Author: Insight Pumpkin The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness. I have seen such a short story. A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: "How to prevent grass from growing?" Xiaohe...

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Author: Insight Pumpkin The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness. I have seen such a short story. A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: 'How to prevent grass from growing?' Xiaohe... - Lujuba

Author: Insight pumpkin

The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness.

I have seen such a short story.

A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: "How to prevent weeds from growing?"

The young monk thought for a moment and replied: "Weeds are pulled out every day."

The master smiled and shook his head. , took out a handful of seeds, sprinkled them on the field, and then said slowly:

"The grass will grow again after it is pulled out, and it will never be finished. Only by planting flowers in this field can this barren grassland be changed."

In this dojo of life, weeds are everywhere: perhaps it is the criticism and slander of others, perhaps it is the difficulties and uncertainty of fate...

Arguing and confronting other people's affairs and God's affairs will only make things worse. Throwing yourself into pain is futile.

The most powerful force in the world is not confrontation or conquest, but permission, understanding and transcendence after acceptance.

When you look at the injustices in the world with a calm heart, the soil of life will naturally bloom into a sea of ​​brilliant flowers.

As Mr. Yang Jiang said:

We once longed for the waves of destiny, but in the end we discovered that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually inner calmness and calmness.

Author: Insight Pumpkin The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness. I have seen such a short story. A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: 'How to prevent grass from growing?' Xiaohe... - Lujuba


Permission is a gesture

In Yang Jiang's era, intellectuals often had to carry out ideological transformation and had to go through three stages: ideological mobilization, brewing discussions, and denunciation and accusation.

At a "brewing meeting", a female student complained loudly:

Mr. Yang Jikang (Yang Jiang) did not talk about workers in class, but only talked about love. She taught us that love should make us unable to eat or sleep. When you see your lover, your face should turn pale and your legs will feel weak.

Yang Jiang felt confused because she didn't know the girl and didn't understand why she would spread rumors like this.

But she was not angry, nor did she defend herself fiercely.

After calming down, she pretended that the incident had not happened.

After washing up the next day, she picked out some bright clothes and went to work in high spirits. She even chose a crowded vegetable market to go shopping.

Later, the rumors were proved to be self-evident, and the students were impressed by her calm spirit, and more and more people took her courses.

Many years later, Yang Jiang recalled the incident and said:

"Those who know me know anyway, and those who don't know are free to think what they think. In this world, injustice is inevitable. Although it is a humiliation, it is also a good training." "

"Zengguang Xianwen" says: There is no one behind the person, and there is no one behind the person.

In life, we will always encounter various misunderstandings and confusions.

In the face of groundless slander, the more you respond, the more enthusiastic the other party becomes.

People who understand you don’t need to explain, and people who don’t understand don’t need to explain.

The relief from not arguing about right and wrong is.

Allowing slander is letting go of other people's practice, and it is also perfecting one's own wisdom.

In 2005, Yang Jiang's translation of "Don Quixote" caused controversy in the academic community. Dong Yansheng, a translator of

, openly provoked Yang Jiang during an interview with the media.

accused Yang Jiang of inaccurate words and deletion of important plot points in his translation, which was 110,000 words shorter than his translation.

said more bluntly: "I am now using it as a negative teaching material in translation classes to prevent students from making such mistakes again."

As soon as this statement came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

Yang Jiang's friends were very angry and wanted to defend her, but Yang Jiang calmly persuaded them to calm down their anger.

later issued a statement in Wenhui Reading Weekly, thanking Mr. Dong for his guidance:

"Many disputes in the world are often caused by misunderstandings. Mr. Dong can be my teacher, and the courage to point out mistakes is exactly the right trend in the translation industry. ."

Faced with the explosive rhetoric of some experts, Yang Jiang has always been calm and calm.

Later, everyone learned that Yang Jiang used the "Dianfan" translation method, which made the semantics more consistent with the original work and the writing more concise and insightful.

allows controversy and making things difficult, not because of coercion, but because of inner confidence and strength.

Whether it is ridicule or misunderstanding, it is better to just let it go.

No matter what the situation is, just be yourself, because time will give the answer.

Author: Insight Pumpkin The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness. I have seen such a short story. A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: 'How to prevent grass from growing?' Xiaohe... - Lujuba


Acceptance is a mature

Yang Jiang was born in a scholarly family. Her father, Yang Yin, was the director of the Higher Procuratorate of Hangzhou, and her mother was a famous intellectual woman.

's good times did not last long. Later, his father was suspended from his job for offending powerful people, and his former glory was gone forever.

But my father did not feel aggrieved or depressed due to the ups and downs of his circumstances.

On days without work, he would read and write in the study, enjoying himself; instead of the usual meals, he could eat simple meals with gusto.

Influenced by his father, Yang Jiang also has a more calm demeanor.

In 1919, Yang's father resigned and returned to his hometown, preparing to restart his career.

caught a severe cold as soon as he got home. He was so feverish that he was talking nonsense. Even the doctor felt helpless and refused to prescribe medicine to save his life.

The relatives who came to visit all lamented that the laws of nature are unpredictable and fate is ruthless.

Only Yang Jiang could hold back her sadness and secretly thought: If her father really became ill, she would drop out of school immediately and work in a factory, shouldering the burden of supporting the family.

Fortunately, my father was in his prime and saved himself from the disease.

Later, the war broke out, and Yang Jiang's family fled.

After hiding in Tibet but still unable to find a place to stay, he had no choice but to risk his life and return to his hometown.

But after returning home, what came into view was the ransacked house and the left-behind nanny occupying the magpie's nest.

The formerly grand mansion has become dilapidated;

The antique furniture and elegant and exquisite handicrafts in the home have disappeared.

In just a few months, it is like heaven falling into hell, and the changes in the world are so sad.

When Yang Jiang saw this scene, he just sighed calmly:

"The alternation of prosperity and decline, the gathering and dispersing of wealth, in just a moment, I saw it with my own eyes."

Misfortune and blessing come from nowhere, and unexpected events come. .

In this world, there is no fixed number, everything is changing.

One moment it was smooth sailing, but the next moment it may be in utter embarrassment;

A friend who greeted you with a smile one time may turn against you the next time.

I always hold on to my heart and find it difficult to let go. It is myself who suffers and is hurt.

Regarding the impermanent things in the world, seeing through them is practice, and accepting them is wisdom.

This kind of acceptance does not mean indulging in fate and letting fate play its tricks, but knowing how to change your mentality.

As Elsie McCormick said: "When we no longer resist the inevitable facts, we can save energy and create a richer life."

Author: Insight Pumpkin The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calmness and calmness. I have seen such a short story. A master pointed to a piece of land covered with weeds in front of him and asked the young monk: 'How to prevent grass from growing?' Xiaohe... - Lujuba


Transcendence is a pattern

1980 Years later, the life of Yang Jiang's family gradually stabilized, and they made achievements in work and creation.

However, their physical condition went downhill.

Yang Jiang suffered from coronary heart disease; Qian Zhongshu suffered from asthma and kidney disease; Qian Yuan's lung cancer turned into spinal cancer and was already in the terminal stage when he was discovered.

After Qian Zhongshu was hospitalized, Yang Jiang delivered meals and soup to him every day. Later, Qian Yuan was also admitted to the hospital. The three of them lived in three separate places, and Yang Jiang managed to support him.

After two years of lingering in bed, Qian Yuan and Qian Zhongshu died of illness one after another.

The death of a loved one was a huge blow to her, but she understood that "grief cannot be fought against."

She began to translate "Phaedo" from Plato's "Dialogues".

As she read it again and again, the scene of Socrates calmly talking about life and death before his death healed her.

"His belief in the immortal soul and his pursuit of moral concepts such as truth, goodness, beauty, and justice gave me the courage to live alone."

She began to sort out the manuscripts and notes left by Qian Zhongshu.

"Zhongshu escaped, and I wanted to escape too, but I couldn't escape at all. I had to stay in the world, clean the scene, and fulfill my responsibilities."

In her busy and fulfilling life, she cleaned calmly The human battlefield.

In the last 20 years of her life, she took possession of the seven most important Buddhist sufferings in the world, including laughter, pain, loneliness, and tranquility.

But she does not mourn or pity herself.

Many people were worried that Yang Jiang could not bear it and rushed over to visit her.

But when they mourned Yang Jiang's tragic experience, Yang Jiang did not cry with them, but comforted them in turn:

"I have survived, and you are still so sad? Think deeply, I will bear the burden of pain. , isn’t this a good thing?”

At the last moment of her life, she was able to accept her departure calmly.

She wrote in "Coming to the Edge of Life":

I know very well that I am about to "go home". I have to wash away the filth stained by this century and go home.

I don’t have the feeling of “climbing Mount Tai and becoming a small world”. I only live a peaceful life in my own small world.

For her, life is not enough joy, and death is not enough sadness.

When facing suffering, there are three realms.

The first level is fear, the second level is fearlessness, and the third level is detachment.

I think Mr. Yang Jiang has reached the third level. She has transcended suffering, and even transcended life and death.

In an interview when Yang Jiang was 100 years old, a reporter asked her where did her spirit of no regrets and upward energy come from?

Yang Jiang answered: It comes from faith.

Faith in culture, faith in truth, goodness and beauty, if people have faith, they will not collapse.

Shi Tiesheng once wrote "a wall" in "The Temple of Earth and Me".

Every time he wanted to go somewhere with his wheelchair, the wall would cut off his way.

Sometimes he is so angry that he bumps into the wall. As a result, the wall remains unchanged but he gets a bloody head.

You see, destiny is unpredictable and manpower is limited. Blind confrontation will only increase troubles.

When we are no longer obsessed with the road behind the wall, and just let fate decide, we will experience wherever fate takes us, and you will find that there are beautiful scenery on every road.

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