On March 3, the movie "Chasing the Moon" held its premiere. Film director Qiao Liang and actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge all attended. The main creators interpreted the film and stars shared their remarks.

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On March 3, the movie 'Chasing the Moon' held its premiere. Film director Qiao Liang and actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge all attended. The main creators interpreted the film and stars shared their remarks. - Lujuba A total of 14 pictures

1905 Movie Network News On March 3, the movie "Chasing the Moon" held its premiere. The film director Qiao Liang, actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge were all present. The main creators interpreted the film and also A group of stars shared their testimonials.

On March 3, the movie 'Chasing the Moon' held its premiere. Film director Qiao Liang and actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge all attended. The main creators interpreted the film and stars shared their remarks. - Lujuba

The movie "Chasing the Moon" tells the ups and downs of a generation of famous actors who are shattered in front of the stage and behind the scenes, and entangled between family affection and dream obsession. The depth of the idea is self-evident and is worth savoring. In the interactive session, the behind-the-scenes story of He Saifei's barefoot performance in the winter location was mentioned again. In this regard, He Saifei said frankly: Being an actor is a unique profession that allows you to experience thousands of lives. Filming conscientiously is your job. Although it is hard work, it is happy, full of sincerity and full of professionalism.

On March 3, the movie 'Chasing the Moon' held its premiere. Film director Qiao Liang and actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge all attended. The main creators interpreted the film and stars shared their remarks. - Lujuba

Yuan Wenkang, who played mother and son with He Saifei in the film, talked about this cooperation and said: It is a very happy thing to be able to act with He Saifei. He also shared his feelings when reading the script with He Saifei. He bluntly said that He Saifei was just a Opening his mouth made him feel confident about the main event of the mother-son quarrel.

On March 3, the movie 'Chasing the Moon' held its premiere. Film director Qiao Liang and actors He Saifei, Yuan Wenkang, Tu Ling, and Xu Ge all attended. The main creators interpreted the film and stars shared their remarks. - Lujuba

On that day, many stars including Zhang Xinyi, Tao Xinran, Wu Yue, Zhang Guangbei, Xu Di, Liu Wei, Shi Ke, Song Xiaoying, etc. came to support and shared their remarks after the screening. Zhang Xinyi said that He Saifei is the soul of the film, and I love watching her go crazy. The story content of the film is like a trickle of water that merges into a big river, conveying very strong emotions. Wu Yue also praised He Saifei's acting skills and said that he saw him blossom in the film.

"Chasing the Moon" will be released nationwide on March 8, so stay tuned.

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