Week ", ranking among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience. They can all be big hits at the box office!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

html On March 9, a comedy movie called " Fake Agent " officially opened for public release nationwide. The film stars Pan Binlong , Xu Juncong , Huang Mengying , Clara and other popular stars. Watch it alone. With such a luxurious cast, the film definitely had no problem selling at the box office, but the reality was a slap in the face! The film's box office on the first day was only 39,000, which was a dismal box office performance. Binlong Pan also suffered a big setback!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

After the release of "Fake Agent", it can be said that the box office was extremely dismal. It only received 39,000 box office on the first day of release. You must know that these people are the souls of the comedy industry. Such results are undoubtedly a fatal blow to the film producers. .

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

Due to the poor box office performance on the first day, the number of screenings of the film has gradually dropped to less than 0.1%. As of 19:00 on March 13, the film has been in theaters for 4 days, with a total box office of only 85,000, and the film studio's split is as low as 31,000, which can be said to be a total loss for a "Dragon Label" theater movie!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

The editor thought that with Xu Juncong and Pan Binlong as two comedy stars, even if it didn't work well, it would be able to sell millions at the box office! But the editor really didn't expect that even with such a luxurious comedy lineup, it could not save the decline of this movie. In terms of box office performance and critical acclaim, the film flopped on almost every front.

1. The plot is boring

It is no exaggeration to say that the plot of "Fake Agent" is simply unoriginal, bland and lacks an engaging storyline. The film mainly tells the story of the protagonist Fu Gui (played by Pan Binlong) who accidentally fell into a gang fight, but thought it was just a script-killing game, pretended to be a spy hero, and caused trouble in the gang.

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

The style is a bit similar to ", the killer is not so calm. ". I think that the film was a box office hit with the "Happy Twist", but "Fake Agent" was not so lucky. The audience has long been tired of this old-fashioned plot setting. , does not conform to the current aesthetics. Moreover, the storyline has no ups and downs and the frequency of laughs is low, making it difficult for the audience to be attracted.

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

2. A lot of Internet jokes

In addition, the film "Fake Agent" is full of a lot of Internet jokes, trying to rely on these jokes to win the audience's laughter. However, this stack of jokes makes the film seem clichéd and lacks innovation.

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

The audience has long been numb to such humorous elements, which is obviously not eye-catching enough for a large-scale comedy movie. As a result, the film's reputation is also very low. Douban's comment section was flooded with one-star reviews, and the audience made constant complaints about it!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

3. It has been withdrawn many times in succession, but the audience did not buy it

It is reported that the film "Fake Agent" has been completed a few years ago, and has been scheduled to be withdrawn many times, and the film's "Dragon" "The target" was actually released in 2021, but it was delayed until 24 before it was officially released, a squeeze of 3 years!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

These are enough to prove that the film studio does not trust its own work, and the audience's reaction to the film "Fake Agent" also proves that it is not unreasonable for the film to be squeezed for three years. The box office only took in 39,000 on the first day of release. The total number of moviegoers in the four days after its release was only about 6,000, which is enough to prove that the audience did not buy this movie.

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

Even if the film has well-known comedians such as Xu Juncong and Pan Binlong joining the cast, it cannot make up for the emptiness of the plot and the weakness of the jokes, and cannot save the film from a slippery slope. The audience felt sorry for this and expressed that the level of the Internet was such a waste of such a luxurious cast!

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

Generally speaking, the failure of "Fake Agent" at the theater box office is attributed to many factors such as the boring plot, lack of jokes, and poor publicity. At present, the film has been launched on the online broadcast platform. I wonder if the film can break out in the large online market and save some costs for the film studio.

Recently, the domestic film market has been dominated by the Hollywood blockbusters 'Dune 2' and 'The Three Evils', which have firmly ranked among the top two in the domestic real-time box office list. However, not all movies are loved by the audience and can be box office hits.  - Lujuba

Do you think "Fake Agent" is good to watch? How did the actors perform in the film? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

Tags: entertainment