The press conference of the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held on the afternoon of March 3. The spokesperson of the conference, Liu Jieyi, introduced the relevant situation of the conference to Chinese

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The press conference of the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held on the afternoon of March 3. The spokesperson of the conference, Liu Jieyi, introduced the relevant situation of the conference to Chinese  - Lujuba

The press conference of the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held on the afternoon of March 3. The spokesperson of the conference, Liu Jieyi, introduced the relevant situation of the conference to Chinese  - Lujuba

The press conference of the Second Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held on the afternoon of March 3. The spokesperson of the conference, Liu Jieyi, introduced the relevant situation of the conference to Chinese and foreign media and answered reporters' questions.

When answering questions about China's economic development situation, Liu Jieyi said that our country's economy is highly resilient, has great potential, and is full of vitality. It has a good foundation and favorable conditions to promote high-quality development, and the long-term positive economic trend will continue to be consolidated and enhanced. The future is bright.

Liu Jieyi specifically mentioned that during the Spring Festival holiday, travel is popular, consumption is booming, and the New Year flavor is strong. Ice and snow Harbin, the ancient city of Kashgar and many other cities are colorful and crowded with people. It also quoted statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism - during the eight-day Spring Festival holiday this year, there were 474 million domestic tourism trips across the country, a year-on-year increase of 34.3%. The total travel expenditure of domestic tourists was 632.687 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.3%. The number of domestic tourism trips and domestic tourists Total travel expenses have increased significantly, reaching a record high.

In recent years, the cultural tourism industry has attracted much attention from all over the world, and its development has seen many bright spots. After various valuable explorations, all parties have gained a lot of experience worth summarizing for the future development of the cultural tourism industry. Being optimistic about the cultural tourism industry, using cultural tourism as the starting point, and polishing the city's brand has become an important task for various places.

On this important occasion of the National Two Sessions, the development of the cultural tourism industry has attracted the attention of many representatives.

All regions are vigorously developing the cultural tourism industry. Local governments are competing with each other for quality and service. In this regard, Wu Guoping, a representative of the National People's Congress, pointed out that the reason why various regions have "rolled" to new heights is because the cultural tourism industry can not only directly stimulate consumption, but also drive the development of nearly a hundred related industries and create a large number of employment opportunities for the society.

This interpretation is insightful. China's economy is undergoing transformation, consumption plays an increasingly important role in economic development, and cultural tourism is closely related to consumption and employment. A concert or a marathon is just a cultural and sports event on the surface, but the economic momentum behind it and the consumption potential it brings are full of unlimited imagination.

So, how should the cultural tourism industry develop? During important holidays, there are crowds of tourists, and the popularity of various scenic spots is high. This is an important basis for people to think that a place is highly popular in the past.

However, today, "the world is so big, I want to see it" has become a common demand and cultural tourism consumption has entered the homes of ordinary people. If a city wants to be competitive in the cultural tourism industry, it must not just rest on its laurels - - It is good to have foundation and resources, but in order to become the focus of cultural tourism, new advantages must be established, especially in project development, cultural tourism marketing and industrial services, and continuous efforts must be made.

It is precisely because of the attention paid to the work of these links that in recent years, small towns with little reputation have been able to usher in great wealth due to a sudden explosion of popularity.

In an interview with Nandu, Dai Bin, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, gave an in-depth interpretation of the traffic code of Internet celebrity cities. He said: For a long time, our understanding of tourism has been macro narratives such as famous mountains and rivers, historical celebrities, etc. Now we find that "small And "accurate happiness" is the most critical traffic password to attract tourists.

Whether it is Zibo, Shandong, Cunchao in Guizhou, Hairpin Wai in Quanzhou, or ice and snow in Harbin, one key word is "goodwill" - conveying a kind of goodwill, equality and warmth, making tourists yearn for this place. .

Commissioner Dai Bin’s interpretation is profound. The words kindness, equality, and warmth may seem abstract, but in fact they can be very concrete in daily experience. Being friendly to tourists, thinking about what tourists think, and paying attention to tourists' needs, whether these tasks can be done well will directly affect the soft power of cultural tourism of a place.

For example, with the rise of cultural tourism, the payment obstacles foreigners encounter when consuming in China have become a hot topic. Zhu Dingjian, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suggested vigorously increasing the popularity of outbound shopping and further improving the convenience of foreigners coming to China to pay.

Just recently, the People's Bank of China stated that it will guide payment institutions to introduce a series of convenient measures, among which "the single transaction limit of mobile payment will be increased from US$1,000 to US$5,000, and the annual cumulative transaction limit will be increased from US$10,000 to US$1,000." $50,000." It is believed that such measures can greatly improve the consumption experience of foreign tourists, and the attractiveness of China's cultural tourism market to foreign tourists will also increase as a result.

The craze for cultural tourism is not accidental, but to maintain long-term attraction, it is inseparable from a series of "favoring guests" measures. Goodwill, equality, and warmth are necessary, but they are not easy to achieve. To promote the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry, all localities must make great efforts from hard conditions to soft environment.

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