Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching "Wulin Gaiden"? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs...

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Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriting | Tiantian

Editor | Nanfeng

18 years have passed, is anyone still watching " Wulin Gaiden "?

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line.

does not have any filter-smoothing scenes, and there are trivial things everywhere.

even has a plot of 80 episodes, but that's it. Not only can the audience watch it from beginning to end, but they can even blurt out many key lines now.

.58 million people gave it a high score of 9.6 on Douban. Tongfu Inn is Bai Yueguang that can never be replaced.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Comedy at that time, whether it was the director, screenwriter or actor, all relied on hard power.

"The Story of the Cooking Class", " I Love My Family ", "Transportation Underground Station" and " A Family with Children " and so on, one after another, they are still unforgettable even after more than ten years.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

There is no comedy in ancient costumes nowadays? In fact, there are also

. "The Rumored Chen Qianqian of ", "Young Chronicles of the Song Dynasty", "Qing Qing's Daily Life", "Sister-in-law", etc. are also popular and have good reputations.

However, as these works come rushing in, something seems to have changed -

The so-called costume comedy seems to have been captured by ancient puppets.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Finally, after nearly 20 years, the director of "Wulin Gaiden" Shang Jing made another move -

"Happy Heroes" (full name "Happy Heroes: Young Heroes Gaiden ") airborne in Goose Factory, and its popularity soared directly onto the platform list one.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

A companion piece to "Wulin Gaiden", the original director Shang Jing appears.

plus has created original novels by Gu Long, who is known as one of the four great masters of Chinese martial arts novels, such as "Two Prides" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

This time, Shang Jing is going to break the ceiling of costume comedy again!

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

"Happy Heroes" was a work created 6 years ago, and some sense of age can be seen in the service and camera.

However, it is precisely such a simple and unpretentious picture that allows the audience to feel the simple charm of comedy even more.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

starts, and goes directly to the topic without any nonsense.

On the day when the "Bai Lao Hui" was awarded the seal, the disciples of the three elders rebelled together.

In order to save their lives, the elders took the lives of three merciless disciples.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Although they won the battle, all the disciples were dead. They had no evidence and could only make up a culprit.

They call it:

Crazy Cross Sword.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

And the mark left on the window by the third elder who was injured is like this -

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Seeing this, can't you help but scratch the ground with your toes?

The above plot is only the beginning of the whole drama, and the fun begins here.

This third elder has a well-known name -

Nangong Chou.

Good guy , this is the first time we have heard such direct adjectives in a TV series.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

As for the other two elder brothers, their "nicknames" for the third elder were either "Old Chou" or "Old Kie".

Audiences from non-Northeast regions, please be aware that a wave of Northeastern dialects is coming soon.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Bizarre fights with each other are commonplace.

His son will be coming back soon. The big boss specially emphasized that he should keep a low profile. The second boss:

"You said that if the road is so far, you can guarantee that he will not pick the wild flowers on the roadside."

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

The big boss is not used to it either. There was something wrong with him, so he spoke directly without mercy:

"Your son Wang Dong, in the heartless world, he belongs to the 'Taishan Beidou' rank."

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

The main character is one, and no one can suffer.

The son came home surrounded by a crowd of people. He bought a lot of things, and the vendors were vying for money. The boss of

: Ask for money from that half-panda!

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Just pretend that I am still curious about where the giant panda came from in this costume drama.

The camera turned, and this big brother appeared in the camera -

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Well, it turns out that this line is still realistic.

wanted to scold this guy who had a brain that was flooded with water, but with the other two heads here, he still had to save face to praise his own son.

When it came to whom his son would follow, the boss gritted his teeth and said:

"You don't follow anyone, you do whatever you want!"

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Later, there was diarrhea and he rushed to the toilet. As the boss who lives at home, he said that the other party was "taking over the guests." etc.

Whether it is a homophonic joke or a baggage of remarking, there is no embarrassment at all, and every sentence accurately hits the audience's laughter point.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Seriously, "Happy Heroes" is so funny.

is like you don't know when someone will suddenly appear, and they will go straight to your "armpit" and won't stop until you laugh out loud.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba. The two male protagonists have soared to the top

. They are indeed directors with countless contacts and rich experience. Shang Jing’s eye for casting is truly outstanding.

First of all, it is Sun Yizhou.

is well-known for his role as Lu Ziqiao in the "Love Apartment" series. Now he is a talented actor selected by Zhang Yimou, the national master, and can also compete with big names such as Yu Hewei and Shen Teng on the same stage.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Although Sun Yizhou's appearance in "Happy Heroes" is really a bit shocking, his performance in comedy is really good.

is especially funny in a serious way, and can surprise you unexpectedly.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

is second, Bai Ke.

As one of the top five Mesozoic actors in domestic entertainment for "human skin feel", he always has an indescribable simplicity and embarrassment about him.

And this embarrassment is the essence of his strong chemical reaction in comedy.

didn't even open his mouth, but the expression he made slowly won over the audience. I even think that he is likely to be more popular than Sun Yizhou in the drama.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba. As soon as the three "heads"

entered the picture, the appearance of the three "heads" has already revitalized the entire drama.

They are Jia Bing, Liu Yajin and Li Xiaoqiang.

Needless to say, Jia Bing is a player who can play with Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen in "Hurry" with ease.

In the comedy industry, he is naturally at home.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Liu Yajin is a national first-class actor.

was once a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala. Over the past 30 years he has been in the industry, he has been playing a variety of supporting roles.

is truly a seasoned actor. His script skills are very deep and his expressions are full of details. Although he is not playing a big boss, he can firmly grasp the audience's attention in terms of relaxation and skills.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

You may be familiar with the first two, but who is Li Xiaoqiang?

This actor, who plays Xie Zhongda in "Wulin Gaiden", is a bandit.

When Li Xiaoqiang portrayed this character, he used two dialects, Henan and Shaanxi, to create a comedic effect and not to mention his acting skills.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

In "Happy Heroes", Li Xiaoqiang plays the third leader, also known as "Old Chou".

is over 50 years old, and he is obviously more proficient in acting, especially comedy, and he really suits the style of director Shang Jing.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

It is these three live treasures. Their interactions are so natural and their various mutual quarrels make people laugh from ear to ear. They attracted the audience in the first place.

is indeed a bit powerful.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba. "Wulin Gaiden" team

Since it is a work with the same theme, and "Martial Arts Gaiden" is a phenomenal hit, the actors will naturally come to help director Shang Jing.

For example, Sai Diaochan.

After so many years, the head of Yihonglou is still as beautiful as a flower. It’s no wonder that shopkeeper Tong was helpless back then.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

The former Capt. Xing has now become the leader of the Falcon Gang.

seems to have become involved in the fashion circle. After taking off his uniform, Mr. Xing also put on thick eyeliner and dressed up very fashionably. He will definitely have a bloody battle with the three heads of "Broadway".

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Li Dazui has lost a lot of weight. It seems that

doesn't cook anymore, and instead "cultivates immortality".

Today's Big Mouth has gray hair, and his eyebrows have grown to his chin. He is nicknamed "The God Hunchback". It seems that Big Mouth's "mouth" is really useful.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Of course, shopkeeper Tong is indispensable.

was once the head shopkeeper and is still the boss today.

's only stills show that Yan Ni in "Happy Heroes" has a strong family background, and is quite a fairy-like person with fine clothes and good food. After

appears, it will definitely set off a wave of memories. It seems that Yan Ni's "bet" was right this time!

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

There is still money for the shopkeeper.

I never expected that under the baptism of time, he would be the one who changed the least.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba


In the past 18 years, the mainland's film and television drama market has developed rapidly, and the actor industry has become more popular.

However, the overall quality of the episodes doesn't really seem to move forward.

"Happy Heroes", as a companion piece to "Wulin Gaiden", is so low-key. It can be seen that director Shang Jing still does not compromise on traffic.

actually includes the previous series "Longmen Escort", which can actually be called a big hit.

Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng 18 years have passed, is anyone still watching 'Wulin Gaiden'? A simple set and a few unbeatable young actors who are not on the front line. There is no filter on the skin-smoothing scene, and the scene is full of chickens and dogs... - Lujuba

Yan Ni, Sha Yi, Yao Chen and others have not yet become the real front line.

When director Shang Jing was filming "Happy Heroes", Sun Yizhou and Baike were also moderately famous. A few years later, even before it was aired, they both made a name for themselves.

is indeed gold and will always shine.

At the moment, several actors from "Wulin Gaiden" have not yet appeared. Once they appear later, the popularity may skyrocket. I wonder if you are looking forward to it?


Nanfeng Entertainment Circle

Quality Entertainment Viewpoint

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