1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l

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1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba905 Movie Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people.

"Today's Film Review" invited Zhang Long, professor and director of the International Journalism and Communication Department of the School of Television of Communication University of China, as a guest program to discuss the high-quality development of Chinese films at the conclusion of the two sessions in 2024.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Key points on the cultural industry in the government report

Professor Zhang Long pointed out that this year’s government work report mentioned many key points closely related to cultural undertakings and cultural industries. The following content deserves our focus.

In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. When mentioning culture-related issues, the 2024 Government Work Report proposed "in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Cultural Thoughts" and clearly pointed out the fundamental principles for cultural construction, cultural undertakings and cultural industry development in 2024.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Deeply promote the national cultural digitalization strategy, deepen national reading activities, improve comprehensive network management, and cultivate a positive, healthy, and good Internet culture. Promoting digital construction, improving the level of digital content production, and ensuring the long-term development of new digital cultural formats play an important role in promoting the high-quality development of my country's cultural industry.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and improve international communication capabilities. "International communication" has been included in the government work report for the fifth time this year, following three consecutive years from 2014 to 2016 and again in 2023. From this, we can see that the work of international communication is of very important significance and value.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Deeply implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and strengthen the basic support for high-quality development. This item specifically mentions the need to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, which is also closely related to our film creation.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

About the "Voice of the Two Sessions" of the Film Industry

Representatives and committee members of the Two Sessions provided advice and suggestions to the Two Sessions from multiple dimensions of the film industry to help the high-quality development of Chinese films.

Representatives and members of the two sessions have paid attention to the core focus topics in film creation and literary and artistic creation in the past year. Jiang Shengnan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, author and screenwriter, spoke out for screenwriters during the two sessions, proposing to strengthen the protection of screenwriters' signature rights.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Fu Ruoqing, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of China Film Group, brought the "Proposal on Preventing and Combating False Film and Television Investment Fraud."

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Many representatives and committee members are also concerned about specific issues in the creative field. Liu Xiaowei, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, put forward the suggestion that we should vigorously support the creation of literary and artistic classics in the new era.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Guo Jianhua, a representative of the National People's Congress, put forward the "Suggestions on Innovating the Production Mechanism of Fine Arts and Literature under the Rule of Law."

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

"Artificial Intelligence +" has become a hot new word during this year's Two Sessions, and has also aroused the attention and discussion of representatives and committee members from the literary and art circles. Wang Pingjiu, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy editor-in-chief of the Movie Channel Program Center, brought the "Proposal on Vigorously Promoting Artificial Intelligence to Play an Active Role in Building a Film Power".

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Hao Rong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Central Academy of Drama, proposed that we should seize the wave of networking, digitalization, and intelligence and vigorously carry out practical activities on the theme of online literature and art.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Interpretation of the development path of the film industry during the two sessions

It can be noted that the keyword "artificial intelligence +" was written into the government work report for the first time this year. Professor Zhang Long said that for artificial intelligence, we need to better understand it, understand it, and regulate it with laws, so that we can better use high technology and enhance the development of the film and television industry.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

When it comes to "artificial intelligence +", we may naturally think of the "Internet +" proposed a few years ago. The Internet and traditional industries have given rise to emerging industries such as shared bicycles and e-commerce platforms. Therefore, in the era of artificial intelligence, all aspects of the film industry—planning, screenwriting, filming, performance, post-production, and distribution—must be actively considered. How to cooperate with artificial intelligence to achieve a closer production method and give birth to "new productivity".

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

At the same time, as an important means of improving international communication capabilities, Chinese films have been practicing "going out" step by step, but a series of corresponding actions are still needed to allow Chinese films to go further.

Professor Zhang Long said that during the two sessions, member Wang Rui proposed a very valuable and feasible initiative - the establishment of cinema chains in Chinese-inhabited areas around the world.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

In addition, from the production and production level, we should provide guidance to film producers and encourage the production and distribution of film works suitable for external communication. Only in this way can we effectively improve our country's international communication capabilities and tell Chinese stories well.

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

Chinese films are like a big ship sailing on the sea. I believe that under the storm of industry changes such as "artificial intelligence +", "new quality productivity", and "international communication capabilities" in 2024, the Chinese film industry is bound to ride the wind and waves and set sail. Voyage!

1905 Film Network Special Article The National Two Sessions in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. This year’s government work report pointed out the development direction of the field of culture and art and gave important instructions for enriching the spiritual and cultural l - Lujuba

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