As "Hunting Ice" reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. "Very reckless, ve

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As "Hunting Ice" reaches its pre-paid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posts for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan.

"Very reckless, very capable, very lucky".

This is indeed the case. Zhao Younan in the play is reckless and always running. He is even more lucky, being able to discover clues first every time.

Then she expressed her gratitude, and regarding the controversy, she directly said:

"Accept well-intentioned criticism and suggestions, respect all likes and dislikes, the future is long, I believe Xiao Zhao will fade away, and Xiao Yao will continue to grow. "

's attitude is undoubtedly sincere.

No matter how she behaves in the play, being able to answer like this is enough to prove that Yao Anna is still rational and sober.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

In fact, in terms of performance as an actor, Anna Yao received the lowest score.

But director Gao Qunshu doesn’t think so.

In an interview, director Gao Qunshu gave Yao Anna a score of 60, which is a passing grade. And said she worked hard. Director

mentioned that he experienced life 10 days before the start of the film. After the start of the film, he received training from professional coaches. They all started from basic movements, 8 hours a day, without exceptions, and nothing special.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

In addition, director Gao Qunshu also said that Yao Anna is very obedient and does not have the temper of the rich second generation. Regarding the online controversy, director Gao Qunshu bluntly said that it actually covered up her efforts. In his opinion, this is unfair.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

It can be seen that director Gao Qunshu is very tolerant and fond of her.

Earlier, director Gao Qunshu published an article revealing the reason for choosing Yao Anna.

"Yao Anna is very simple, without any trace of performance training, and her image and temperament are very similar to that of a fledgling female police officer. Especially, she has not had plastic surgery."

He denied being kidnapped by capital and did not receive any red envelopes from Huawei.

In the interview, he once again emphasized Yao Anna's simplicity and her pretentiousness.

Director Gao Qunshu said he was very aggrieved by the controversy over Yao Anna among netizens.

"The movie I filmed had farmers as the lead actors, police officers as the lead actors, and friends around me as the lead actors. No one said anything, until Yao Anna came here and there was controversy. And when we cast Yao Anna, Zhang Songwen hadn't been cast yet. I wanted to be a completely vegetarian person, but Songwen came and improved the structure."

But this is inevitable. After all, Anna Yao has a special identity and background, and she played such an important role when she debuted. In the current public opinion environment and performing arts environment, such controversy is inevitable, and it is something she must endure as an actor and a public figure.

In addition, the well-known screenwriter Wang Hailin also criticized Anna Yao before, bluntly saying that her acting was not good and she had no acting talent.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

Now director Gao Qunshu also has his own views on acting talent.

He said "I have an unreliable and scolding theory, that is, there is no talent in acting, acting is enlightenment, and enlightenment requires accumulation. To play a character, you must first see his life and have the same feeling."

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

Even if Actors like Zhang Songwen, Zhang Yi, and Sun Honglei have also gone through hardships before they gave more outstanding performances.

But he also said that many people cannot persist.

He believes that "After reaching a certain stage, everyone should not fight for resources and connections, but still have to work hard and stick to the original intention."

In his opinion, as long as you work hard, no one can make it. For Yao Anna, she still needs more training. Although the starting point is not low, you need to hone yourself as a non-professional actor.

Yes, for Yao Anna, although she has her own halo, she must also bear more pressure from public opinion. But as an actor, you still need to learn more from your predecessors, calm down, take root in life, and temper yourself.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

The drama "Hunting Ice" vividly displays Yao Anna's performance problems. Due to the identity issue, it will be magnified, but it is not necessarily a bad thing for her. She was also able to see her real problems from public opinion, allowing her to be more strict with herself and treat herself with high standards.

In terms of performance, just the crying scene in the finale was unbearable to watch. Her crying scene makes people unable to see the ups and downs of her inner emotions. Crying scenes without emotion naturally cannot make people empathize. The whole facial expression showed a crying look, which did not move the audience at all, but only made them feel embarrassed.

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

As 'Hunting Ice' reaches its prepaid on-demand finale, starring Anna Yao also publicly posted for the first time in response to the controversy surrounding her acting skills. In the article, she first summarized the characteristics of her character Zhao Younan. 'Very reckless, ve - Lujuba

This is her problem from beginning to end in the whole drama, that is, she has no emotions. From her lines to her expressions to her body, everything is stiff and jerky. Although the image and temperament fit the role of Zhao Younan, the performance is really not flattering. The director gave him 60 points, including encouragement points. It can also be seen that Yao Anna's performance was actually failed.

But no matter what, for Yao Anna, the public does need to give a certain degree of tolerance and understanding. After all, as a newcomer, she still needs to grow and temper herself. Despite her high starting point and unmatched acting skills, it can be seen that she wants to perform well. Perhaps one day in the future, she will be able to present more exciting performances to everyone and conquer the audience with her acting skills and works, instead of being hotly debated because of her identity.

Tags: entertainment