2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop

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2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern people are, but this time something bad happened.

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

Fu Yuanhui was blackmailed when chartering a car in Changbai Mountain. After the matter became serious, the official responded quickly

html On February 17th, the world swimming champion Fu Yuanhui, who became popular on the Internet because of her "prehistoric power", exposed something through her social account. She She said that when she chartered a car, she was blackmailed by the driver. Halfway through the car, the driver asked for more money, otherwise he would leave her on the road. Fu Yuanhui debated whether to call the police.

Fu Yuanhui’s short post instantly attracted the attention of countless netizens, and it immediately reached the top of the trending searches. Netizens saw the positioning on Fu Yuanhui’s social account and confirmed the authenticity of the matter. After Fu Yuanhui asked for help, netizens became excited, and public opinion fermented surprisingly quickly.

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

Media reporters soon paid attention to this matter and immediately contacted the Propaganda Department of the Changbai Mountain Management Committee by phone. At first, the staff of the Propaganda Department of the Changbai Mountain Management Committee bluntly said that they were not clear about the matter. It was then suggested that such matters should be handed over to the local cultural and tourism department for verification and processing. The official response from

was very quick. In a short period of time, the local cultural and tourism department had sent people to verify and responded that if the matter was true, such violations would be dealt with as hard as possible to protect the safety of tourists. Benefit. After 2 hours, the matter was completely resolved.

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

Fu Yuanhui also immediately posted a message to inform netizens and thanked them for their concern. She said that Jilin's cultural and tourism department had intervened immediately and the problem had been resolved. Fu Yuanhui replied to enthusiastic netizens in the comment area, saying that she still likes Northeast China very much and there are many kind-hearted people here. Her good mood was not affected.

The comments on CCTV are thought-provoking, how difficult it is for ordinary people to defend their rights.

In the evening of the same day, CCTV also gave its own comments and opinions on this matter. A rhetorical question from CCTV: "What if it wasn't Fu Yuanhui?" has caused countless netizens to think deeply. Yes, if it were not Fu Yuanhui, but an ordinary person, how would he defend his rights? Or will someone handle the rights protection?

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

The environment of the cultural tourism market has been changing in recent years, and the concept of relying on mountains and rivers also needs to change. Today, the domestic tourism market has shifted from fighting for resources to fighting for services. If a place does not provide good services, tourists will encounter Too bad no one will go to this place again. There were also various complaints in the

comment area. In particular, the tour guide from Yunnan, a major tourist province, was named by many netizens. They joked: "The tour guide is leading a group and cannot apologize in person." Such funny yet ironic words make people think deeply. It is really difficult for ordinary people to defend their rights!

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

2023 has just passed, and this period happens to be the holiday. Many people are traveling to various places, especially the Northeast. The beautiful scenery in winter is something that many tourists cannot refuse. Netizens all know how generous and enthusiastic Northeastern peop - Lujuba

Finally, CCTV also asked a question, what should you do if you encounter extortion for a fee while traveling? In this regard, the vast majority of people chose to defend their rights. Many people directly called to complain, but more people chose a rational approach, giving money first and then defending their rights. Indeed, when you are in an unfamiliar place, safety is the most important thing.

Fu Yuanhui’s incident also shows that there is still a domestic tourism market that needs rectification. It is hoped that the relevant departments can increase the crackdown on such illegal practitioners. I wonder how my friends would deal with this kind of thing?

Tags: entertainment