On February 21, the online drama "Hunting Ice" starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman "Zhao Younan" in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the

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On February 21, the online drama "Hunting Ice" starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion.

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman "Zhao Younan" in the drama. This is her first female lead drama.

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

html On the evening of February 21st, Anna Yao posted an article to promote "Hunting Ice". Unexpectedly, the comment area was overturned. The high praise comments were all complaining about her acting skills. "Can you stop acting?" "Why are you trying to flatter Zhang Songwen?" "Please step out of the circle. Lie Bing is ruined like this. Why don't you look in the mirror? It's really ugly."

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Screenshots from the drama

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Screenshots from the drama

html On February 23, Gao Qunshu of "Hunting Ice" posted a long post in response to the reason why Anna Yao was chosen to play the female lead, saying that Anna Yao is very simple and has no trace of any acting training, especially she has not had plastic surgery. After director

made a special response, Yao Anna's performance in the play is still controversial.

Today, it has been more than 5 days since the show started airing. Except for the first day of airing, Yao Anna has not updated Weibo again, but her Weibo comment area has still been criticized by netizens for many days in a row.

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Netizens commented

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Netizens commented

Looking through the comment area of ​​his last promotional post on Weibo, many netizens continued to complain: "Your gesture of raising a gun is too funny, please stop acting in the future!"

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

Public information shows Anna Yao was born in Kunming, Yunnan Province on January 14, 1998. She is a female pop singer and actress in Mainland China. Yao Anna's biological father is Huawei founder and president Ren Zhengfei, and she is known as the "Huawei Little Princess" in the industry.

previous report >>

The director of "Hunting Ice" published a long post revealing the reason why Anna Yao was chosen to play the female lead: She is very simple and has no traces of acting training, especially no plastic surgery

Recently, the online drama "Hunting Ice" starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen "Started broadcast. Anna Yao played the leading role for the first time, and her acting skills and appearance aroused heated discussions.

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

On February 21, the online drama 'Hunting Ice' starring Anna Yao and Zhang Songwen was launched. The actress's acting skills and appearance sparked widespread discussion. Anna Yao plays the heroic policewoman 'Zhao Younan' in the drama. This is her first female lead drama. On the - Lujuba

html On February 22, after denying Huawei’s investment, Gao Qunshu, the director of the drama, once again responded to the filming story of "Ice Hunting" in a long post, saying, "All regrets and responsibilities are mine." He also revealed that Yao Anna was chosen to play the female lead. Reason: "I like to use non-professional actors who have not received any acting training. Yao Anna is very simple, without any trace of acting training, and her image and temperament are very similar to that of a fledgling female police officer. Especially, she has not had any plastic surgery."

Full text As follows:

Yesterday afternoon, I went to chat with Songwen, and he told a story about "Hunting Ice" compiled by a certain self-media. Very bizarre.

read some comments and the same is true.

It is necessary to tell the ins and outs of "Hunting Ice".

The origin of "Hunting Ice" was seven or eight years ago. Dalong (an investor in Hunting Ice) asked me to do an anti-drug scene. The idea was very good, so I agreed.

next started working on the script. The screenwriter was decided before. After two or three years, after several drafts, I was not satisfied with it.

At this time, Guo Guosong, the former legal reporter of Southern Weekend, sent me a script. Mr. Guo was new to writing scripts and there were no routines. The script was very rough, but it was better in texture and realism.

I advised Dalong to buy it and make this. Dalong agreed. The problem with

's script is that there is no police line. Obviously, this will not pass. I asked Teacher Guo to join the police crime-solving line, but Teacher Guo said he couldn’t write. I told Dalong that I would find another screenwriter to write the police line.

This is a cat-and-mouse game. It cannot be just mice and no cats.

I asked Gao Han, the young director I was working with at the time, to write the police line, and together we agreed to write a character who was reckless, stupid, and had no experience in handling cases, but had served in the military, received reconnaissance training, and had a persistent will. A police group dominated by young female police officers who are brave and hard-working. After the

script came out, I felt it was very smooth and I read it in one go.

Dalong showed it to various platforms, and they all responded that the script was not good enough and must be improved.

But the screenwriter can’t change it. If we change it again, we will have to change the screenwriter, which is another huge sum of money. I told Dalong that I wouldn’t change it.

Let’s make a low-cost drama with all non-professional actors.

decided on the plan and sent out a group call to recruit non-professional actors with Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi accents.

Applicants gathered.

In the process of selecting actors, there were many male actors applying, but there were very few non-professional actresses who met the accent requirements of the three places.

At this time, a producer friend sent word that Zhang Songwen liked this role and wanted to cooperate with me.

I have only watched Songwen's "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind" and "The Revolutionary". I especially like "The Revolutionary". I like both the director and Zhang Songwen.

met Songwen and had a very interesting chat.

At that time, Songwen had not become so popular. "Revolutionaries" was a good movie, but the box office did not meet expectations.

We just want to make a good show.

Because of this, the production direction changed back to using actors, but not big names.

One day, a kid from the studio brought me a photo and said that this person was quite suitable to play the role of a policewoman.

This person is Yao Anna, but I don’t know who she is or where she comes from.

The child said that she is Ren Zhengfei’s daughter, graduated from Harvard, and can sing. I asked if you have ever acted? The child said he had never acted before.

I was immediately interested.

I like to use non-professional actors with no acting training.

To a certain extent, I dislike acting graduates from colleges who have taken acting classes for four years and have learned a lot of bad things.

In 1995, I used Shanxi farmers to film a two-episode TV series "The Golden Pea" for CCTV, which won the second prize of the Feitian Award. It was the first time that I was recognized by the industry as a director.

Later, in 2007, he filmed "Gattaca", starring Ma Guowei, the deputy director of a police station in Daowai, Harbin, and won the best actor at the Shanghai International Film Festival.

In 2012, I filmed "Detective Hunter Zhang". All the leading actors were my friends who usually drink with me. Qi Xi, a professional actor, and Wang Ou just played passers-by. The film won the Golden Horse Award for Best Film.

These all contributed to my confidence and habit of using non-professional actors.

So, I met Yao Anna.

Anna Yao is very simple, without any trace of acting training, and her image and temperament are very similar to that of a fledgling female police officer.

, especially, has not had plastic surgery. That's it for


is that simple.

I am very grateful to Tencent for tolerating my willfulness. For me, the original intention of the play

is to help young directors, so I am the chief director.

When I was chatting with Songwen, he also said that I might not be able to follow the whole process.

But when it came to the actual shooting, I couldn't leave due to various practical problems, so I had to shoot the whole process myself.

The investment in this play is less than 40 million.

has also adopted a new cooperation model. I love this challenge. How poor is the

group? I stayed in a hotel that cost 100 yuan a day, and I had my own car. None of the actors in the group had an RV.

The crew stayed in a hotel that cost tens of dollars.

There is a table of prop dishes. The script is about a luxurious meal hosted by a Southeast Asian drug lord to entertain distinguished guests. The props are prepared with cheap seafood bought from the Hainan seaside market.

There was also a fish feast, and the props were small seafood bought at the seaside market.

There was also a big banquet where Huang Zongwei returned to his hometown to entertain the folks. It was filmed in an ancient village more than two hours away from the city. After the previous scene was filmed, the food did not arrive, so we had to film without the food.

guns, there are only two real ones.

Beer will always only be a Cordon Bleu, not an implant.

Foreign wine, only a few bottles.

xo a bottle, Royal Salute 21 a bottle, and several more.

was filming an overseas drama. The script took 30 years to write. Fortunately, a wine label was printed. This was the only time that surprised me.

The police have several broken cars that no one else can drive except the prop master and Su Xin. . . .

and so on. The degree of embarrassment will not be listed in detail.

photography, art, styling, and all the main creatives are newcomers who have never filmed a major film.

because of low budget.

seems to have returned to the 1990s when he first debuted and filmed "Thirteen Murder Cases".

was excited, happy and challenging.

Everyone is also very excited.

Su Xin, who played the role of a police officer, did not ask for any remuneration (I was given a red envelope after the filming and said he wanted nothing).

The remuneration for other people is also pitifully small, and they were all invited by me through my face.

just wants to make a show that has no money, may not be exquisite in all aspects, but is very good-looking. . .

This is during the epidemic.

During the filming process, I required every actor to go to the scene without notice to observe and experience the performances of Teacher Songwen and other teachers.

specially found a retired coach from the Secret Service to train Yao Anna, Su Xin, and Peng Yushu. They asked the coach to train like a squad leader training recruits who have just joined the army. They practiced basic movements such as standing at attention, saluting, holding a gun, and searching for eight hours a day.

When Anna Yao was filming the arrest of drug dealers, the professional male stand-in did not run past her, and all the actions were completed by herself.

All the actors and staff have never complained or complained.

have put in 12% of their efforts.

5 days, the filming was completed, and I followed the whole process and drove more than two hours to the scene every day. The day

was completed happened to be the end of the epidemic.

Because of tight time and tight funds, it caused a lot of regrets.

If the police drama could be written better. . .

If only I could have a little more time to polish the new actors. . . There is no actor in

that cannot be adjusted, it will take time and more methods.

"Thirteen Murder Cases" was also low-cost, but it took four months to shoot.

When making movies and TV series, time is a very important and critical factor.

All regrets are my responsibility.

As a senior director, why do you do this?

First, to support young directors.

Second, in order to repay Dalong's promise.

Third, to prove that you can make great movies with little money.

is that simple.

Over the years, I have always resisted capital control, so all I did was low-cost dramas.

has never filmed a big movie so far. But it is the first time in more than 20 years that it has been as low as "Ice Hunting". What

didn't expect was that this drama was actually said to be bought by capital.

What’s even more ridiculous is that Songwen and I were said to have received big red envelopes from Huawei.

Fortunately, "Ice Hunter" is now liked by most unbiased viewers. For such a low-cost little show like

to be so popular, it has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Thanks for the ode. Thanks to all the actors. Thanks to all the staff. Thanks to Tencent Video. Thank you to the audience.

[Source: Jiupai News comprehensive party account, official blog of the drama, and online comments]

Tags: entertainment