"Flying Life 2" was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? "I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice." These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou

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" Flying Life 2" was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory?

"I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice."

These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trough in his life, and it touched the heartstrings of countless people.

also said this, revealing the heart-wrenching truth of the adult world. There are only one or two opportunities.

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

After experiencing the ups and downs of Zhang Chi's life in "Flying Life 2", we can't help but sigh: It is inevitable to encounter setbacks and injustices in life, but it is these hardships that make us tougher. Only by accepting ourselves and moving forward bravely can helplessness be transformed into Reconciliation of life.

More importantly, the true meaning of life does not lie in success in the eyes of the world, but in going all out for your dreams and living your true self passionately.

Before watching "Flying Life 2", many movie fans will choose to review Zhang Chi's ups and downs in the first film. He is a talented racing driver who has bathed in glory and won championships. If he had followed the established path, he might have become the unrivaled king on the Bayinbulak track.

However, reality is not always as smooth as expected.

At the peak of his career, Zhang Chi participated in illegal racing and was banned from racing for five years due to some irresistible emotional ties. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a driver who is on the rise of his career and has won the rally championship for five consecutive years.

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

This means that in his golden years and the most mature period of his skills, he will most likely bid farewell to the game.

Despite such a heavy blow, his inner fire has not been extinguished.

During the five-year ban, even though he was reduced to operating a food stall and selling fried rice for a living, he repeatedly simulated the 100-kilometer track in Bayinbuluk in his mind every day and "drove" it alone twenty times a day.

The five-year period ended, and he chose to come back with his true love for motorsports. Although people often say that love can withstand the erosion of time, the cruelty of reality makes this love particularly difficult.

Raising funds for racing equipment has become a huge problem. His former teammates have avoided seeing him, which made him realize the harshness of the adult world and the fragility of friendship.

In the end, Zhang Chi overcame many difficulties and stood on the Bayinbrook track again.

did not have a navigator, so he relied on his rich experience to fight alone; the car configuration was insufficient, so he relied on his passion to sprint.

Finally, he crossed the finish line with a time of 59:58, setting a new record.

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

But life is always full of drama. Due to a brake failure that caused him to lose control and fall off a cliff, and because he failed to find a lead seal to prove the validity of his results, his brilliant record was invalidated.

fell from the cloud to the bottom, Zhangchi faced the dilemma of having multiple fractures all over his body and being unable to compete in the competition for the rest of his life. The huge medical expenses forced him to spend all his savings, and he was also burdened with the heavy pressure of cheating suspicions. The once-hero of

has now become the laughing stock of the industry, enduring the cynicism of public opinion. In such a desperate situation, he seemed to have lost the courage to stand up again, so he could only open a garage at a driving school to teach novice students to drive.

Faced with doubts from the outside world and inner struggles, Zhang Chi once compromised his ordinary life and tried to let go of his attachment. When the sponsor offered him four million in exchange for coaching the promising rookie Li Xiaohai in the game, he accepted the seemingly easy choice without hesitation.

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

But when he learned that this would be the last event held in Bayinbuluke and Li Xiaohai lost his qualification, Zhang Chi decided to cheer up again.

He reorganized the racing cars, adjusted the competition strategy, and used the remaining money to piece together three racing cars, one for crash testing, one for Li Xiaohai to use the best equipment, and the last one for himself, although the configuration was not yet complete. .

After a difficult collision test, Zhang Chi accidentally found the lead seal that he had been missing for five years. At that moment, his emotions changed from excitement and anger to calmness and relief.

He said the words "I don't need grades, but I can't accept my innocence being tainted", which expressed the indignation and persistence in the hearts of many people.

In the real world, opportunities are not always directly proportional to strength. Even though Zhang Chi has outstanding strength, he still cannot resist the pressure of the world.

Just like many people around us, there are many people with unappreciated talents. Throughout their lives, they just learned to reconcile with the glory of the past and advised themselves that "everything is in the past."

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

But true heroism is to still love life after seeing through the truth of life, and work hard to realize your own value.

After unremitting efforts, Zhang Chi finally got the opportunity to participate in the competition. That day, he dragged his injured body, drove a damaged car, faced bad weather and the provocation of his opponents, and resolutely completed the entire race.

Without the guidance of a navigator, he could only drive intuitively; the car might fall apart at any time, but he rushed forward regardless.

In this game with almost no chance of winning, Zhang Chi once again bets his life and attacks the finish line.

This time, his brakes were intact; this time, his lead seal was intact; this time, he set a new record of 59:57, leading the team to first place!

'Flying Life 2' was a hit at the box office. Which line remains fresh in your memory? 'I have worked hard countless times, but opportunities will only appear once or twice.' These were the heartfelt words of Zhang Chi, the protagonist of the film, when he was going through a trou - Lujuba

Looking at the passionate struggle on the screen, who can’t help but applaud Zhang Chi’s perseverance? If youth’s desperate efforts come from love, then middle-aged’s all-out efforts come from inner perseverance.

Whether you are working quietly with your head down, or looking up to pursue your ideals, everyone should remember: No matter whether it is a broad road or a south wall, as long as you keep moving forward, you will always encounter the beauty that life bestows.

Tags: entertainment