Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca

entertainment 3355℃

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan

Editor | Boyin

The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated.

When Sha Yi was young, his looks were more outstanding than his acting skills.

However, as he grew older, his appearance declined after gaining weight, and he turned to comedy and became a variety show star. The audience gradually ignored Sha Yi's acting skills.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that Sha Yi did not come up with a few decent characters.

It wasn't until "The Wandering Earth 2" released during the Spring Festival last year that Sha Yi relied on the image of Master Wu Jing to save his respect.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

But this time when I watched the CCTV drama "South to North", I was deeply amazed by Hu Ke's acting skills.

Since getting married and having children, Hu Ke’s focus has been on his family. Therefore,

's title of "Sha Yi's wife" is always more eye-catching.

Even with veteran actors like Ding Yongdai in "South to North", people always worry that he is not good enough.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

But as the plot developed, Su Fang, played by Hu Ke, was offline due to cancer, and her acting skills also ushered in the highlight moment.

It was this dying scene that allowed Hu Ke to clear his name. It was just one scene.

can even be called textbook level.

Because many actors have played cancer patients before, but Hu Ke not only showed no timidity, but also made people cry.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Put her together with Xin Baiqing, Huang Lei and others. There is really no harm if there is no comparison.


No. 1, Hu Ke

Sufang in "South to North", when her husband suffered ten years in prison due to an unjust, false and wrong case.

supported the entire family alone and suffered from various chronic diseases, the most serious of which was cancer.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

By the time her husband found out, she was already in an advanced stage and her life had entered a countdown.

Her husband Ma Kui (played by Ding Yongdai) and daughter Ma Yan (played by Jin Chen) who sent Sufang to the hospital thought there was a chance of treatment and that they could at least live for a few more years.

But in fact, Sufang has already returned to her former glory at this time.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

She had no strength at first and couldn't even open her eyes, and then she asked her daughter to help her sit up.

tried his best to put a smile on his face, trying to reassure his daughter.

But in fact, she already knew that she was not going to die soon, and she began to explain her funeral arrangements.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

She asked Ma Yan to go out. When she was alone with her husband to say a few words, she stopped her daughter again without saying a word.

But there was attachment and reluctance to her daughter in her eyes.

acted out all the worries and love a mother has for her daughter.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

The eye scene scene is already awe-inspiring, and even more exciting is the crying scene, when the daughter walks out of the ward.

She finally released her emotions completely, hugged her husband and cried bitterly, unable to leave her family behind.

The reluctance to leave at the beginning of the good days was all reflected in Hu Ke's crying scene.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

On the one hand, the acting skills are perfect, but Hu Ke's condition also makes people feel more real, with a thin figure and dull skin.

Even the eyes are dull.

It can be seen that Hu Ke lost weight in advance in order to better fit the character's image.

In the drama, her hands were so thin that they were just skin and bones. She only swallowed saliva while lying on the bed, and the tendons in her neck stretched.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

The front lens does not look so clear, and there is still a bit of fleshiness on the face.

But when Hu Ke is photographed from an oblique angle, the prominent cheekbones are obvious.

’s cheeks were dented, it was so real!

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba


In second place, Xin Baiqing

It is not just Lei Jiayin and Yin Tao who are the leading actors in "Human World" whose acting skills are truly amazing.

also has Xin Baiqing, who plays the eldest brother Zhou Bingyi. The character

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

reached the mid-to-late stage when he was diagnosed with cancer due to overwork.

But he has been sticking to his job without telling his family. In the

drama, Xin Baiqing's condition also deteriorated visibly to the naked eye.The most obvious thing about

is that he is getting thinner and thinner, especially the flesh on his face, which really becomes less in the later stages. When

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

appeared in the early stage, his cheeks were still wrapped in flesh, and his face was both square and fleshy.

But later on, the bones on the face showed up, the cheekbones became more prominent, and the neck became longer.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

In old age, the cancer is under control and the condition is slightly restored.

But her body is very thin. She looks similar to his wife Dongmei. She has obviously lost weight for the role.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba


The third place is Zhang Zhen

When Zhang Zhen in "Hunting Soul" played a cancer patient, he even suffered to a terrifying degree.

Although the movie is not large in size, it has a tight rhythm due to its limited duration.

Zhang Zhen's gradually becoming terminally ill looks more obvious.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

There was still some flesh on his face at first, but as his hair gradually thinned out, his cheeks began to sink inward.

When he shaved his head and lay dying on the hospital bed, Zhang Zhen looked like a skeleton.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Because the scale of this movie is not small, a full-body photo of Zhang Zhen was taken, and his arms were so thin that the bones can be seen.

Although he is tall, he is so thin that his chest touches his back.

The ribs on his chest were all exposed. It would be an exaggeration to say that he looked haggard.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

Originally, Zhang Zhen's figure was still more muscular.

But when portraying this character, his arms are almost as thin as Zhang Junning. It is self-evident how much he has paid for the character.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

This kind of pathological thinness not only requires actors to lose weight, but also requires extreme methods to turn themselves into paper figures.

Although actors are not encouraged to disregard their health for roles, this directly proves Zhang Zhen's dedication.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba


is fourth, Huang Lei

is not difficult to find from the status of Hu Ke, Xin Baiqing, and Zhang Zhen.

The most prominent feature of cancer patients is sudden weight loss, which is also consistent with the status of cancer patients in real life.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

But the cancer patient played by Huang Lei in "Xiao Min's Family" was hilarious to watch.

has obviously reached a very serious stage and needs to shave off all his hair and undergo chemotherapy.

But Huang Lei's figure has not changed at all, he still looks potbellied.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

This made him have a huge body and a protruding belly even though he was hospitalized.

He has a fat head and a big brain, and he can't even tell the difference between his chin and neck. It's more like he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and had to be hospitalized.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

In order to fit the image, she only put effort into her makeup.

Huang Lei has no intention of losing weight for the role.

But the skin was painted black and yellow, and the eye circles were deliberately made.

The color of her lips also turned pale. The more she looked at her, the more she looked like she couldn't control her mouth and was poisoned by a poisonous mushroom.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

There really is no harm if there is no comparison. With Huang Lei acting one by one, the character has changed again.


It can be seen that it seems that it is not a difficult role for actors to present.

also needs to work hard in all aspects, not just acting, but also managing his body when necessary.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin The acting skills of Sha Yi and Hu Ke are really underestimated. When Sha Yi was young, his appearance as a military school star was more outstanding than his acting skills. But as I grew older, my appearance declined after gaining weight, and I beca - Lujuba

And Hu Ke’s amazing performance in "Southern and Northbound" made everyone see the standard of a good actor. It really doesn’t just have to be good at acting.

Who do you think plays the most realistic role as a cancer patient?

Tags: entertainment