Behind a seemingly ordinary traffic accident lies a porcelain fraud gang. The perpetrators thought that their cooperation was flawless and flawless, but they could not escape the police's "glaring eyes." I lost 5,000 yuan, but I suspect that I was scammed." Recently, the Public S

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A seemingly ordinary traffic accident

But there is something hidden behind it

A porcelain fraud gang

The perpetrators believed that

The cooperation was flawless and there were no flaws

However, they could not escape the "fiery eyes" of the police

The parties involved felt suspicious after paying compensation

" Comrade police, I paid 5,000 yuan for hitting someone else, but I suspect that I was scammed." Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Anfu County, Jiangxi Province received a report from Mr. Liu saying that he was driving a three-wheeled motorcycle normally on the Ancheng North section. While driving, a white car running parallel to it suddenly changed lanes to the right. During his emergency evasion, Mr. Liu hit a man riding a shared bicycle on the right. Later, he went to the hospital for examination and found that the man had a broken thumb. After consultation with the hospital, treatment would cost about 8,000 yuan.

Then the man’s parents rushed to the hospital and demanded that Mr. Liu pay 5,000 yuan in compensation. After the compensation was made, Mr. Liu felt something was wrong the more he thought about it, so he called the police and asked the police to obtain the surveillance video of the road where the incident occurred to reconstruct the incident.

Surveillance video of the incident restores the truth

After viewing the video, the white car in the picture suddenly changed lanes to the right without any reason, which attracted the attention of the police. After further research and judgment, it was found that there was indeed something "troublesome" in it. By checking the driving trajectory of the white car, the police found that it had recently entered Jiangxi from Ganzhou to Fuzhou, Yingtan, Jiujiang, Nanchang and other places, making the case more suspicious.

Behind a seemingly ordinary traffic accident lies a porcelain fraud gang. The perpetrators thought that their cooperation was flawless and flawless, but they could not escape the police's 'glaring eyes.' I lost 5,000 yuan, but I suspect that I was scammed.' Recently, the Public S - Lujuba

Through further investigation, the police discovered the trajectory information of the man who was hit, Ding, in Jinggangshan City. On January 4, with the assistance of the local police, the police successfully captured the criminal suspect Ding, and subsequently arrested three suspects, Zhao, Shen, and Xin.

After interrogation, the suspect truthfully confessed the criminal facts of defrauding Mr. Liu through porcelain. The police continued to conduct careful investigations and dig into the case, and found out that the four suspects formed a criminal gang headed by Shen and committed more than 20 crimes in many places.

The police revealed the fraud modus operandi

The police learned after interrogation that the gang was "skilled" in committing crimes. They specially selected the owners of three-wheeled motorcycles as the targets of the crime. They took advantage of the slow speed of the tricycle to find opportunities to commit crimes and used two minors. One person acted as the "victim" and injured certain parts of the body of the two people in advance, and the other two acted as the "family members" of the minors. Once an accident occurred, they went to the hospital for examination, and then used "private" means of compensation to achieve their purpose of fraud. . In more than 20 cases, the victims were defrauded for amounts ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan.

Behind a seemingly ordinary traffic accident lies a porcelain fraud gang. The perpetrators thought that their cooperation was flawless and flawless, but they could not escape the police's 'glaring eyes.' I lost 5,000 yuan, but I suspect that I was scammed.' Recently, the Public S - Lujuba

Because the criminal gang injured their bodies in advance and caused an "accident", the parties involved were willing to choose compensation to settle the matter without raising any suspicion, which led to the gang committing crimes continuously. At present, four criminal suspects have been taken compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

Police Tips:

After an accident occurs, you must take photos, videos, and save evidence in a timely manner while ensuring your own safety; at the same time, you must insist on calling the police. The traffic police will determine the responsibilities of both parties according to the law through on-site inspections, access to surrounding surveillance, etc. Give those who touch porcelain an opportunity.

Source: Rule of Law Daily

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