This Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss of 100 pounds in one year in the movie "Hot and Spicy" has been on the hot searches many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on "One Day in Luyu" and disclosed her daily diet. In the show, Jia

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During this Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling losing 100 pounds in one year in the movie "Hot and Spicy" has been on the hot search many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on "One Day in Luyu" and disclosed her daily diet. In the

program, Jia Ling said that her current daily diet is: Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, colored peppers, chicken breast and brown rice.

This Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss of 100 pounds in one year in the movie 'Hot and Spicy' has been on the hot searches many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on 'One Day in Luyu' and disclosed her daily diet. In the show, Jia - Lujuba

Jia Ling said that the current diet is less oil and less salt, "20 grams of oil and 5 grams of salt a day", and she tries to eat it within eight hours, following the "16+8" principle.

This Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss of 100 pounds in one year in the movie 'Hot and Spicy' has been on the hot searches many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on 'One Day in Luyu' and disclosed her daily diet. In the show, Jia - Lujuba

This Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss of 100 pounds in one year in the movie 'Hot and Spicy' has been on the hot searches many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on 'One Day in Luyu' and disclosed her daily diet. In the show, Jia - Lujuba

Jia Ling also mentioned that her previous method of relieving stress, like many young people, was to eat and drink. Through losing weight, she has now changed to drinking tea and going to bed early and getting up early.

This Spring Festival, the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss of 100 pounds in one year in the movie 'Hot and Spicy' has been on the hot searches many times. How on earth did she do it? Recently, Jia Ling was a guest on 'One Day in Luyu' and disclosed her daily diet. In the show, Jia - Lujuba

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Doctor: Jia Ling’s weight loss style is not suitable for most people

According to CCTV, doctors said that a person’s weight loss range is about 60 to 80 kilograms a year, which is more reasonable, and the rate of weight loss is 100 kilograms a year. It has exceeded the normal weight loss range. Doctors warn that rapid weight loss in the short term is not suitable for most ordinary people and may lead to malnutrition, hypoglycemia and other conditions. Even patients who are originally very overweight must consider the burden on the heart caused by weight loss.

WHO recommended weight loss speed

WHO (WHO) recommends losing 0.5~1kg per week and 1~3kg per month. Losing weight at a "uniform speed" will cause less damage to the body and is not easy to rebound.

Based on the observation of weight loss-related research and people who have failed to lose weight, Zhu Weimo, an academician of the American Academy of Sports Sciences and a tenured professor at the University of Illinois, has the following suggestions for Chinese people to lose weight:

Don’t be blind

A certain amount of fat is very good for the health of the body, especially for young women. important. Joining the weight loss army in pursuit of skinny skin may lead to weight loss or anorexia.

Controlling hunger

Ensuring a more stable blood sugar level and a feeling of stomach fullness is the key. We recommend several small ways to control hunger: Breakfast should have protein and crude fiber; you can eat some fruits or nuts between lunch and dinner; if you exercise in the afternoon, do the exercise before dinner, and drink some water after exercise to reduce your appetite. Not too strong.

For people who have been under exercise and diet control for more than half a year and still cannot effectively reduce their weight, it is recommended to consult a doctor and follow the doctor's advice to lose weight through drug treatment and other means.

Health reminder: Scientific weight loss is very important.

Director of the Nutrition Department of Hangzhou First People's Hospital Yang Renhua said: Weight loss is a very professional matter. Scientific weight loss must do the following:

Carbohydrates are a necessity for the human body.

Among the energy required, protein accounts for 15%-20%, fat accounts for 25%-30%, and the remaining energy is supplied by carbohydrates, accounting for more than 50%.

In addition to providing necessary energy, most carbohydrate-containing foods also provide a large amount of dietary fiber, which are necessary to ensure the normal operation of the body. Whole grains and miscellaneous grains can be used instead of refined white rice and noodles.

Ensure a correct dietary structure

Many people lose weight, not fat, but muscle, which will lead to a series of problems. You can choose more protein-rich fish, shrimp, poultry, eggs, lean meat and fresh vegetables. Pay attention to the order of meals and slow down.

Fixed meal times

Three meals a day should be arranged at fixed times and develop the habit of regular meals.

Pay attention to body signals

A little careless weight loss can easily cause harm to the body. If you feel tired or lose appetite during the weight loss process, you should seek help from a professional doctor in time.

Weight loss must be gradual.

Weight loss must be controlled at a controlled speed. It must not be too fast. Generally, it should not exceed 10 kilograms a month, otherwise it will cause harm to the body.

Exercise regularly and moderately

Exercise should be gradual and avoid exerting too much force. Moderate exercise can promote metabolism.

Do not lose weight blindly

To lose weight, you need to go to a professional medical institution for evaluation and testing, conduct body composition analysis, strictly control the indications, and carry out targeted fat reduction.

Losing weight is not something that can be achieved overnight. Eat properly, exercise healthily, lose fat and gain muscle, otherwise it will cause serious harm to the body.

(Source: City Express Orange Persimmon Interactive)

Tags: entertainment