As "Super Tuesday" officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha

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As the "Super Tuesday" officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the President of the United States has also entered a fierce stage.

On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain that the Democratic presidential candidate in 2024 will still be the "veteran" Biden.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

On the other side of the Republican Party, Trump is still leading the way. Although former Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley still participated in the "Super Tuesday" party candidate primary competition, she announced on the 6th that she would withdraw from the 2024 U.S. presidential race.

It is now basically certain that 2024 will be the reunion of old friends Biden and Trump.

However, it is not just Biden and Trump who will reunite in 2024, there is also a person who also had many disputes with them in 2020, and will be deeply involved in the relationship between Biden and Trump in 2024. Trump’s presidential battle.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

She is Taylor Swift.

Is it surprising?

March 5 is the "Super Tuesday" election day in the United States. This is an old tradition of the U.S. presidential election. On this day, more than a dozen states will elect Republican and Democratic candidates. Basically, after Super Tuesday, it will be determined who will be the final showdown between the Republicans and Democrats in the November presidential election.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Therefore, many public figures choose this day to call on voters to go to the polling stations to vote and choose the candidates of the two parties. There are many major celebrities among them, and Taylor Swift also chose this day to call on voters to vote.

Brother Youli introduced yesterday that Taylor Swift is currently holding the "Era Tour Concert" in Singapore. Although she has no time to appear in person to canvass votes, Taylor Swift still posted a post calling on fans to vote through social media platforms.

It is worth noting that Taylor Swift did not "stand in line" in her speech, nor did she mention any political party, nor did she "endorse" any candidate.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Although celebrities from all walks of life are free to choose either Democratic or Republican parties to express their support, Taylor Swift's neutral stance this time aroused widespread discussion among everyone.

This not only raises the question, why is Taylor Swift’s neutrality particularly concerning?

This brings up Taylor Swift’s “political choice” 4 years ago.

Old and new grudges in 2020

Four years ago in October, Taylor Swift publicly supported Biden in the "match of the century" between Trump and Biden, and posted on social media, saying He will vote for Biden in the presidential vote in November 2020, and posted a picture of himself holding a "Biden cookie" with the words "Biden 2020" clearly written on it.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Not only that, Taylor Swift also criticized Trump's governance policy, saying that in the four years since Trump was president, white supremacy and racism have reached unprecedented heights. Trump was furious when he learned about it, and the relationship between the two began to deteriorate from this time.

In the context of this incident, everyone speculates that Taylor Swift will still choose to support Biden this year and continue to "endorse" Biden. However, on "Super Tuesday" on March 5, Taylor Swift only posted on social platforms to remind voters not to forget to vote, but did not stand for Biden.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Many people have doubted whether Taylor Swift has changed her presidential candidate support this year. After all, earlier this year, the New York Times reported that Biden sought Taylor Swift to support him, but regardless of Neither Taylor Swift nor Biden has publicly acknowledged it.

Even on the 26th of last month, when Biden participated in the NBC comedy column "Late Night with Meyers" and was asked whether Taylor Swift would help Biden in the election, Biden only used "confidentiality" as an excuse. passed. It's no wonder, then, that people care so much about who Taylor Swift stands for.

Why Hollywood favors the Democratic Party

In fact, it is nothing new for public figures to have a partisan platform. In 2020, Michael Gere, a member of the American comedy group "Peele and Gere", attended the announcement of the then Democratic candidate Tigieg’s campaign.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Also in 2020, the 79-year-old Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party has also won the favor of many Hollywood stars, such as Mark Ruffalo, who plays the "Hulk" in the movie "The Avengers" and "Thor" Tessa Thompson, who plays "Valkyrie" in "3", and others are supporters of Bernie Sanders.

From actors to singers, from Mark Ruffalo to Taylor Swift, from Bernie to Biden. If you look closely at these names, you may also find that many Hollywood stars are supporters of the Democratic Party. So why does the American entertainment industry favor the Democratic Party so much?

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

This is to mention that the Democratic Party’s ideological strategy is completely different from that of the Republican Party. The Democratic Party’s political strategy pursues ideological propaganda based on “liberal democracy” and “equality of human rights”. “universal values” are A product of the American Democratic Party.

Hollywood is in the movie business, and the movies produced must be paid for by countries with different cultures, skin colors, and races. This coincides with the "universal values" promoted by the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party needs votes, and Hollywood needs audiences. The ideology promoted by the Democratic Party can be spread through movies, music and other forms as a carrier, and Hollywood can also use the Democratic Party to promote its movies to the world. This determines that Hollywood is inherently inclined to the Democratic Party.

Actors, singers and other celebrities help the Democratic Party win votes, while the Democratic Party provides Hollywood with a public opinion environment for dumping movies. At this point, Hollywood and the Democratic Party have formed a special form of cooperation.

Of course, it’s not that Republicans have no connection with Hollywood. Trump’s glimpse of his appearance in the movie “Home Alone” is still talked about today. As for the deterioration of the relationship between Trump and Hollywood, that’s all That’s a story for another day.

Can "celebrity canvassing" save Biden this year?

Although the Democratic Party is so favored by Hollywood and even most celebrities support the Democratic Party, Biden's election situation is not optimistic.

First of all, Trump’s high-profile activity and aggressive posture have made Biden feel more pressure. Biden is already old. As the "oldest" presidential candidate in American history, Biden was pushed to the top because no one in the Democratic Party could beat Trump.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

According to the latest poll released by the New York Times on March 3, supporters who personally pushed Biden to the presidency four years ago have undergone earth-shaking changes in their attitude towards Biden. They voted for Biden four years ago. Among voters who signed up, 61% believed that Biden was "too old" to be useful. The latest poll also pointed out that Biden’s current support rate is only 43%, far behind Trump’s 48%, and Trump has maintained a 4 to 5 percentage point lead since December last year. .

With only nine months left before the general election, Biden does not have many cards to play. Judging from the economic and employment data, it has not distanced himself from Trump's term in office. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has plunged Biden into Overcome the dilemma of verbal and written criticism.

Biden, who is "not very strong" and even stumbles from time to time, is obviously unable to compete with the high exposure rate of the "knowing king" who brings his own traffic and is full of "idiots".

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

Therefore, Biden tried his best to win over Taylor Swift, hoping to repeat the "Biden Cookie" in 2020 and use this to attract votes. However, Taylor Swift's ambiguous attitude on "Super Tuesday" also made many Biden supporters worried.

The American "Rolling Stone" magazine once revealed that Trump once said that no matter how many celebrities canvassed votes for Biden, it would not help. He was much more popular than Taylor Swift.

This is also true. Taylor Swift can use "Biden Cookies" to save Biden once in 2020, but this does not mean that the same drama can be staged again in 2024.

As 'Super Tuesday' officially kicks off in the United States, the competition for the U.S. president has also entered a fierce stage. On the Democratic side, Biden is still the leader, and other contenders within the party have slim chances of winning. It is basically certain tha - Lujuba

In the final analysis, whether it is Mark Ruffalo or Taylor Swift, they are just pawns wooed by the two political parties in the United States in order to pursue electoral interests.

At the same time, it is ironic that Hollywood itself also has its own "political stance", and it is born with an "ineffable" political mission.

However, the interests of actors or singers are highly bound to politics, and celebrities make political choices or "endorsement" behaviors. Such a "political paradox" caused by such a connection, how can we talk about electoral democracy?

pictures come from the Internet

Tags: entertainment