On February 21, the TV series "Hunting Ice" was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews

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On February 21, the TV series " Ice Hunting " was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews are all aimed at Yao Anna, the heroine of the show. However, it is obviously unfair to criticize an entire TV series based on its actresses.

On February 21, the TV series 'Hunting Ice' was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews  - Lujuba

Let’s talk about Yao Anna first. In "Hunting Ice", Anna Yao has obviously grown up, especially in some of the chasing scenes. It can be seen that this "princess" has left the pampered life. In some of the action scenes in the play, Anna Yao's handling of the character is relatively wonderful. Of course, these action scenes may also be completed by stand-ins. Whether this is the case is unknown.

In the specific line performance, I admit that Yao Anna does have too many shortcomings as criticized by netizens. For example, Yao Anna’s eyes were not firm enough. This is a problem faced by young actresses who have just entered the film and television industry. At the same time, in many details of her performance, Anna Yao is still at the level of popular actresses. Because of her shortcomings in performance, this TV series still lacks a lot of highlights from the heroine level.

On February 21, the TV series 'Hunting Ice' was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews  - Lujuba

It is obviously unreasonable to deny this TV series based solely on Anna Yao. If the heroine's acting skills are not good, at most it will ruin a quarter of a TV series. The rest of the play is quite exciting. For example, Teacher Zhang Songwen's role in each episode has the power to turn the tide. Many viewers who have already followed the show said that every time Teacher Zhang Songwen appeared, the temperament of the show was immediately brought up.

Obviously, the show is not bad, at least, not bad at the script level. Otherwise, Teacher Zhang Songwen would be helpless. The actors' efforts are all based on the script. Teacher Zhang Songwen gives people a hidden master temperament in "Hunting Ice". This kind of temperament makes him the perfect choice to be the big brother. Based on this, it can be said that Teacher Zhang Songwen's acting style can lead many TV series to success.

On February 21, the TV series 'Hunting Ice' was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews  - Lujuba

The overall temperament of "Hunting Ice" is still directed by Gao Qunshu. In the first three episodes of this TV series, it can be seen that Director Gao clearly recalls the kind of police and gangster dramas that once made him brilliant. For example, Yao Anna dressed up as a young lady and went to an undercover village. This costume often appeared in the film and television dramas produced by director Gao Qunshu twenty years ago. For another example, in episode 3, the scene between the young lady and the gun-toting brother in the hotel after going to the nightclub is also a typical Gao Qunshu style.

Even the use of steel pipes to make and assemble guns has often appeared in director Gao Qunshu's previous film and television dramas. It can be said that director Gao Qunshu is obsessed with his glorious moments, both in terms of aesthetics and story structure. An anti-drug TV series from 20 years ago is also full of the old flavor of 20 years ago. As an audience who has grown old watching TV series directed by Gao Qunshu, I think this "Ice Hunting" is pretty good at the director level.

On February 21, the TV series 'Hunting Ice' was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews  - Lujuba

Of course, at the script level, this drama seems too cliche, and it seems that the IQ of the decent side is insufficient, which makes people anxious. For example, the heroine found clues about the portrait and locked in the character played by Zhang Songwen. At this time, in a normal criminal investigation drama, wouldn't Zhang Songwen's character be followed, in-depth investigated, and controlled? In this drama, the heroine actually went to talk to Zhang Songwen's character together with another leader.

Of course Zhang Songwen's character was aware of such a conversation, and of course he wanted to close his factory. This type of handling the case to alert the enemy has indeed seriously lowered the IQ of the decent side. Our current anti-drug and criminal investigation TV series will definitely not use this method to present decent characters. "Ice Hunting" directed by Gao Qunshu adopts this mode, but it is actually the screenwriting method used in the late 1990s.

On February 21, the TV series 'Hunting Ice' was launched on Tencent Video in episode 3, officially starting the premiere mode. After the drama was released, a large number of negative reviews appeared on Douban and other places, all with one and two stars. These negative reviews  - Lujuba

In terms of storytelling, this TV series is relatively average. It is more like a coming-of-age work, telling the growth process of the drug lord played by Zhang Songwen. Of course, the "growth" here is different from growth in our ordinary sense.Obviously, Teacher Zhang Songwen is an important highlight of this TV series. Even so, the audience still has to endure the relatively poor acting skills brought by the heroine. Good acting skills and poor acting skills are easy to neutralize acid and alkali.

Based on the above, I think that "Hunting Ice" still has merits, especially some of the typical aesthetic style of director Gao Qunshu, which is really suitable for our middle-aged and elderly audiences. Although I, Zhuangxiang Xian, Gao Qunshu, may not necessarily be Wang Zha, but at least I can let the old audience see "Gao Qunshu" at a glance. Middle-aged and elderly viewers can follow the drama "Ice Hunting". (Text/Ma Qingyun)

Tags: entertainment