Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new

entertainment 5022℃

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they have joined hands to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new works.

Although the works brought about by these popular themes are very popular, more and more viewers are looking forward to new works in this field. But there are still audiences who expect these themes to bring good works, and they also expect new themes to bring different stories.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

Since this year, the overall development of domestic dramas has not been as good as last year. Although many works have been produced, the overall popularity and reputation are still not enough. Such market conditions have made many people more interested in new dramas and new content. Have expectations.

During this period, although the response to most popular dramas was relatively average, there were also many surprises. What is more unexpected is that these works have novel themes and bring new stories. Among them, domestic dramas that intervene in the story around the key theme of "environmental protection" have already attracted the audience's attention.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

The TV series "River Rises" has just discussed the topic of environmental pollution and environmental protection issues. The direction of the story brings new highlights around the current hot topics. The story is told from this main line, which once again adds a new dimension to domestic dramas. Rich highlights and new content directions.

This drama not only attracts attention because of the novel content, but also because of the gathering of many veteran actors, it has achieved the attraction of arousing the appetite for watching the drama even before it starts broadcasting.

This TV series presented a good-looking plot when it first appeared. It revolved around the outbreak of a death case and entered the main discussion topic of environmental protection. It immediately brought the audience into different story points. The ratings and reputation were very impressive. Presenting different exciting highlights.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

Now "River Rises Up" has just finished, and CCTV has begun to promote " River Rises Above " again. From the one-syllable difference in the titles of the two dramas, it can be seen that they have the same theme, and the content they talk about is also about the topic of environmental protection.

"Above the River" is an environmental justice drama. The plot of the drama tells a wonderful case about the judicial practice of environmental protection in the Yangtze River Basin. The plot mainly revolves around the enforcement process of Luo Yuan, court consultant Xia Weidong and other environmental resources judges in a series of environmental protection cases. The play brings wonderful stories through this group of determined judicial workers who continue to fight pollution crimes, protect the environment and ecology, explore judicial reforms, and defend public rights and interests.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

The show has just launched and presented wonderful highlights. As the notice came down, Luo Yun and Xia Weidong came to the chemical plant to investigate. Immediately afterwards, the explosion accident at Jiangshi Chemical Plant attracted everyone's attention, and subsequent cases, large and small, were intertwined.

Along with Luo Yuan and Xia Weidong, they came to the chemical factory to investigate the case and consulted the factory employees about the relevant situation. Inside the factory, Xia Weidong keenly discovered the nitrification waste on the ground. But after asking for a while, the boss of the chemical plant kept trying to stop it and kept it secretive.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

After Xia Weidong's inquiry, Rao Bin finally said that the remaining nitrification waste had been transferred to the workshop next door. The factory owner's lie was finally exposed. Luo Yuan and Xia Weidong saw the hidden nitrification waste, and then the nitrification waste caused the entire factory to explode. The explosion at the

factory had just happened. Another farmer came here to sue the chemical company for sewage discharge. Su Zhuo discovered that the company was involved in the case of villagers beating people for sewage discharge. As Su Zhuoluoyuan and Geng Nian discussed the matter together, Geng Nian began to struggle back and forth between human relationships and legal time.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

has only been aired for two episodes, but the plot of the show has already firmly captured the attention of the audience as several cases have come one after another. In view of the imminence of these cases, two judges, Geng Nian and Luo Yuan, gathered together to start hearing a series of cases, and other cases also appeared.

Although the story has just begun, this drama has already shown a wonderful story. A series of small things under the camera followed the arrival of a notification.In the opening scene, it scored a ratings of over 1 with its wonderful highlights, and its popularity soared to the top. The ancient story at the beginning of

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

began to pave the way for the subsequent preliminary investigation and trial through the occurrence of this case. At the same time, the plot has also paved the way for the follow-up. The two judges follow up one case after another to deal with it, which has whetted the appetite for watching the drama.

Although it has just started, this TV series has already shown its corresponding quality. The story it brings is very real. The pictures and stories under the camera are very down-to-earth. The opening brings people into a tense atmosphere. Here, especially the factory explosion scene, the highlights of this drama are presented. The rhythm of the development process of

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

has also been tight and orderly. From the discovery of problems at the beginning to the urgent action process, the story is not delayed, there is no unnecessary plot, and the overall rhythm is very tight.

Of course, this TV series can achieve high ratings and good reputation right from the beginning, which is inseparable from the superb performances of the actors. Several powerful actors not only created the images of various characters in the play, but also performed the story in a real and natural way, and their relaxed acting performances made people unable to help but fall into the trap.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

All the actors are on the line, so the opening process is very exciting. Luo Yuan, played by Gao Weiguang , was dressed in a formal suit. The temperament and aura of the first male protagonist were displayed, and he captured the judge's temperament throughout.

At different review clues scenes, Luo Yuan not only made a professional analysis of the scene situation, but also went straight to the problem and raised fatal questions about various situations, demonstrating a judge's professional strength and keen on-site observation ability. In the two scenes where Su Zhuo told the truth about the case and the chemical plant boss wanted to hide it, Luo Yuan showed his righteousness as a judge and showed the fairness and responsibility of a judge in every aspect.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

Yuan Wenkang, a powerful actor, gave an equally wonderful acting performance. He showed a different aura as soon as he appeared on the stage. The characters he played, Geng Nian and Luo Yuan, have different auras, but they have already shown the charm of their characters. The inner activities of the characters are interpreted under the specific situation.

All in all, as a new drama that CCTV is optimistic about, "Above the River" has already attracted fans as soon as it aired. The highlights of the plot are gradually increasing, and one case after another is coming, which makes people unable to help but fall into it.

Domestic dramas bring many new dramas every year, with hundreds of schools of thought contending on various themes, and they all come together to launch new dramas. Suspense dramas, espionage dramas, period dramas and other genres have always achieved good ratings with their new  - Lujuba

has already firmly grasped the audience's desire to watch the drama after just two episodes, and the actors have already won the audience's favor with their strength, and their performances once again shined, successfully winning good premieres and good ratings. With the current popularity, the show is expected to gain a better reputation in the future.

Tags: entertainment