The period drama "South and North" finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So

entertainment 1786℃

period drama "South and North" finally ushered in the finale of the last episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So infuriating! It’s simply adding trouble to us viewers at the start of the new year!

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba1 Ma Kui was accidentally stabbed to death by Jia Jinlong

In my last drama review of "South to North", I also expressed my hopes and worries about the finale of the drama: I hope the finale will be successful, but I am worried that the screenwriter will write Ma Kui off Death makes us unhappy when we look at it.

Unexpectedly, the screenwriter really followed the routine and really killed Ma Kui! In the last episode of

, masters and apprentices Ma Kui and Wang Xin, plus two other policemen, the four policemen faced Jia Jinlong and his two men, and three drug dealers.

Under Wang Xin's verbal offensive, two of Jia Jinlong's men were successfully demolished in their fighting spirit. They were about to give up resistance and surrender. When Jia Jinlong saw that something was wrong, he raised his hand and shot, killing one of his men and the other. When he saw it, he was so frightened that he threw away the gun, raised his hands and shouted, "I surrender, I surrender!"

While Jia Jinlong was distracted, Wang Xin quickly stood up, raised Jia Jinlong's arm, and asked for it. Take the gun from his hand. Ma Kui also rushed over and subdued Jia Jinlong with Wang Xin.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The master and apprentice had already pinned down Jia Jinlong and took the gun out of his hand. We had already won, but unexpectedly, an accident happened and Ma Kui was stabbed in the chest with a knife!

When did Jia Jinlong take out the knife?

I went back and replayed this section twice. I looked carefully. Although I did see Jia Jinlong making a move to take out clothes with his left hand, the situation at that time was that Ma Kui firmly opened Jia Jinlong's right hand. , took his gun away, and Wang Xin pressed Jia Jinlong's left hand!

Logically speaking, Jia Jinlong had no chance to take out the knife and stab Ma Kui quietly in the chest! It was just right enough to stab him in the heart, killing him with one blow!

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

I feel that this section is purely a result of the screenwriter and director forcibly sublimating the plot for the so-called "sublimation of the plot" and forcing Ma Kui to go offline in order to make the audience cry!

If this was a police drama and Ma Kui was sacrificed, then the audience would accept it. But the problem is that this is a family-friendly period drama, and it is a railway drama whose plot has always been relatively relaxed and enjoyable. It is necessary to put it at the end. Is there a plot like this in which the male protagonist is sacrificed in one episode? !

Four policemen faced two drug dealers, one of whom had surrendered and was handcuffed. As a result, four against one, the old policeman was stabbed to death by Jia Jinlong?

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Ma Kui is a veteran criminal policeman for many years, and Wang Xin is also a bold and careful middle-aged policeman. The two policemen subdued one Jia Jinlong, and they had already pinned him down, but one of them actually died. They were so useless. ?

All the protagonists in the whole drama "North and South", everyone else is fine in the finale, but only the kindest and most warm-hearted couple are not rewarded?

Wang Sufang was so kind, but she contracted a terminal illness and died early.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned and spent ten years in prison. He was supposed to live happily for the rest of his life and enjoy his old age, but instead he was given a sacrifice ending. Co-authored by

, it means "good people don't live long"! Did the screenwriter want to express that the kinder people are, the more unfortunate they will be?

If he wants to sacrifice, he should also arrange for Wang Yongge to sacrifice and let him die to atone for his sins.

But Wang Yongge watched helplessly as Ma Kui was imprisoned on his behalf. Such a selfish and cowardly man ended up spending his happy old age in peace. Ma Kui's daughter, his daughter-in-law Ma Yan, took good care of him.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

I also wanted to see Ma Yan and Wang Xin call Ma Kui "Grandpa" after they have children. I also wanted to see Wang Yongge get a few more lessons from Ma Kui, and I wanted to see them quarrel in their later years. As a result, the screenwriter arranged it like this.

In short, allowing Ma Kui to sacrifice is the biggest failure of the drama "South to North"! is the biggest problem with this drama!

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba2 The mutilated limb case solved

The mutilated limb case that Ma Kui and Wang Xin have been obsessed with for many years has finally been solved successfully with the help of the new era of DNA comparison technology.

It turns out that the murderer is Ding Gui'an.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Ding Gui'an accidentally killed someone in order to grab money at first, but then he couldn't stop. The stump with the word "righteousness" tattooed on it was deliberately tattooed on the deceased's arm by Ding Gui'an. It was a smokescreen he set up to make the police believe that he was dead.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba3 The old blind man still hasn’t found his daughter

Under Ma Kui’s arrangement, the old blind man moved into a nursing home run by Niu Dali. However, in the finale, he still did not find his daughter.

It seems that he may never see his daughter again in this life.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba4 Peng Mingjie took Lili to visit Ma Kui's grave. What Peng said made me cry.

When I watched the scene of Ma Kui's sacrifice, I was not sad. I only felt angry and unexpected, and angry at the screenwriter's cruelty and routine.

However, when I saw the scene where Peng Mingjie took his daughter Lili to visit Ma Kui's grave, I almost cried.

I have to say that an old actor is an old actor! Wang Jinsong plays Peng Mingjie. Although he doesn't have many roles, his only two scenes opposite Ma Kui made people cry.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

In a scene, Peng Mingjie knew that he had committed a crime, so he went to Ma Kui and asked him to take care of Lili.

In that scene, the two veteran actors, with just a few lines of dialogue and a few looks, were enough to move people's hearts.

At that time, Ma Kui handcuffed Peng Mingjie with his own hands. Then, he took off his scarf and put it around his friend.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

html Many years later, Peng Mingjie was imprisoned, and at this time, Ma Kui had long been buried underground.

Peng Mingjie came to see him and said that he threw away everything when he was released from prison, but he was not willing to throw away this scarf. He would always wear it, just like the two brothers were still together.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Seeing this, my eyes are moist.

Lili confessed in front of the tombstone, regretting that she had wrongly blamed her godfather, so that after she held the wedding and said goodbye to Ma Kui, she never came to see him.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Great Love without Words refers to a man like Ma Kui who silently cares for others without asking for anything in return.

Ma Kui and Wang Sufang's son Ma Jian, who was raised by Ma Kui and Wang Sufang, grew up and took over his father's work as a policeman.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba5 Shen Xiuping came to pay homage to Lao Ma, but the two still did not get together after all.

I thought that the finale would arrange for Shen Xiuping to take the initiative to go and spend the rest of her life with Lao Ma after she had dealt with her father's affairs.

Unexpectedly, Lao Ma left unexpectedly. Shen Xiuping is destined to die alone in her life.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Good people are not rewarded. A sigh!

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba6 Niu Dali has a beautiful little girlfriend and encounters Yao Yuling setting up a barbecue stall.

Jia Jinlong is selling drugs. Yao Yuling seems to be unaware of it. Jia Jinlong was sentenced to death, and his illegal gains would naturally be confiscated.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Yao Yuling raised her son by setting up a barbecue stall. Mother and son depend on each other for life.

years later, Niu Dali took his young and beautiful girlfriend back to the Northeast (but his little girlfriend looked like a cute fool), went shopping in Harbin, and met Yao Yuling who ran a barbecue stall in the market.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The moment their eyes met, both of them were stunned.

Yao Yuling's expression was filled with shame and embarrassment. Niu Dali's eyes were filled with shock and pity.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

However, Niu Dali's pity quickly faded when he saw Yao Yuling's grown-up son.

Yes, Yao Yuling’s son is so old, and you have a girlfriend yourself, what else do you want to do, what else can you do?

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

Before Niu Dali left, he quietly put down the heart-shaped ring that he had treasured for many years. That ring was originally what he wanted to give to Yao Yuling.

This also shows that Niu Dali finally let go of his feelings for Yao Yuling.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

In the finale of "South to North", Ma Kui and Wang Xin's line, Ma Kui's sacrifice is outrageous, but Niu Dali and Yao Yuling's line, this arrangement is not bad.

If you dare to arrange for Niu Dali to eat Yao Yuling again, I will drop another star for this drama!

However, if you think about it carefully, Yao Yuling's ending is not realistic.

The period drama 'South and North' finally has its final episode! I thought it would be a happy and harmonious ending, but unexpectedly, the screenwriter fell into the cliche of TV series finales. The last episode forced tears and arranged for Ma Kui to sacrifice unexpectedly! So - Lujuba

For a shrewd and self-interested person like Yao Yuling, when Jia Jinlong was arrested, she was only forty years old. She was completely capable and scheming. If she could climb a high tree for herself, she would never get to the point of setting up a stall.

(text/first drop of dew)

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