During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, CCTV 8, Beijing Satellite TV and iQiyi simultaneously broadcast 24 episodes of the TV series "Running Dogs". Audiences in Shangqiu, Henan are more enthusiastic about watching this drama because the TV series tells the "story o

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During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, CCTV 8, Beijing Satellite TV and iQiyi simultaneously broadcast 24 episodes of the TV series 'Running Dogs'. Audiences in Shangqiu, Henan are more enthusiastic about watching this drama because the TV series tells the 'story o - Lujuba

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, CCTV 8, Beijing Satellite TV and iQiyi simultaneously broadcast 24 episodes of the TV series "Running Dogs". Audiences in Shangqiu, Henan are more enthusiastic about watching this drama because the TV series tells the story of "Shangqiu" story".

Li Haijiang, the screenwriter of "Gou Sheng Run", is from Shangqiu, Henan, and now lives in Beijing. He is a member of the China Film Association, a member of the China Television Association, a judge of the 5th China TV Good Actor, a recommended judge of the first Macau International Children's Film Festival, and a master's tutor.

Li Haijiang has created a lot of works. His representative films include "I am not Wang Mao", "The Believer", "I am from Beijing, the Blessing Falls from the Sky", etc. His representative TV dramas include "The Bloody Battle in Suiyang", "The Battlefield Without Gunpowder Smoke", "The Dog's Son Runs", etc. His representative dramas include "The Legend of Suiyang" and "Legend of Movies". His screenwriting works have won many awards: Best Screenplay at the "Golden Triangle" Art Festival of the Ministry of Culture, Best Screenplay at the 2nd Zhejiang Film Festival Golden Qilin, the 30th Golden Rooster Award (nominated), the 15th National Five One Engineering Award, Shanghai International Film Festival Jury Grand Prize, Central Military Commission National Defense and Military Theme Outstanding Film Award, the 18th Huabiao Award, Henan Province Five One Engineering Award, the 6th Henan Province Drama Festival Competition Silver Medal, the 6th British Vientiane Best Screenplay at the International Film Festival, Best Feature Film at the Romanian International Film Festival, etc.

asked: You have worked in a bank for a long time, why did you cross over to become a screenwriter?

answer: The greatest happiness in life is to do what you like. I worked for the Bank of China in Shangqiu for ten years, and I have always insisted on amateur creation and achieved some results. The TV series "Blood Battle in Suiyang" and "The Battlefield without Gunsmoke", which I authored and co-authored, were successively broadcast on CCTV and Henan TV. I wrote the screenplay The costume drama "Suiyang Zhonglie" was also made into an opera movie. In 2005, I resigned from my position as bank president without hesitation and went to Beijing to become a "professional" screenwriter.

asked: You have created the movie "I'm Not Wang Mao", and the TV series "Running Dogs" has similar themes and stories to it. What is the relationship between these two works?

Answer: In 2012, I created the movie "I'm Not Wang Mao" based on the anti-Japanese war materials I had in the Shangqiu area. Huang Hong, the director of Bayi Factory at the time, read the script and said, "It's so well written." Bayi Factory invested in the production and it was released in theaters across the country. It received a Douban score of 8.0 and the creators won multiple domestic and foreign awards. After that, I came up with the idea of ​​writing this story into a TV series.

From 2014 to 2016, it took me more than two years to complete the first draft of "Gou Sheng Run", which was revised many times. Later, it was created by iQiyi with heavy investment, directed by Wang Xinjun, and filmed into two seasons of 24-episode TV series. Year of the Dragon finally met the audience before the Spring Festival.

I have done statistics and found that the movie has 20,000 words and has created 12 characters. The TV series has 450,000 words and has created 42 characters. In fact, they are two completely different works.

Question: What was the biggest difficulty you encountered during the creation of "Gou Sheng Run"? How was it resolved?

Answer: is really a combination of sour, spicy, bitter, sweet and salty. This drama is my favorite, and I put the most effort into it. I changed the draft ten times.

In recent years, the film and television industry has created many classic anti-war dramas. I hope to write a brand new anti-war drama. I was thinking about people and plays, and I once got up four times in one night to write. When I remembered a vivid detail, I quickly got up and revised it, for fear that I would forget it by dawn. I hope that every character in the play is vivid, every detail is carefully crafted, and every line is worth savoring.

Movies and TV series are written in different ways. Movies focus on conveying philosophy, telling readers philosophy through story characters, and literature entering philosophy and exiting. For example, business cards such as "All Quiet on the Western Front" want to convey the philosophy of anti-war. The main task of a TV series is to create characters, such as "Bright Sword". You can't remember how Li Yunlong fought in those battles, but you remember Li Yunlong as a person.I hope that "Gou Sheng Run" can surpass "I'm Not Wang Mao". I hope that it will stand up, spread and stay, and be worthy of itself and the audience!

asked: Does Gou Sheng in "Gou Sheng Run" have a life prototype? Gou Sheng and Tao Zi first disliked each other, and then Gou Sheng's personality charm made Tao Zi realize her feelings. How do you understand the relationship between Gou Sheng and Tao Zi?

Answer: Almost all the characters in the drama have prototypes. Gou Sheng is the nickname of a friend of mine. As for Gou Sheng and Tao Zi, they are a pair of happy enemies who dislike each other. There is a hidden thread in the story. Gou Sheng and Tao Zi are both picked up children, and they share the same fate. Gou Sheng worked hard to marry Xing'er. He is what girls nowadays often call a "wife-protecting maniac", and Tao Zi was also moved by this. Gou Sheng looked down on Tao Zi at first, but his heart was full of Xing'er. After Xing'er died, he didn't dislike Tao Zi, but he still rejected her. The TV series has an open ending. Whether they can come together is left to the audience to think about.

asked: In the play, Gou Sheng and Yang San are enemies and love rivals. They also go from not understanding to Tang Yulong. They are both teachers and friends. How do you see their emotional relationship changing?

Answer: Gou Sheng was not friends with anyone at first. He was a picked-up child, looked down upon by others, and it was difficult to open his heart. On the road to marrying a wife, Gou Sheng once felt that everyone was a stumbling block. He doesn't want to fight, he just wants to make money and marry a wife. His change was when Xing'er and Wang Mao were killed, which made him realize that no one in China would have a good life unless the invaders were driven away. This change was forced and inevitable. After that, he and Yang San shared the same hatred, and under the leadership of Tang Yulong, he gradually grew into a qualified warrior and a revolutionary.

asked: The play focuses on small characters and shows the great love of family and country through them. You have some clever ideas for designing each character. Can you share them?

Answer: I don’t think the little people represented by Gou Sheng and Yang San have great love for their family and country. They can’t even distinguish the relationship between family and country. Gou Sheng just wants to marry a wife and live a happy life. Yang San is the head of the township. He wants to marry Xing'er and get ahead.

The good thing about this drama is that everyone has their own path, and everyone has a big reversal. Xing'er's death affected everyone. Gou Sheng, Yang San, Ye Dabao, and Nao Hai all changed. A group of little people began to think about life. Rather than saying that they have the love of their family and country, it is better to say that they just want to live. The invaders are at their doorstep, and they must fight back if they want to survive.

asked: You have created a lot of male scenes, and "Running Dogs" has added female scenes. Can you talk about your thoughts?

Answer: The film and television works I originally wrote were almost all male dramas, such as "The Bloody Battle in Suiyang", "The Battlefield Without Gunsmoke", "The Storm of Chu and Han", "I am Not Wang Mao" and so on. Writing about women is my weakness. After I got married, as I grew older and more experienced, I gained more knowledge about women. "Gou Sheng Run" contains many female characters, such as the outgoing and intellectual Tao Zi, the introverted and delicate Xing'er, the strong and willful Xiao Cui, the kind and weak Zao Hua, etc. There are also the Wang Maoniang who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside, the nymphomaniac Xiulan, the little Cuiniang who accepts her fate, etc. Everyone's comments are flesh-and-blood and have distinctive personalities. In the final analysis, I want to thank my family.

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, CCTV 8, Beijing Satellite TV and iQiyi simultaneously broadcast 24 episodes of the TV series 'Running Dogs'. Audiences in Shangqiu, Henan are more enthusiastic about watching this drama because the TV series tells the 'story o - Lujuba

asked: Compared with other anti-Japanese war dramas, "Go Out" has more comedy and absurdity. Why did you treat this drama like this?

Answer: I like to write comedy, which is related to my personality. Chaplin said that the core of comedy is tragedy. Stephen Chow once said, I have been acting in tragedies for half my life but everyone says I am a comedian. In Beijing, Mr. Huang Hong and I often discuss comedy together. He divides comedy into five levels. The first level is gimmicks, the second level is funny, the third level is humor, the fourth level is humor, and the fifth level is comedy. witty. I agree. The highest point of comedy is humor and wit. When I created "The Dogs Run," I tried my best to reach the top of the tower. Even though it’s hard, I keep trying!

There are almost no war scenes in the whole drama, and it shows the fate of a group of small people in the context of the Anti-Japanese War.I live in a group of small people, and I understand the joys and sorrows of this group. My perspective is that of a small person.

"Gou Sheng Run" is a black humor TV series that contains heaviness and depression, melancholy and cruelty, tears and pain. When the actors read the script, they laughed and cried, and cried and laughed. This TV series can bring laughter and tears to the audience.

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During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, CCTV 8, Beijing Satellite TV and iQiyi simultaneously broadcast 24 episodes of the TV series 'Running Dogs'. Audiences in Shangqiu, Henan are more enthusiastic about watching this drama because the TV series tells the 'story o - Lujuba

Qin Hailu: Looking forward to the pure Henan dialect version of "Gou Sheng Run"

"Gou Sheng Run" star Qin Hailu also talked about the Henan elements in the play in an interview before -

asked: "Gou Sheng Run" There are many Henan elements in "Run". What are your considerations for this? Many dialect TV dramas are very popular at present. Will a pure Henan version be considered?

Answer: Initially, the director wanted to find actors who were all from Henan, but it was difficult. is too big. Teacher Li Mengnan is from Henan. Every time he speaks the words in Henan dialect, he speaks it very accurately. However, if non-Henan actors are asked to learn Henan dialect, the words they speak will not be authentic enough. When filming, rhythm and real reaction at the moment are very important. Therefore, in order to ensure the performance and make the play more real, the director has some actors who cannot speak Henan dialect. We try to use Henan dialect in some modal particles or spoken language.

Henan dialect itself has charm. I am looking forward to dubbing a version of "Gou Sheng Run" in full Henan dialect. We must find professional, real, native Henan voice actors to help us complete this task. It will definitely be very satisfying. interesting.

Source: Shangqiu Daily, Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

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