Sora is definitely the focus of recent attention from relevant people and interested parties in the technology field. This large artificial intelligence video model launched by OpenAI, the manufacturer of ChatGPT, has the advantage over similar products on the market that it can

entertainment 6632℃

sora is definitely the focus of recent attention from relevant people and interested parties in the technology field. This large artificial intelligence video model launched by openai, the manufacturer of chatgpt. Compared with similar products on the market, its advantage is that it can produce one-minute long videos with accurate subjects and detailed details based on the user's prompt words, and can present complex Camera movement and multiple characters with continuity.

Sora is definitely the focus of recent attention from relevant people and interested parties in the technology field. This large artificial intelligence video model launched by OpenAI, the manufacturer of ChatGPT, has the advantage over similar products on the market that it can  - Lujuba

openai announces the first video generation model.

openai claims that “the model understands not only what the user has asked for in the prompt, but also how those things exist in the physical world.” things exist in the physical world) and treat it as a "world simulator".

As a simulator, sora still has many limitations. For example, when it comes to the physical interaction of characters or animals, it is difficult for it not to make mistakes, but I believe its work team will gradually optimize and solve these problems.

When sora debuted, voices that badmouthed the film and television industry naturally appeared. Just like when chatgpt first came out, public opinion predicted that journalists, writers, screenwriters and other writing jobs would come to an end. "Sora brought a biting chill to the film and television industry. "When seeing these comments, the reporter felt that it was time to have a casual chat with my film and television industry friends.

Early stage of film and television: Everyone has a creative drawing board?

"In the early stage of film and television, sora will become a transformative force." Ms. Zhou, a senior storyboard artist, said seriously. Tools like sora can help film and television creators use highly efficient composite videos to tell their ideas. With the use of sora in the early stage of film and television, the era of carefully hand-drawn storyboards and concept drawings may be over.

But as sora realizes the automation of concept presentation in the pre-production process of film and television, are the job prospects of traditional storyboard artists, concept designers, etc. really bleak? In Ms. Zhou's view, this is not necessarily the case. In her understanding, the use of sora is still based on the prompt written by the user. Whether the prompt is written accurately determines whether the video generation can accurately convey the concept, which plays a decisive role. It still works on people, so its tool properties have not changed.

"Since it is a tool, what changes is the way of creation, not the life of the creator." Ms. Zhou said humbly that sora can make the storyboard dynamic, which is something she can't do as an artist for the time being. "But for concept design, I think excellent concept design will not be easily replaced by midjourney, sora and other tools for the time being, because their work has high personal creative attributes."

Regarding "In the near future, there will be large-scale unemployment in the early stage of film and television Ms. Zhou shook her head at such a prediction. She believed that tools like sora would definitely bring challenges to the early stage of film and television. "But any job must face challenges and keep learning. Maybe in the future, early stages with strong learning willingness and ability will Workers can integrate tools like sora into their workflow, and can even come up with more ways to improve work efficiency and work quality through learning programming, large models, algorithms, etc. And practitioners who are stuck in AI If we don’t eliminate them, they will also be eliminated by more talented and hard-working people, right?”

“And in a broader sense, I am actually looking forward to having a tool that can break down the creative barriers brought by skills such as painting and animation. Yes. People with ideas can use tools like sora to visualize the good ideas in their minds and communicate better with management and production. I think this is a good thing." Although Ms. Zhou has a pattern and confidence in the industry's prospects, But she said she will not be in the film and television industry next year and will join MCN (a multi-channel network that provides services to online video creators). "But the reason why I left this industry was not because I was afraid of being replaced by Sora, but because I was fed up with the stupid xing of Party A," Ms. Zhou lamented, "Maybe it would be good for AI to be the Party A."

Film and television mid-term: "star effect" without Substitutable?

The middle stage of film and television usually refers to the filming stage of film and television works. Video generation tools such as sora do not seem to have much room for use at this stage. "No matter how vivid and beautiful the AI-generated faces are, currently the audience still only recognizes celebrities, and employers and platforms only pay production fees for celebrities."Young executive producer Xiao Lu said with a smile, "When my boss (chief producer) used to have the most trouble deciding on the cast (deciding the cast), he had to beg his grandpa to sue his grandma with some difficult A-list (stars). The script needs to be drastically changed according to their requirements. But now it seems that celebrities may be the future ‘moat’ of the traditional film and television industry. "

reporter asked: What if celebrities grant portrait rights to the AI ​​platform? Maybe the filming of film and television dramas can be directly generated using a large number of celebrities' portraits? Xiaolu was stunned, "Isn't it possible? The legal and economic risks involved are too great and will be difficult to implement in the short term. And by then, celebrities are also afraid that they will be replaced by AI, right? Unless they use their image rights to generate videos and pay for commercial use per piece. "

But what if even the definition of a star has changed? Even as early as ten years ago, AI idols, anchors, singers, etc. have appeared in large numbers on Chinese and foreign Internet platforms. With the further development of AI technology and Internet social platforms, perhaps It is not impossible for several AI superstars to have a unified global aesthetic. By then, will AI stars also use generative video technology like sora to present more possibilities for film and television drama creation?

Xiaolu listened and then added, " If the future really turns out to be like this...are the acting awards at Chinese and foreign film and television festivals still meaningful? Do AI stars want to participate in the evaluation? " His words stopped the reporter.

Sora is definitely the focus of recent attention from relevant people and interested parties in the technology field. This large artificial intelligence video model launched by OpenAI, the manufacturer of ChatGPT, has the advantage over similar products on the market that it can  - Lujuba

In the first episode of the sixth season of "Black Mirror", there are celebrities and ordinary people whose images have been authorized.

Film and television post-production: elites calm, grassroots carnival?

Film and television post-production is a wide-ranging field. In general terms, it includes multiple types of work such as editing, special effects, color correction, dubbing, etc. Among these types of work, many practitioners currently believe that the one with the most commercial potential for sora is special effects.

However, I am engaged in editing and have recently tried to switch to special effects production. Junjun (pseudonym) from Direction believes that Sora will not threaten medium- and large-scale film production in the short term, “Why do special effects have to be done frame by frame? Because the human eye is very difficult to deceive. And if you look at the development trend of global film special effects in the past two decades, you will know that they are becoming more and more sophisticated, and they are becoming more and more refined, because the audience's aesthetic and excitement points are getting higher and higher. If your project is determined to use the spectacle of special effects as its selling point, it determines that you must invest enough money, energy and manpower in special effects. "

" But in low-budget movies, especially independent movies, I am quite optimistic that generated videos like sora may bring new creative possibilities to young independent filmmakers and even grassroots creators. "And in his opinion, although the video length currently produced by Sora is up to one minute, he predicts that with OpenAI's iteration speed, it is not far away that Sora can produce continuous videos of tens of minutes in length.

Isn't that ambitious? But young filmmakers who have no investment will no longer need expensive equipment and teams to realize the special effects of their works. Maybe just write a prompt to Sora to realize the gorgeous fantasy short film they expect? "According to some of the generated videos I have seen so far , there are quite a lot of errors, and it can't compare with the surprise of our special effects production frame by frame, so it can't be said to be very 'gorgeous', but it provides a creative tool that is likely to be zero cost, and supports a variety of Visual style allows creators to experiment as they please, rather than being limited by money and time costs and having to settle for nothing. " He added, "But you can't rely on AI to generate the entire work. Maybe it will be technically possible in the future, but in this case, is it your work or AI's work? Your creation only provides a prompt word? "

" Generally speaking, I am very optimistic that lowering the technical barriers to special effects will liberate the productivity and creativity of more creators. "Junjun said, "But it's too early to say this. Sora has not yet been opened to the public, and there is also a copyright issue with AI-generated videos. Currently, it is almost a legal blind spot around the world. "

Sora is definitely the focus of recent attention from relevant people and interested parties in the technology field. This large artificial intelligence video model launched by OpenAI, the manufacturer of ChatGPT, has the advantage over similar products on the market that it can  - Lujuba

Sora presents facial details

User-generated content (ugc): Film and television will be "finished" sooner or later?

"Sora's ability to quickly generate high-quality videos is consistent with the current fast pace of social media consumption."annie (pseudonym) is a staff member of an mcn organization in Hangzhou. She has been responsible for the video content planning of many Internet celebrities under the company for a long time. "Rather than playing a role in the film and television industry, I am more optimistic that tools like sora will shine in short video content. . After all, the film and television industry is already a sunset industry. "

sora will allow individuals to create video effects and content that only professional filmmakers can accomplish like never before. Sora will undoubtedly exacerbate the ambiguity between UGC and film production content." The most exciting thing about this technology is: it Empowering everyone to share their unique perspectives with the world. This is a decentralized era where everyone has the desire and power to express themselves. Tools such as sora can enable various groups to share their experiences and opinions more vividly and effectively, even if their expressions are not part of the mainstream narrative. Will this make this era more inclusive and diverse? "Promote the empowerment and self-realization of all people. Undoubtedly, UGC has a very serious social mission in Annie's eyes.

reporter reminded her that if she wants to use sora to tell her own experience, will it be difficult to avoid having to be visited by AI in the future? permissions to private materials, such as home videos and personal photos? Is there a huge risk of privacy leakage and social threat? Regarding this question, Annie said that this chaos is not in the future, but has already happened, "because the Internet does not Privacy, big data is always grabbing privacy. "Her expression was very categorical. Regarding copyright risks, many negative cases can be seen on UGC content platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou. For example, AI face-changing fraud, rumors, etc.

is the same as several other generative artificial intelligence companies. , OpenAI has faced multiple lawsuits accusing the company of using copyrighted material to train its products. OpenAI reports that they will take some important security measures before officially launching Sora and take precautions to prevent the technology from being used to create Misleading content. But whether all this can have the best effect, who knows? With the help of

ai, a new type of film and television will be born?

Upon learning that short video practitioners said that the film and television industry is going to be over, screenwriter Ronaldinho scoffed: "Those who make short videos To say this is to say that you are forgetting your ancestors. How many technologies did you steal from the creation and production of film and television dramas in the first place? How many film and television works have been used as commentary and secondary creations for profit? "

" does not mean to look down on short videos. I also use Douyin and Kuaishou, but to be honest, it is the most difficult for most short video content creators to establish barriers in front of AI-generated videos. Nowadays, many Internet celebrities may Can be easily replaced by AI. " Ronaldinho said firmly, "On the contrary, in the film and television industry, the core content creation is the most difficult to replace, and that is text creation. "

In Ronaldinho's view, Sora's current "text-video" generation method has determined the decisive role of text creation in its production. "Similar to the gameplay of midjourney, what you play is the accuracy of text expression. If you want AI to generate the video you want, you must constantly calibrate the accuracy of the prompt word text. " Ronaldinho said frankly, "The importance of text creation has become more prominent, so in my opinion, in the entire industry at present, our screenwriters are currently the most difficult to replace type of work. "

" The birth of film and television art is the product of technological progress. Historically, the invention of any technology has brought opportunities to the film and television industry: from the film era to the digital era, from 2D to 3D. "He believes that sora, like any technological revolution in the history of the film and television industry, will improve production efficiency, update production, and may even create new types, styles, and genres.

"First of all, AI-generated videos have changed the meaning of media. Perhaps one day, we will doubt that any video is generated and no longer believe what we see - changes in the audience's psychology may create new possibilities for film and television creation. " Xiao Luo said, "In addition, we are currently talking about Sora more as a 'tool', but if we regard it as a 'world simulator' claimed by OpenAI, maybe one day, a more mature world construction of Sora will be achieved. Power can open up unimaginable vistas for visual storytelling, unleashing countless different voices to tell stories that humans have never imagined. ”

Like it or not, we stand on the edge of science fiction and reality.Like all technological advancements, in the future, AI-generated video tools like Sora will be a double-edged sword, bringing hope and danger to the field of film and television production. It may break the status quo and reshape the industry. The most risky and Those who learn the spirit may hold the key to unlocking the huge potential of AI tooling and shaping the future of the film and television industry and other fields.

Tags: entertainment