Let me tell you something interesting first. "Mr. Red Carpet" ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th

entertainment 4992℃

Let’s talk about an interesting thing first.

" Mr. Red Carpet " ended with Andy Lau learning to balance the car. Until the cast started rolling on the screen and the lights came on, the audience in the theater had no intention of leaving.

Because of the herd mentality, my butt that I had already raised fell down again. The staff of

came in and shouted " has no Easter eggs, ", and everyone left their seats hesitantly.

So I heard the audience's discussion in the corridor: "Is this the end?", "What do you mean?", "Inexplicable"...

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

was accidentally interpreted by Ning Hao as the main plot in the

movie, which is Liu Weichi and Lin Hao came to the mainland to make peasant films. The so-called play within a play.

The name Andy Lau is also interesting. It not only takes the surname of Andy Lau, but also takes the names of Tony Leung and Stephen Chow.

Lin Hao is a director who shoots peasant films and was named after Ning Hao.

and others such as , Chen Long, , etc., all directly borrowed the homophones of the original deity.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Ning Hao did a very ironic job of tearing off the fig leaf of the industry. People who don’t know much about the entertainment industry may not be able to get it.


1. Liu Weichi changed his standing sign to the center position, alluding to the current situation of competing for c position in the entertainment industry.

2. He and his wife have divorced, but they still have to wear a wedding ring to hide their marriage from the outside world.

3. He followed the White Dragon King's suggestion and put on a blue tie

4. He wanted to have some ambiguity with the woman he liked, but was frightened away by everything in the room that glowed red - he suspected it was a camera.


Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Liu Weichi has been popular for 40 years. He wants to win an Academy Award and retire after his success. He hits it off with Lin Hao, who wants to win an international award, and goes to shoot rural themes.

The words in the film are very high-sounding. When you think of France, you think of red wine and romance, when you think of the United States, you think of Western cowboys... When you think of China, you think of yellow soil and shabby cotton-padded jackets (not the exact words, but that's the general meaning)

Editor and Director After changing the line "You will be punished", Lin Hao turned around and asked: Did you write the line for Director Jia in the same way?

He gave a general overview of his peers, but I won’t say who they are.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

uses rural themes to win international awards. The poorer and poorer it is, the more likely it is to win. It completely ignores China's development status and only picks out the elements of poverty, poverty and ignorance that cater to the judges.

Part of this is due to zz’s intentions, and part of it is due to deliberate suppression...

The tragedy of the filmmakers.

Ning Hao is trapped in this circle, struggling, not willing to cater to the zz intentions of the international judges, but also unwilling to cater to the popular aesthetics of most Chinese audiences.

What do most Chinese audiences refer to as popular aesthetics? It is to commercialize film art and make it in a way that everyone can understand and understand.

But Ning Hao is very persistent in pursuing his Ning-style black humor. He has had some successes and many failures.

usually only earns word of mouth but not money.

"Crazy Alien" that time, the hot search for "dog abuse" directly made him look like a human being.

's later photos and clarifications were unable to suppress public opinion, and the director's reputation and box office were greatly affected by this.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

In "Mr. Red Carpet", Liu Weichi fell down with a horse in order to imitate Li Zizi and strive for authenticity. As a result, he was accused by netizens of abusing the horse... and subsequently bought the horse. But it didn't work.

What’s funny is that this horse-breaking video was posted online by Liu Weichi himself. He wanted to express that he “works seriously, works hard and is real.”

But no one wants to listen to him, and no one wants to find out the truth. The public relations team said, " will create a new product, and you will be forgotten by ."

Liu Weichi was immediately angry and persuaded his assistant to be hit in the head by the charger he threw.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Assistant then pointed out the crux of Liu Weichi's problem: you only consider your own ideas in everything and never look at problems from the perspective of others. The

public relations team is trying to solve the problem, but Liu Weichi only cares about his efforts not being understood. The

trailer made it very clear that the entire movie is about "communication."

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

The communication between Liu Weichi and his wife and children is simple, crude and self-centered.

The child learned the Internet word "Blockhouse", and he directly scolded the child and forced him to copy it 1,000 times.

When his wife talks to him, he will just lower his head and pack his things to avoid answering.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

became a star, and it became a habit to remain aloof. He even couldn't even communicate normally because he had been away from ordinary people for so long. He needed an assistant to repeat and explain everything.

When he came to the mainland, he thought that booking a 3-star hotel would be close to life.

When he arrived in the countryside, he turned a blind eye to the peasant artists carving watermelon rinds, and insisted on going to the pig farm to experience the "roughness"

The people receiving him repeatedly said that our village has completely lifted out of poverty, and they felt that they were not poor enough and had to find poverty on their own.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

The real roughness came before him. The butcher knife that had slaughtered countless pigs was given to him as a treasure by the pig farm owner, but he discarded it and threw it away casually.

wants to blend in with the crowd and tell everyone that I am real and down-to-earth, but at the same time refuses to accept the real enthusiasm and goodwill from ordinary people, and has a superior attitude, just like countless 208s in domestic entertainment.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Including the van he scratched, the first time he ignored it, the second time he stuffed multiple hundred dollar bills through the cracks in the window, the third time the owner of the van was enraged and smashed the window of his luxury car and threw back all the money .

People just want an apology, but he insists on only using money to compensate.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

This is no longer a matter of communication, but of equal respect between people. But as a big star, Liu Weichi didn't realize it. The interview with Liu Weichi, the owner of D station up, that appears in the

film is also a true portrayal of the current short video industry cannibalizing the film industry .

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Liu Weichi, who is over 50 years old, cannot accept the thinking of the FMCG era. He said, "This is unreal."

The sentence "666" was changed to "liaoliaoliao" by him. The up owner thought it was great and could become a new meme. He said "this is not rigorous".

However, what he regarded as rigorous and true was criticized by the entire Internet for disrespecting animals.

is very ironic. No one wants to stand in the other person's position. No one cares about the truth. Everyone just wants to follow suit.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

There is a clip in the movie that directly conveys the meaning to the audience.

A spiral staircase, everyone complained " this is a rubbish movie " while walking towards the exit.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

You can obviously reach the exit directly by walking downstairs, but the security guard said that must go up the stairs, which is the regulation of .

is like this movie, it has to take the audience around and around until the audience can't understand it before it stops abruptly.

From a professional film critic's point of view, Ning Hao put a lot of thought into making this film, including some camera techniques that the audience didn't pay much attention to.

However, the previous Ning-style black humor style has been removed, causing the entire film to look very boring and .

The only climax of the plot, which made the whole audience burst into laughter, was a flying kick in the play:

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

He used this scene to convey the meaning to the management.

In today's film industry, management has more and more say. They do not respect the director's artistic style and forcefully add their own suggestions, resulting in nondescript films.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

The management felt that there were more action scenes and not so many lines. It was so good that I gave you a flying kick.

will give each of them a good beating.

only dares to do this in movies.

It is a good movie, but it is doomed to failure.

Among my colleagues, there are such people who write well but never make any money. The reason for

is very simple. They only write according to their own preferences, without considering what the readers want to see or the readers' ability to understand.

was very happy when I wrote it, but when I looked back at the reading volume, I was very unhappy.

Isn't this the same as Ning Hao?

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

There is a saying that is very vulgar but also insightful:

A theater is a brothel, don’t call yourself a good family when you come.

The reason why the Spring Festival stall is called the Spring Festival stall is that at least the atmosphere is in place and at least it can be understood by most viewers.

You are neither a comedy nor a family carnival, and it is released during the Spring Festival. Is it performance art?

does not rule out this possibility.

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Obviously, in addition to the big proposition of communication, the movie also expresses something:

The mutual exclusion of the broad audience and film art.

The proliferation of short videos and the over-involvement of employers have led viewers to think that this is the best if is not good. The development of the FMCG era has made it difficult for viewers to calm down and look at works that need to be savored carefully.

Compared with Feng Xiaogang said "junk viewers", Ning Hao is obviously much more restrained:

Both those who understand and those who do not understand are included.

No matter how much you complain, this in itself is driven by the times and the audience’s choice, which in turn is what you should change.

Didn’t Stephen Chow adapt to the times and enter short videos?

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

Didn’t Andy Lau also register an account and start a live broadcast? If you can't beat

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

, just join.

Movies are for the audience after all. addresses the current shortcomings, and must be understood by most people, rather than forcing the audience to understand your intentions.

Ning Hao released this movie during the Spring Festival. Before the release, he vigorously promoted elements that had little to do with the movie itself (but were things that the audience was interested in, such as tearing off the fig leaf of internal entertainment), and then "cheated" it. Audience, a sap beat the audience into confusion...

Let me tell you something interesting first. 'Mr. Red Carpet' ends with Andy Lau learning to ride a balance bike. Until the cast starts rolling on the screen and the lights come on, the audience in the theater has no intention of leaving. Because of the herd mentality, my butt th - Lujuba

If it is a hit at the box office, Ning Hao may continue to stick to his artistic style and remain aloof. If it fails at the box office, Ning Hao may change his creative direction and move slightly towards The audience compromises.

So it can be considered a large-scale social experiment?

However, the investment in this experiment is really not small.

Tags: entertainment