Chapter 2 of "River Rises", Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama "River Rises" looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne

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"River Rises" Chapter 2, Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other even if they don't control floods or pollution.

Chapter 2 of 'River Rises', Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama 'River Rises' looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne - Lujuba

The new drama "River Rises" looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partners, from the tit-for-tat confrontation of river control in ancient times to the love and killing of each other for pollution control today.

still remembers "The Long River of the World", Jin Fu, who did not hesitate to put down the honor and disgrace of his life and death in order to control floods, and Yu Zhenjia, who was foolish and loyal for his own reputation.

came to the modern Qijiang City, and it was still like this.

Huang Zhizhong plays Lin Hanjiang, the environmentally friendly mayor who is not afraid of personal risks in order to control pollution.

Su Ke plays Liu Gengye, the development mayor who works hard on construction for the sake of economic development.

These two people represent two different directions of urban development.

is an environmentalist who wants to protect the urban ecological environment and the safety and health of residents.

The other is the development group who works hard to develop the urban economy and makes way for the economy.

Their conflicts and cooperation are like the two sides of cooperation in contradiction in the transformation of urban development industry.

Chapter 2 of 'River Rises', Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama 'River Rises' looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne - Lujuba

1 Lin Hanjiang's three firemen, Liu Gengye is very good

The pedantic Yu Zhenjia in "The Long River of the World" is so troublesome.

Liu Gengye in "River Rises" is also driving people crazy.

Liu Gengye, who focuses on economic development, thinks that he can contribute to the city wholeheartedly, and works hard to attract investment to join large groups and enterprises. Why did

suddenly become a bad example and need to be stopped immediately and strictly investigated?

He still seemed a bit pedantic as he couldn't turn a corner.

Lin Hanjiang's new official was very angry when he took office, making him complain several times and directly said that he couldn't do it anymore.

Neither the municipal party secretary nor the mayor seemed able to convince him.

Lin Hanjiang is a person with his own ideas.

He could understand Mayor Liu's dissatisfaction, but he still followed his own pace.

cuts through the mess quickly and solves three major problems.

From an environmental perspective, of course, the faster, the better.

The snack street has safety risks, and unfinished buildings may contaminate groundwater.

Wetland hotels and hidden pipe sewage are major issues that endanger water safety and the ecological environment. No one can slow down.

However, Lin Hanjiang and Liu Gengye had the same problem.

In their own words, they cannot be officials and cannot unite and cooperate.

How can you do it if you can only fight alone? The two of them are on different tracks. what to do.

Chapter 2 of 'River Rises', Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama 'River Rises' looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne - Lujuba

2 Lin Hanjiang is in trouble, and Liu Gengye is in trouble too.

Both of them have their own difficulties in doing practical things.

Lin Hanjiang, who was in danger, accepted the post of mayor in charge of environmental protection.

He has been teaching in colleges and universities.

has experience in coaching students, but has no experience in coaching cadres.

He came out of the study and took up the post. He is idealistic and sometimes ungrounded.

snack street, unfinished building. He used his professional knowledge to cut through the mess quickly and complete the task.

However, the sewage discharge from the hidden pipes of Dachang endangers his life and safety, and the wetland hotel involves legal provisions. He needs the help and cooperation of more people.

Even if we strive for our ideals and sincerely care about the urban environment and the safety of residents, we cannot just do things in silence.

Once he figures it out, he is also very good at coordinating work.

For example, he lowered his profile and had a heart-to-heart talk with the Environmental Protection Bureau to gain understanding and help from the other party.

For another example, he accepted the guidance of the secretary and began to realize that there was a problem with his working methods.

He learned to cooperate with more colleagues.

He even began to get along with Liu Gengye, who was tit for tat.

Liu Gengye is even more stubborn than Lin Hanjiang.

returned from abroad and is responsible for investment development, introduction of big brands, and cooperation with foreign capital.

It was like, he tried his best to get the report card regardless of his health, but suddenly the scoring standards changed.

The original good student became an underachiever.

He couldn't figure it out. He always felt that Lin Hanjiang was here to hold him back and find trouble.

The mayor said that he did not have a big-picture view, which meant that he did not know how to turn around and did not see the problem from a high enough perspective.

The deputy mayor, who is not tall enough, is full of grievances.After all,

, a large company that had spent several years recruiting, suddenly became a model for strict investigation, affecting subsequent cooperation.

even has to pay tens of billions in compensation, which affects the development of the city and his personal confidence in work.

Mayor Liu, an expert in investment promotion, is often called out by name these days. I don’t know what to do? The two people behind

represent the challenges faced by urban development. In the past, everything depended on the economy, but now we have begun to pay attention to environmental protection. It is difficult to change our thinking, and our actions are more likely to damage confidence in development.

Chapter 2 of 'River Rises', Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama 'River Rises' looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne - Lujuba

3 The two people who went from conflict to cooperation signify the difficult industrial transformation of the city.

I saw the latest episodes. Lin Hanjiang, an environmentalist, and Liu Gengye, a developmentist, actually went to the party school to study together and are still together.

They are forced to understand each other.

It turns out that you also love reading. It turns out that your ideals and mine are not the only ones in conflict.

It turns out that you can hurt your body for the sake of your promise.

Mayor Liu, who has a sharp tongue and a soft heart, actually starts to worry about his enemy, Mayor Lin.

He is a person who works hard for his commitment and belief just like himself.

Two people who work together from conflicts to seeking common ground while reserving differences are just like the city undergoing difficult industrial transformation.

This is labor pain, but it is also for long-term stable development.

is like the order the municipal party secretary received.

Industrial transformation, you are the model for the whole province. If you do it well, you will be a template, if you do it poorly, you will be a template.

In the end, this road must be taken.

realizes industrial transformation on the basis of environmental protection.

The two environmentalists and the developmentists were forced to cooperate, but now cherished each other. They jointly faced the negotiation and transformation of the Wetland Hotel, which means the focus of future urban development.

Ecological civilization and environmental protection highland, on this basis, urban development and industrial transformation will be carried out.

Chapter 2 of 'River Rises', Huang Zhizhong and Su Ke, two old partners, from ancient times to modern times, they still love and kill each other regardless of whether they control floods or pollution. The new drama 'River Rises' looks really familiar. There is a pair of old partne - Lujuba

is written at the end

When a person feels pain, it may be a time for growth.

The same is true for a city.

You can't feel the pain in warm water, but it will slowly make you lose your vitality.

feels pain, it is the time of development and change.

If a city wants to develop its economy, it must not only develop the economy, but also care about life safety and future survival.

Lin Hanjiang aims at environmental protection, while Liu Gengye aims at economic development.

In the same dimension, two people will have different positions. If they have a larger picture to overlook and look forward, they will be different.

City life, like people, must look forward, what do you think?

This article is original, and the pictures are selected from the Internet

@伊华书影, explore the city, immerse yourself in books and shadows

Tags: entertainment