Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - "South and North" was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama "embryonically" throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh

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Finally waited for this Spring Festival drama -

"South and North"

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

to be launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama "embryonically" throughout the whole process.

Why can I miss you for so long?

director Zheng Xiaolong and screenwriter Gao Mantang . As soon as these two names come out, they are the best answers.

, the two top team leaders, have their own golden signatures that are more effective than traffic. They can naturally revitalize this "team building" that covers half of the entertainment industry:

Bai Jingting , Ding Yongdai, Jin Chen , Zuo Xiaoqing , Liu Jun, Jiang Yan, Hu Ke... veteran actors and young actors perform on the same stage, and many old comedy acquaintances appear in every episode.

, the creator of this show, makes me want to take a look twice when I pass by. Once I see it, I don’t say a word, and I am completely absorbed. The ratings of Yang8 are 2.0187%, ranking first; the popularity of the online broadcast is soaring, and it has exceeded 7,500.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

I must admit that my whole family contributed to this booming ratings.

followed 6 episodes in a row with my family. I am sure: There is no drama that is more suitable to start the new year than "South and North"! There is no “electronic New Year’s product” more suitable for the whole family to enjoy than this!

has attractive laughter, a thick and warm sense of the times, and a spiritual resonance that spans time and space.

looked at it and chatted, sipped and smiled, and the taste of life lingered.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

It is the train of the times that goes from south to north, and people of all kinds get on and off the train. They come and leave with stories.

The train is like a miniature society, and every passenger is a microcosm of the times.

html In 2040, policeman Wang Xin (played by Bai Jingting) and master Ma Kui (played by Ding Yongdai) were witnesses and participants of the train story.

Ma Kui was once a railway policeman. He was imprisoned for more than ten years due to an unjust case. Now he has been reinstated and has become Wang Xin's master.

The younger one has a heroic dream, while the older one has an iron hand. Whenever the two of them meet, they can always make some noise.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Two people with very different personalities and different ways of doing things, which sheds light on the completely different personalities and social experiences of the master and the disciple.

But facing the passengers, they have a similar sense of justice. Wang Xinchong went to the front to serve them, and Ma Kui looked after them silently:

He rushed to Wang Guofu, who was proposing marriage, with three "RMB"-filled sesame cakes ( Wang Xun ), even though he was fully aware of safety, his bag was still stolen;

A Shanghai brand watch is directly related to whether an unmarried couple can get married, which involves countless parents' filial piety and grievance;

The "nail house" of the train, the old blind man (Ni Dahong) ), got on the train without buying a ticket, but the conductors all understood his difficulty...

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Each carriage, one case after another, is like a person. Railway, as a major transportation artery, has brought blood to the lives of ordinary people and has witnessed countless joys and sorrows.

What I want to emphasize is that these people and things do not exist in isolation, but are drawn in series to form a vivid and complex group portrait , which becomes more and more interesting the more you look at it.

At the same time, "South to North" not only records the "faces of all living beings" on the train, but also captures "family portraits" in the railway compound.

In addition to Ma Kui and Wang Xin, the "unjust master and apprentice" pair, there are constant sparks, and the others also have their own laughs.

Ma Yan (played by Jin Chen) is smart and down-to-earth, with a small mouth that dares to quarrel with anyone; the fireman Niu Dali (played by Liu Guanlin) is a simple and honest man, and "King Jiji" changed his mind to "Boiling Sheep" in order to chase "Beauty". Yao Yuling (played by Jiang Yan), the "sheep and sheep", is exhausted all day long; conductor Cai Xiaonian (played by Song Jia Teng) is playing allegro across the world, just to catch every stalk that is about to fall to the ground...

Young people are lively and noisy, and the old one is The scenes between the seniors are also very interesting, and the collective life is enjoyable. A group of people get together to make jokes and make fun of each other, bringing a plot that is flying to the ground and full of jokes, with constant surprises!

Who knows, it is the most appropriate time to watch small character dramas during family reunions! The characters in the play can all find reference objects around them, doubling the joyful effect.Seeing the unscrupulous plot, everyone can still tell each other's stories.

The fragrance of melon seeds in the mouth is enough, and there are enough jokes in the play. The "New Year's goods" both on and off the screen are delicious, and the whole family is so delicious!

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

The style and temperament of the era are not only reflected in the group portraits, but also flow in every frame.

The clanking 28th bar, food stamps, enamel cups and military coats, every detail is engraved with memories of the times; pickle jars and braised pork, cotton quilts, earthen beds, and big dirt accents can be seen everywhere in the Northeast. culture.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Fuhua Road is filled with tangible and tangible fireworks, is also filled with a sense of age and the sincere friendship between people, creating a warm old time that is extremely nostalgic -

Wang Xin and Ma Kui's master-disciple relationship has gradually developed from falling in love with each other to complementing each other. It is interesting and heartwarming.

Ma Kui said he disliked Wang Xin, but in fact, he had long recognized Wang Xin in his heart. While verbally damaging his whole family, he also shared his experience in catching thieves with others.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

’s strong master-disciple relationship makes local workers envious. Nowadays, we are accustomed to sitting at our workstations all day long. At the end of the day, we can't even say a few words to our colleagues next to us. The steel and concrete in the city seems to make our emotions more and more dull, and we yearn for the sincere human touch of the past.

What’s more valuable is that at that time, people’s interactions were often based on large families and large groups as the basic unit.

In the railway compound , everyone is walking around, and everyone likes to chat with the door open. As long as you shout at the door, the neighbor next door will rush over to help.

The trivial details of neighbors can reflect the harmonious and relaxed way in which people got along with each other at that time.

After Yao Yuling fainted due to hypoglycemia, everyone hurriedly donated their sugar tickets. Wang Xin also took out the rare White Rabbit toffee; Lao Wu's chicken unfortunately died of the plague, and the neighbors discussed it. I decided that if I really couldn't find out, I would pool my money and help her family "make a whole nest of chickens"...

Ordinary people will always encounter countless sorrows in their lives, but if you help me and I will help you, life will always be enjoyable. A hint of sweetness.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

The big boy grew up in such a group, and the relationship between them was complex and multifaceted. Didn’t this create dramatic tension?

For example, Wang Xin, Daniu, and Dali, the "three brothers in the compound", are young boys who can wear a pair of underpants, and they are also colleagues who leave early and come home late. Their life trajectories are highly overlapped.

The juniors talk together in one language, and face their elders and parents in a different way. The elders and juniors look down but don't look up, which brings about interesting relationship conflicts.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

These real and vivid fragments of life and 's unique interpersonal relationships , with the warmth and affection that come to your face, instantly bring people back to that era.

After the end of that era, there were no longer big families and compound life, and many people had no choice but to bid farewell to the era. But "South to North" chooses to look back at the past affectionately, like a love letter written to the past.

At a time when the flavor of the year and human touch are becoming increasingly rare, it is extremely precious.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Being down-to-earth, open to the heart, and telling "human" stories well are the consistent creative ideas of director Zheng Xiaolong and screenwriter Gao Mantang.

The name Zheng Xiaolong can almost be equated with the Chinese TV drama industry. From "Desire", which was popular among parents' generation, to "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which is played repeatedly by our generation, he has single-handedly created countless screen memories, always making small incisions. See the big times.

Gao Mantang is also good at "eagle grasping the ground"-like creation - going deep into life and taking root in the people. After classic masterpieces such as "Nine Phoenixes in the Family", "Crossing Guandong" and "Wenzhou Family", this time because of an old photo, he wrote the story of "South to North" with great enthusiasm. The two creators of

know very well: the train is the carrier, the case is the origin, and under the wheels of the times that have rolled forward for 40 years, these talents who are ups and downs are the soul of this drama.

And throughout the lives of these people, what is it that arouses our yearning?

is the vigorous and high-spirited spirit of everyone.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

When watching the drama, I can't help but laugh along - not only because of the jokes in the drama, but also because everyone is busy in life, and there is a bright color in their smiles, which is so contagious!

Watching Wang Xinxiong patrolling the carriage with great arrogance, I feel that I am energetic even at work! The sentence "dóu is what I should do" is just like Ma Kui's pair of "vises" with strong grip, which is full of energy and makes people feel more secure.

At the same age, Ma Yan worked early to support her family, but she did not give up her pursuit of the future. Solving problems when they happen, focusing on never losing energy.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

The older generation also cherishes the yearning for a better life and never talks about the past hardships.

Sufang has always managed a small family and has not done anything big. But she has the tenacity and wisdom of ordinary people. In the days when she was reluctant to eat meat, she still believed that there would be countless good days in the future.

Let’s look at the old blind man again. His family is broken up and his life is ruined, but he is able to chew out the “flavour of meat and bones” from his suffering, and relies on his keen sense of smell to show his talents in the human trafficker case...

The individual body is filled with surging vitality. The collective also has the cohesion of human feelings and beliefs.

’s firm belief that life has a bright future and the drive to make “the days more prosperous” will not fade with the passage of time. Instead, it can transcend the times and arouse the resonance of every Chinese today.

Time flies and changes occur, but the heart of running towards a steaming new life will not change. This is the spiritual core engraved in your and my blood.

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

was aroused again and again, and as I watched, I began to worry about this group of people. I really want to move a bench and sit in the railway yard, eating melon seeds and watching their life vlogs, not to mention how much fun it would be!

Following the show, I seem to have returned to my childhood.

has been preparing melon seeds and fruit snacks in the evening for the past two days. is guarding iQiyi and calling parents: "South and North" is about to be released, hurry up and watch it!

Looking back, this seems to have become an annual "fixed custom" in my family. Every year, I rely on iQiyi to renew the Spring Festival drama!

Finally, let’s make a key point - "South and North" is constantly being updated during the holidays, so you can also watch it during the New Year's Eve!

During the Spring Festival, our whole family stayed in the "railway compound" to watch!

Finally, I waited until this Spring Festival drama - 'South and North' was launched in 2022. Finally, it was officially broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2024. I followed the drama 'embryonically' throughout the whole process. Why have you missed me for so long? Director Zh - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment