On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work "Kong Xiu". Li Xiuwen, a famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests presen

entertainment 1951℃

On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work "Kong Xiu". Li Xiuwen, the famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests present that day also included the famous poet Zhang Zhihao, the famous literary critic Liang Yanping, the famous online writer and screenwriter Bandai Sicun (Ai Jingjing), the famous children's literature writer Shu Huibo, etc. In addition to the wonderful dialogue between the director and the guests, the audience also actively shared their feelings about the movie. Although the communication time is limited, all the thoughts and feelings about the movie will continue to accompany and affect everyone off the screen.

On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work 'Kong Xiu'. Li Xiuwen, a famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests presen - Lujuba

(Wuhan roadshow dialogue scene)

"My third movie "Summer in Jiangcheng" was shot in Wuhan, and my other movie " Looking for Luo Mai" was also invested by a company in Wuhan, so I and The city of Wuhan is very fateful," director Wang Chao said with emotion at the opening. "Kong Xiu" is director Wang Chao's ninth film and his first attempt to create a period drama. "I was born in 1964. How our generation touches and understands that era should have our own way." , director Wang Chao said. Adhering to this concept, the director has been looking for a suitable opportunity to review his growth process and show the life and destiny of ordinary people in that era. At this time, the director met the novel "Dream". This semi-autobiographical novel written by worker writer Zhang Xiuzhen gave Wang Chao "a relatively safe perspective, cutting into the life of a woman, showing the growth of a life", and ultimately presented a microcosm of an era.

On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work 'Kong Xiu'. Li Xiuwen, a famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests presen - Lujuba

(Wuhan roadshow dialogue scene, from left to right: Wang Chao, Li Xiuwen)

From novels to movies, cross-media adaptation has certain risks. Writer Li Xiuwen said about this: "Sometimes I feel that the literary or dramatic nature is too strong, which may be a harm to a subjective art like film. (Movies) are ultimately what the creator wants to show and tell. A world, and that world (expressed through their style) constitutes the subjectivity of the film. This is the most precious place for the creator and cannot be replaced by others." But obviously, the "Kong Xiu" The adaptation is a success. "I used less than one-third of the novel, and the rest was extended by my experience and imagination," the director said. "In fact, I used this novel to construct the Kong Xiu in my mind. Kong Xiu It not only represents the women of that era, but also includes my own spirituality. We grew up together."

On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work 'Kong Xiu'. Li Xiuwen, a famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests presen - Lujuba

(Director Wang Chao who is talking)

"An authorial director who writes with a camera", this is Teacher Li Xiuwen’s evaluation of director Wang Chao. Behind this kind of authorship, it not only includes the director's accumulation in creation; it also reflects his important quality of always paying attention to real life and continuing to reflect and grow as he progresses. Mr. Li saw the inheritance of the director's past style in the film, which he summed up as "still water flows deep as always"; "but at the same time I also saw some new things. This work is not so much an adaptation as it is his own discovery." A Kong Xiu, Kong Xiu possesses a certain kind of modernity. The director (in the movie) also raised some very profound questions, such as where is the possible self-liberation she can lead to? Her destiny and dignity What is she attached to? Does she need to find other goals to establish her own existence? ... And where the movie stops is actually where the audience's creation begins."

On the evening of March 4, director Wang Chao and starring Shen Shiyu came to Wuhan with their new work 'Kong Xiu'. Li Xiuwen, a famous writer and chairman of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, was invited to have a post-screening talk with the main creators. Guests presen - Lujuba

(Li Xiuwen in conversation)

An audience member commented at the scene : "(The movie) is not so much a history of a woman's mind as it is a microcosm of an era. I think there are many things in the film that (seem now) are unreasonable, but it is completely in line with that era. "Some viewers also wondered whether Kong Xiu's burning of the manuscript paper in the end implied a kind of compromise and giving up? To this, the director firmly replied: "No, this is precisely her persistence and reflection. She wants to re-recognize herself and her destiny, and she will keep writing."The audience's rich feelings and interpretations of a work are what every creator is happy to see. The resonance formed by the collision of perspectives on and off the screen will inevitably broaden the dimension of the work and ultimately extend the artistic life of the film. Author of

: Zhou Xinyi, Gao Zhimeng

[Source: Baijiahao_Pocket Wuhan]

Tags: entertainment