Text | Drama Entertainment On the train "South to North", various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong

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Text | Drama Entertainment

On the train of "South to North", various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience.

Bai Jingting and Ding Yongdai chased the murderer and investigated the case all the way. Their actions of great wisdom, courage and love also deeply warmed people's hearts.

The master and the apprentice fight against each other on a daily basis, with one of them trying to hurt each other. I can't stand it, but I can't live without it. The mismatched master and apprentice have so much fun, making the screen full of joy.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

Xiao Wang (played by Bai Jingting) is capable, but he is young and energetic and impulsive in his actions. Lao Ma (played by Ding Yongdai) has strict requirements on his apprentices, which makes Xiao Wang always feel that the master looks down on him, so he always wants to show off in front of the master.

Although he was secretly excited, he immediately gave up as soon as he was taught a lesson by his master.

Lao Ma watched Xiao Wang's progress day by day and felt happy in his heart, but he did not say what was in his heart and always suppressed him, fearing that he would make a mistake again if he was proud. The daily interactions between the two are very loving.

After Wang Xin, the protagonist and heroine who has always attracted much attention, married Ma Yan, Ma Yan wanted to quit her job and go into business. She was obsessed with career and refused Wang Xin's advances, leaving Wang Xinsheng hopeless.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

The couple finally got together. They are both over 30 years old and still have no children. I was urged by my father-in-law all day long.

Wang Xin’s enchanting posture while lying on the bed waving to his wife Ma Yan almost made people laugh. This family is also happy comedians , it’s a real deal.

The entire plot continues to lay down various foreshadowings and dig many big holes during the development, making fans of the drama always longing for the truth.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

I believe that many friends are like Xiaoyu and can’t stop chasing.

Recently, the drama has also come to an end, and many truths are being revealed one by one.

part 1 The truth about Ma Kui’s 10-year grievance is revealed

At the beginning of the play, the male protagonist Ma Kui was wrongly accused and imprisoned. As a policeman, he was charged with murder and spent 10 years in prison.

And he always believed that there was an eyewitness who could prove his innocence. This person was Wang Yongge, the father of his later apprentice Wang Xin.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

But Wang Yongge always had only one sentence: that is, he was not present at all. The two insisted on their own opinions, and Ma Kui was eventually imprisoned unjustly.

For this reason, Ma Kui and Wang Yongge formed a sworn knot, and he still refused to forgive Wang Yongge.

But Ma Kui is indeed a veteran police officer with high moral character and excellent quality.

Although he accepted Wang Xin, the apprentice assigned to him by the organization, he did things right and not the person. He tried his best to teach Wang Xin, so that he eventually grew into a policeman who was excellent in all aspects.

The love between Wang Xin and Ma Kui's daughter Ma Yan has also been forcing the feud between the Ma and Wang families to come to an end.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

Since Ma Kui has always opposed his daughter marrying the son of his enemy, it is difficult for the next generation of lovers from the Ma and Wang families to get married, which has become a problem for Wang Yongge. His 20-year guilt towards Ma Kui also caused him to suffer a stroke. Causing memory confusion.

So while his mind was still clear, Wang Yongge decided to surrender and restore Ma Kui's innocence.

It turns out that Wang Yongge’s excessive defense caused the murderer to fall from the car and die. But he did not take the initiative to admit it, causing Ma Kui, who broke into the car to chase the murderer, to become the scapegoat.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

The reason is that Wang Yongge is a single father, and he is afraid that once he is imprisoned, Wang Xin will become an orphan.

Therefore, when Ma Kui asked him to come forward to prove himself, Wang Yongge lied and said that he was not in that carriage at all in order to clear himself of suspicion.

It was not until 20 years later that the truth came to light. As a father, Wang Yongge fulfilled his 10 years of nurturing his son, but he also blamed himself for 20 years for not clarifying the matter for Ma Kui.

part 2 Lao Meng searched for his daughter for 30 years and finally found her daughter.

On the train, Ni Dahong played a blind old father looking for his daughter, which was particularly touching.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

In order to find his daughter who was abducted by human traffickers when she was 2 years old, he cried blindly. He made trains and stations his home all his life and vowed not to give up until he found his daughter.

He eats and lives on the train every day. Because he is poor and blind, he has no money to buy a ticket. He does not occupy a seat. He always squeezes into an empty corner, squats on the train, and sleeps when he is sleepy. Leaning against the wall of the car, when I was hungry, I relied on the charity of the kind people in the car.

Because I didn’t have the conditions to take a shower, I smelled bad, and I had no money to buy clothes. I was dressed in rags, almost like a beggar. He doesn't care about any of this, the only thing he has to do is find his daughter.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

30 years ago, he lost his daughter on this bus, so he has been following this bus for 30 years, and he will find it wherever he lost it.

A poor old father moved a car full of people. He also became a "car gangster" who was very familiar with the police officers on the bus. Ma Kui often takes care of him and brings him food.

He has a unique skill. Although he cannot see with his eyes, he has developed a very sensitive nose. He will always remember the smell of the trafficker who abducted his daughter.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

Relying on this unique skill, he finally smelled the smell of human traffickers. Finally, with the help of Ma Kui's master and apprentice, this "female abductor queen" who had harmed countless children and caused a family to be separated was finally arrested.

part 3 The big drug lord behind the scenes was arrested, and it turned out to be an acquaintance

Yao Yuling was greedy for money and vain, and she was not a woman who lived her life. He used the infatuated Niu Dali as a backup, and finally left him halfway, married Jia Jinlong, a wealthy businessman whom he had only met a few times, and lived the life of a rich wife.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

As everyone knows, Jia Jinlong is actually a big drug lord. Otherwise, he was so rich, which immediately attracted Yao Yuling. It was hidden so deeply that even Master and Disciple Wang Xin and Ma Kui were almost deceived.

What Lao Jia plays is "dark under the light". Now think about it, a Harbin man went to the Ningyang compound all day long, brought a lot of gifts, and was warm and sincere to Master Wang Xin. It turned out that he just wanted to inquire about police information.

But in the end, Ma Kui learned the unique skill from Lao Meng - "knowing the truth as soon as he smells it". He smelled the taste of D-grade and took Jia Jinlong away. Heaven will not bypass a sinner.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

What is heartbreaking is that Ma Kui died heroically in the process of capturing Jia Jinlong.

More than ten years later, Wang Xin finally captured the culprit of the corpse murder case. He was really well hidden.

Although a long time has passed, no matter how time passes, as the people's police, they will never forget their mission to find the real murderer and bring justice to the innocent people.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

part 5 Niu Dali exchanges status with Yao Yuling

Jia Jinlong was arrested, and Yao Yuling was also handcuffed, but there was no sympathy at all. Wealth must be earned by oneself in a down-to-earth manner.

Yao Yuling dumped the honest Niu Dali and followed Jia Jinlong. This is called "come in vain, sooner or later go out in vain".

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

She took the initiative to pursue Wang Xin, but because Wang Xin made a mistake and her job was not guaranteed, she immediately dumped Wang Xin.

As a result, Wang Xin quickly cleared her grievances and returned to work. She regretted her decision again, licking her face and chased Wang Xin, who already had Ma Yan. It's really disgusting.

At first, Niu Dali, whom he looked down on, became a wealthy businessman in Shenzhen by relying on his own steps. I wonder, is Yao Yuling regretting her bowels again?

The most interesting thing is that Niu Dali finally married a beautiful and intellectual wife from Shenzhen, who is even more beautiful than Yao Yuling. The two of them were happily eating skewers on the street. But Yao Yuling was setting up a stall selling mutton skewers, and the three of them happened to meet.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

Yao Yuling cried bitterly when she saw that he and Niu Dali had exchanged status.

Text | Drama Entertainment On the train 'South to North', various thefts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, murders, etc. over the past 40 years are both intense and exciting, and constantly suspenseful, which always affects the hearts of the audience. Bai Jingting and Ding Yong - Lujuba

While this drama brings joy and touching to people, it also gives people a lot of education and inspiration. I hope that there will be more good domestic dramas like this in the future.


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