After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national

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After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated its opponents 3-2, because the national table tennis team was under greater pressure. big, so the difficulties faced by foreign associations in the fifth set are greater than that of foreign associations. This proves that foreign associations pose a greater threat to national table tennis. National table tennis needs to better innovate technology on the basis of training the ability to withstand pressure. Let the national table tennis team still be in a state of disconnection in the future.

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

However, the current coaching staff of the National Table Tennis Team has indeed encountered a bottleneck in technological innovation. After all, the National Table Tennis Team is crossing the river by feeling the stones, without imitation or reference. Any technological innovation requires countless drills before it fails. Only by extracting a little bit of successful experience can it be used in competitions. At present, technological innovation is very difficult. But in the face of the aggressiveness of the media and fans, as well as the questions raised by professionals, how should Liu Guoliang accept the move?

There is a piece of news recently that has attracted the attention of fans. After all, experts know the rules. Xu Shaofa raised three questions to the national table tennis team. Liu Guoliang needs to face them with caution. So who is Xu Shaofa?

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

Xu Shaofa served as the deputy head coach, head coach, and head coach of the Chinese table tennis team from 1983 to 1989. During this period, he led the National Table Tennis Team to win the team title in three consecutive World Table Tennis Championships in 1983, 1985, and 1987. and singles champion. As the head coach, he led the national table tennis team to win 6 gold medals in the two World Table Tennis Championships in 1985 and 1987. In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, he led the national table tennis team to win 2 gold medals. This should be the beginning of the glory of national table tennis, so Xu Shaofa's letter to Liu Guoliang should have a certain authority.

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

Straight-up players

In summary, Xu Shaofa raised three questions. The first problem is the lack of straight-up players. National table tennis used to be proud of straight-up players. At that time, Liu Guoliang, and then Ma Lin and Wang Hao, to Xu Xin, They are all players who stand alone. But now, the national table tennis team lacks corresponding measures and remedies in the selection and training of straight board players. After all, the horizontal board does have greater advantages than the straight board.

In addition, there are few straight-ball players in the national table tennis table tennis, but there are endless straight-ball players from foreign associations. Currently, straight-ball players who can appear on the top stage include players such as Qiu Dang and Le Brun, who are already the best among straight-ball players.

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

Slicing player

The second question is whether the chipping style is worth cultivating in the current fiercely competitive international table tennis world. This may be the reason for the disagreement between Xu Shaofa and the national table tennis coaching staff. Xu Shaofa’s original intention is , Hou Yingchao has won the championship, which also proves that chippers can still adapt to the current playing situation.

The national table tennis coaching staff, in order to achieve more direct results, may not focus most of their attention on cultivating slicers. Although this increases the diversity of playing styles, it loses a lot of competitive advantages for no reason. This may be because This is something that the national table tennis coaching staff has also taken into consideration. So the chipper is still an embarrassing existence.

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

Lack of skills

In the current international table tennis world, fast, accurate and ruthless attacks are the main means of attack, which is also a process of current technological innovation and research and development. Xu Shaofa believes that this seems to lack too many skills. The current playing styles of the main national table tennis players have similar characteristics. The characteristics of our national table tennis have been lost.

I don’t know how Liu Guoliang should answer this question. From the perspective of fans, what makes us have fewer and fewer features? One possibility is that table tennis has entered the 40+ era and lacks a lot of spin and features. Player's attacking characteristics.

After the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, it actually gave the national table tennis coaching staff a warning opportunity, because in the men's team semi-finals and the women's team finals, the national table tennis team defeated their opponents 3-2, because the national  - Lujuba

In order to adapt to the era of big ball, the coaching staff of the National Table Tennis Team should keep pace with the times. Fast, accurate and ruthless is the only way to play big ball. After all, this is the era where speed is king. Table tennis keeps pace with the times, and national table tennis players must also follow the playing style of table tennis in order to achieve better results, which is why they have the current lack of skills. I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say.


Xu Shaofa is the former table tennis head coach. He is a professional representative, so the three questions raised are also what the current national table tennis lacks. After all, professionals do have a unique side when looking at problems. It depends on how Liu Guoliang takes the move. .We'll wait and see.

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