My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, "Article 20". There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. "Article 20" is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. "Flying Life 2", "Hot...

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My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

A friend asked me to recommend a movie to watch during the Spring Festival?

I answered her, "Article 20".

There are tears in laughter, depth and social significance.

"Article 20" is probably the best Spring Festival movie I have ever watched. I have read

" flying life 2" and " hot ", but in my opinion, social significance > personal significance, it is easy to fight against yourself, you only need to make up your mind and stick to it, but What if ordinary people confront the powerful?

There is a kind of helplessness and despair that you really have no choice but to die. It is too difficult. It is a gap that ordinary people cannot overcome because of their own weakness.

In the movie, I experienced the hardships of small people seeking fairness and justice in the face of their own destiny. They are really inspirational.

has encountered so many injustices and is still looking for a glimmer of hope, just to live well. Where is the red line of

law? And what is fairness and justice?

"Article 20" has given us the answer. This is a film of great social value that truly speaks for the common people.

I watched it myself first, but I followed my friend to watch it again. Watching this movie again, I thought I wouldn’t cry, but when I saw Zhao Liying the scene where Hao Xiuping is about to jump off a building, I still I was shocked, and then shed two lines of tears.

Zhao Liying's performance is really great. After watching it for the second time, I am still impressed by her superb acting skills.

Before watching the movie, I saw some people on the Internet arguing about Zhao Liying's acting skills, saying that she used too much force; but after watching the movie, you have to accept it. You can feel Hao Xiuping's unspeakable pain and silent cry. .

Zhao Liying is Hao Xiuping, and her ability to shape characters is really strong.

My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

Hao Xiuping, played by Zhao Liying, is a deaf and mute rural woman. Because of her own disability, she married Wang Yongqiang. Unfortunately, they gave birth to a daughter who was also deaf and mute, but there are still cases of her being cured. possible. In order to treat his daughter's illness, Wang Yongqiang borrowed a loan shark from the "village tyrant" Liu Wenjing, and then suffered malicious debt collection from Liu Wenjing.

Although Hao Xiuping was disabled, she was beautiful, so Liu Wenjing was attracted to her.

Liu Wenjing tortured the family for a long time because Wang Yongqiang failed to pay the money. He beat Wang Yongqiang many times and tortured him, and also forced him to drink urine. He did not treat Wang Yongqiang as a human being, tied him up with a dog chain, and raped his wife Hao Xiuping many times. Liu Wenjing also said: It costs two hundred to sleep with your wife, and one hundred to watch the door.

My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

Time and time again, Hao Xiuping, who was in disheveled clothes, cried and gestured to Wang Yongqiang: I don’t want to live anymore.

Wang Yongqiang's manliness grew. He went out to fight back against Liu Wenjing. Liu Wenjing went to get a knife from the car. Wang Yongqiang was so frightened that he took a pair of scissors and completely lost his mind and stabbed Liu Wenjing 26 times, twice with fatal wounds.

Liu Wenjing was seriously injured and admitted to the ICU, and Wang Yongqiang was arrested.

There is a question here: Is Wang Yongqiang’s behavior considered legitimate defense? Is it excessive defense or intentional harm?

I would like to apply myself to others. If something like this happened to you and me, I would probably not be able to stay calm. Is it possible that when faced with vicious humiliation, one can only endure it? Who can be like a robot and not go crazy? Everyone goes crazy. The more oppressed they are, the more they want to fight back.

My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

After Wang Yongqiang was arrested, Liu Wenjing’s family harassed Hao Xiuping and her daughter for a long time. That home was no longer a home. It was smashed into a mess. In black, white, and bright red, it was written all over: Murder for life, debt for debt. Money, justice, murderers...

Hao Xiuping could only escape with her daughter, but where could she escape? Liu Wenjing and his followers are everywhere.

Hao Xiuping's daughter Juanjuan was almost kidnapped by Liu Wenjing's cousin at the long-distance bus station. Fortunately, prosecutors Han Ming and Lu Lingling came to the rescue. But to win the lawsuit, the witness Dayong must be found. Hao Xiuping went to the construction site to find Dayong, and then was forced by Liu Wenjing's cousin and father to sign a settlement agreement.

said that as long as she signed and admitted that she was not raped, their family's debt could be written off, and Wang Yongqiang would not have to die, and his sentence could be commuted to life.

Hao Xiuping was about to sign, but Han Ming and Lu Lingling came to stop her. When she learned that Juanjuan was missing, she broke down and ran to the rooftop. She gestured: Am I the only one who can survive if I die? .

She was desperate and could only jump off the building.

After she jumped from the building, people in the village began to slowly come out to expose the crimes of Liu Wenjing's family because they sympathized with Hao Xiuping. The police also found the key piece of evidence - Liu Wenjing's knife.

Now that I’ve finished talking about the main storyline about Hao Xiuping’s family, let me focus on Zhao Liying’s acting skills.

My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

Zhao Liying has a very thorough understanding of the role of Hao Xiuping. It was she who suggested that director Zhang Yimou should set Hao Xiuping as a "mute girl". This is very reasonable. Everyone can understand why her daughter is mute and why she is slightly mute. The pretty Hao Xiuping will marry the mediocre Wang Yongqiang.

Wang Yongqiang himself is very ordinary, so he doesn't dislike her.

There is another profound meaning: It is difficult for the "mute girl" to seek justice for herself because she cannot speak, but what about the villagers? They were neither deaf nor dumb, but they pretended to be deaf and dumb, and they kept silent and turned a blind eye to Liu Wenjing's family's bad behavior of bullying the weak.

In order to play Hao Xiuping well, Zhao Liying worked hard. She learned sign language and lived with a hearing-impaired family for half a year.

Hao Xiuping was submissive when she first appeared. She was already scared because she had been hiding in Tibet for a long time. The timid and fearful look in Zhao Liying's eyes is that of Hao Xiuping. Her acting skills can completely draw you into it and are very contagious. When I was watching the movie, I had forgotten that she was Zhao Liying. This has nothing to do with her previous roles.

Zhao Liying doesn't have many roles in the movie, but every appearance is very exciting and you can't forget it.

Especially in the scene on the rooftop, when she learned that her daughter Juanjuan was missing, she cried and was confused, desperate, and suddenly collapsed. She made no sound, her eyes filled with tears and panic. You can feel the despair and powerlessness in her.

Zhao Liying's interpretation of the character has a kind of magic. She gives the character a soul that will make you believe in the existence of this character and empathize with her tragic past.

My friend asked me to recommend which movies to watch during the Spring Festival? I answered her, 'Article 20'. There are tears in the laughter, depth and social significance. 'Article 20' is probably the best Spring Festival movie I've ever seen. 'Flying Life 2', 'Hot... - Lujuba

"Why is my daughter missing?"

Look carefully, and you will find that Hao Xiuping's emotions are progressive in layers. This is the power of Zhao Liying.

Some actors are very mediocre in their acting. His crying is so fake that you can't feel his sadness at all. Maybe he doesn't understand the character himself. Good actors are different. Zhao Liying has completely integrated with the character. At this moment , she is Hao Xiuping, no longer Hua Qiangu , nor Lu Zhen, nor Sheng Minglan in "Know or Not".

A good actor's acting will make you forget her past roles and only remember her role in the play.

This is what I admire about Zhao Liying. She doesn’t have many roles and is a very ordinary small role, but she is willing to take on the challenge. She doesn’t care what the role is, she only cares about whether she can act well.

Director Zhang Yimou commented on her: I am very satisfied with her performance. She broke through herself and her own ceiling to play such a character. She is no longer the Zhao Liying of the past.

In fact, today’s Zhao Liying no longer needs to challenge herself like this. She is already quite successful, but she is still willing to do it. This is what makes her worthy of admiration. She decisively stepped out of her comfort zone and attracted more directors to watch. It's possible for her to interpret more roles in movies.

What is inspirational?

Zhao Liying herself is a heroine in a real-life movie, and she is truly inspirational.

When we mention Zhao Liying, some people will say that she did not come from a major and grew up in a rural area; but so what? Didn't she still succeed? Didn't she prove herself to everyone through her works as a model worker in Hengdian? As an actor, whether you are good or not, your acting skills and works can speak the most.

Zhao Liying deserves all of us to like her.

A good actor should be like Zhao Liying.

She will go further.

Finally, I sincerely recommend " Article 20 ". It is a conscientious movie and worth watching.


Tags: entertainment