On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai

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On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be positive for the new crown virus, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on the stage and in Shanghai in normal condition next week. Meet everyone.

On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai  - Lujuba

In the past two years, the performance market has been booming, but some situations have also occurred due to various reasons. For example, many singers such as Jacky Cheung, Eason Chan, and Joker Xue were forced to cancel performances due to physical discomfort. The artist's good physical condition is a prerequisite for the smooth progress of the concert. When interviewed by a reporter from Red Star News, some insiders said that from an emotional point of view, it is understandable that the artist's performance cannot be performed normally due to physical reasons, but the rights of consumers are also Needs to be protected and the organizer to handle the follow-up issues well is the key.

On average, a concert takes less than three days.

Jacky Cheung once said that he has noticed the changes in his age.

html On March 7, Shanghai Yunhua Cultural Development Co., Ltd. issued an announcement: Mr. Jacky Cheung was unwell and needed to rest as directed by the doctor after seeing a doctor. . Taking into account the artist's physical condition and public safety, in order to ensure the overall high-level presentation of the performance, three "Jacky Cheung 60+ Tour Concerts" were originally planned to be held at the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center on March 8, 9, and 10, 2024. "Will" be cancelled. The announcement stated that the relevant ticketing solutions will be announced before 22:00 on March 10, 2024 after fully soliciting opinions from all parties.

Red Star News reporters discovered through combing that according to the original schedule, Jacky Cheung will perform 15 consecutive concerts at the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center in one month from February 23 to March 24, and all the tickets for the 15 concerts have been sold out. sold out. So far, Jacky Cheung has finished singing 6 performances. Some netizens said that during the performance on February 25, Jacky Cheung had been bowing and apologizing, "saying that his voice was not in good condition."

On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai  - Lujuba

Jacky Cheung Chengdu Concert Live

According to incomplete statistics, starting from Macau on June 9, 2023, the "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" has opened more than 100 concerts in 9 months, with an average of less than 3 days. The itinerary includes Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Ningbo, Quanzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and many other domestic and foreign cities.

Previously, Jacky Cheung talked about physical issues in an interview with a reporter from Red Star News. He said, "I have always paid attention to changes in my age, singing ability, and acting ability. To be honest, I don't want to boast. I am now I haven’t felt much of a difference yet. Of course, your hair will turn black as soon as you brush it. Don’t be nervous. It doesn’t matter. There hasn’t been much change in terms of thinking, physical strength, and singing.”

In October last year, Jacky Cheung Chengdu held 9 concerts in a row, and the ticket sales website issued tickets twice, and both were sold out within ten seconds. Judging from market feedback, fans are very enthusiastic about Jacky Cheung's concert. However, holding concerts so intensively is a huge challenge for Jacky Cheung, who is over sixty years old. In August last year, when he was singing in Malaysia, he unexpectedly fell on the stage. Afterward, he admitted that he was still dizzy even when he got home. Jacky Cheung also responded in detail: "I have had 'ear fluid imbalance' (problem) since I was a child, but it has never happened on stage. That was the only time, and it was a challenge for me."

In addition to Shanghai, Jacky Cheung will also perform in Hangzhou and Chongqing this year. Will subsequent concerts be affected? There is no official news yet. Many fans expressed the hope that Jacky Cheung would recover soon, adjust his condition, and return to the stage as soon as possible.

Singers frequently have health problems.

Some people persist even though they are sick, while others directly postpone it.

Since last year, artists have been holding concerts. Judging from the tour itineraries announced by many artists, the performances are very intense, and many artists have not performed at their scheduled performances. There were also extra performances on the itinerary. The performance market is booming, but the health of many artists has worried fans.

On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai  - Lujuba

Gigi Leung's concert in Shenzhen

Last year, Gigi Leung suffered from throat inflammation during her concert in Shenzhen, which directly affected her performance on the spot.She said that she discovered that her throat was inflamed after the rehearsal, and she lost her voice completely when she woke up early the next day. After that, she went to the hospital for treatment every day, and was still undergoing atomization treatment before going on stage. During this period, she once wanted to cancel the performance, but she saw on Weibo Fans had to go back and forth many times in order to come to the concert, which was not easy. She felt that she had to persevere.

In September last year, Ashin, the lead singer of the Mayday band, was in poor health during a concert in Xi'an and could only support the performance while taking oxygen. Later, Ashin wrote: He got a minor illness after the Quanzhou concert, and dragged on this illness to work in Macau and other places. After that, he was still in poor physical condition and groggy in Xi'an, but he also had expectations. He completed three performances with Gan Gan. By the time he arrived in Nanjing, his body had completely recovered, but his voice became uncontrollable and occasionally became extremely hoarse. Ashin felt very guilty about this. He stated that he did not state this to make everyone worry, but to apologize to everyone. He felt very guilty for not taking good care of himself and not giving the best performance.

On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai  - Lujuba

Mayday Xi’an Concert Live

Last year, due to physical reasons, some performances of Eason Chan’s Macau tour were also postponed. On the evening of October 26 last year, Eason Chan’s tour concert in Macau resumed its first performance. He was directly moved to tears. Eason Chan admitted that the performance I was under pressure and worried that my performance would be affected if I did not fully recover from the illness. Since the concert was rescheduled and the audience had to travel to Macau, I couldn’t afford to miss the mark. “My nose kept flowing all night long... I changed clothes every time I went backstage. , very embarrassed... I couldn't control it when I sang the new song "Social Fear Cancer", and my nose ran down..."

On March 8, Jacky Cheung responded to the reasons for the cancellation of the last three Shanghai concerts. Jacky Cheung said that he was confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, had a slight fever and cough, and was self-isolating at home. He hoped to perform on stage and in Shanghai  - Lujuba

Joker Xue's Chengdu concert live

On the evening of September 9 last year, the first stop of Joker Xue's "Extraterrestrial" tour concert in Chengdu The performance was successfully completed. But what is unexpected is that after the second performance in Chengdu Station started on the evening of the 10th, Joker Xue said that his fever reached 39 degrees and could not continue... Although he failed to complete the concert, Joker Xue promised on stage: "Everyone Friends who traveled all the way to see me, in addition to the refund of your tickets, if you take the train, air tickets, or hotels, all will be refunded to you, and I will be responsible for it." Afterwards, Xue Zhiqian also posted a message saying, "Thank you Chengdu's understanding and tolerance have caused trouble to everyone, and I hope to meet again soon." Xue Zhiqian did not break his promise, and the Chengdu concert returned to the venue on November 4 last year. The operation of Xue Zhiqian and the performance company was well received by fans .

Insiders in the industry: We should slow down the pace appropriately and give artists some time to breathe and adjust.

Last year, the performance market was booming, and many artists were overloaded with performances. For example, Jay Chou flew to several cities a month. The most exaggerated time for Mayday was "Singing 3" Hugh 5". Some people in the industry directly suggested that performers and brokerage companies should slow down the pace appropriately to give artists some time to breathe and adjust, and at the same time, allow fans to relax.

A performer who did not want to be named said that in previous performances, he had encountered situations where performances were postponed or canceled due to illness of artists. Such situations are really troublesome for the organizers, who usually hold concerts. We will make contingency plans in advance. If a performance is canceled, we will introduce a refund mechanism as soon as possible to minimize consumer losses.

Industry insiders said that from an emotional point of view, it is understandable that artists cannot perform normally due to physical reasons. Only by having a healthy body can the artist be in good condition on stage. But on the other hand, the rights and interests of consumers also need to be protected, and organizers must actively solve the aftermath and minimize the losses to consumers.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao

(Source: Red Star News)

Tags: entertainment