On March 2, CCTV’s Sixth Princess commented on the movie “The Three Evils”: a perfect mix of black humor, Hong Kong gangster style, and Taiwanese weirdness. This movie starring Ethan Ethan is a dark horse movie in March. The score on Douban is 8.3, and viewers who have watched it

entertainment 1450℃

On March 2, CCTV Six Princess commented on the movie " eliminates three evils in one week ": a perfect mix of black humor, Hong Kong-style gangsters, and Taiwanese weirdness.

This movie starring Ethan Ethan is a dark horse movie in March.

has a rating of 8.3 on Douban, and viewers who have watched it have spoken highly of it: "Compared with it, Spring Festival movies look like elementary school students' homework!"

Needless to say, this movie is indeed good-looking.

On March 2, CCTV’s Sixth Princess commented on the movie “The Three Evils”: a perfect mix of black humor, Hong Kong gangster style, and Taiwanese weirdness. This movie starring Ethan Ethan is a dark horse movie in March. The score on Douban is 8.3, and viewers who have watched it - Lujuba

The story tells that Chen Guilin, a "contemporary gangster", suffered from advanced lung cancer after hiding incognito for many years because he was wanted, and his grandmother also passed away. When he was persuaded by his grandmother to surrender, he found that he was only ranked third on the wanted list. At the end of his life, Chen Guilin decided to find out the whereabouts of the first two wanted criminals and eliminate them one by one.

Suo Yabin, a professor at Communication University of China, gave a high evaluation of 8 points after reading it: At a time when crime themes are rampant, "Zhou Chu Destroy Three Evils" has its own very distinctive features in telling stories, shaping characters, and style. color. The action scenes and cult plot of the

film also received praise from the Internet.

The lead actor Ethan Ruan, with his stubble and short-haired look, and his rugged performance in the film, aroused the audience's praise for his handsomeness to a new level.

On March 2, CCTV’s Sixth Princess commented on the movie “The Three Evils”: a perfect mix of black humor, Hong Kong gangster style, and Taiwanese weirdness. This movie starring Ethan Ethan is a dark horse movie in March. The score on Douban is 8.3, and viewers who have watched it - Lujuba

The title of the movie is taken from the story of "Zhou Chu eliminates the three evils" in "Book of Jin: Biography of Zhou Chu" and "Shishuo Xinyu". It uses an absurd self-saving perspective to explore the counterforce of "greed, anger, and ignorance", which is both for the audience It provides the refreshing feeling of a genre film, but also has a strong social warning significance.

The allusion "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils" was once selected into the textbook of People's Education Publishing House. The sixteen-character ancestral motto of the Zhou family also reflects the traditional culture and virtues advocated by Confucianism.

Let’s talk about this story first.

When Zhou Chu was young, he was fierce and arrogant, causing trouble. Villagers call it the "three major scourges" along with dragons in the water and tigers in the mountains.

In order to let the three evils fight each other, someone advised Zhou Chu to deal with the dragons and tigers.

So Zhou Chu went up the mountain to kill the tigers and went into the water to kill the dragons. As a result, during the fight with the dragon, Zhou Chu and the dragon floated in the water for dozens of miles. After three days and three nights, the villagers thought that Zhou Chu was dead, so they held a banquet to celebrate that "the three major evils had finally disappeared."

On March 2, CCTV’s Sixth Princess commented on the movie “The Three Evils”: a perfect mix of black humor, Hong Kong gangster style, and Taiwanese weirdness. This movie starring Ethan Ethan is a dark horse movie in March. The score on Douban is 8.3, and viewers who have watched it - Lujuba

Unexpectedly, during the celebration, Zhou Chu came back. At that time, he suddenly realized that the villagers regarded him as a disaster.

Zhou Chu knew that he was disliked by others, so he went to seek advice from brothers Lu Ji and Lu Yun.

Lu Ji was not around at the time, and Lu Yun persuaded Zhou Chu: "The ancients valued changes in the morning and evening, and your future is still promising. If your ambition is not established, why worry about your reputation."

From then on, Zhou Chu changed his ways with an open mind and became inspirational. He was eager to learn and became a famous scholar.

In order to prevent his descendants from making the same mistake, Zhou Chu established the sixteen-character ancestral motto of "filial piety, loyalty, etiquette, integrity, thrift, humility, fairness, justice, and integrity."

The family motto of the Zhou family reflects the traditional ideas advocated by Confucianism such as filial piety and respect for ancestors, respecting literature and teaching, being diligent, thrifty and modest, and being charitable and charitable. At the same time, Zhou Chu's spiritual factor of not being afraid of correction gave the Zhou family's family motto the power to keep pace with the times.

The movie "The Three Evils" focuses on violence, conveys the spirit of not being afraid of correction, integrates allusions into the movie, and combines it with real society. It is one of the movies worth watching in March.

Tags: entertainment