China News Service, Changsha, February 13th. Title: Using holidays to relieve stress and "spiritual healing" is popular among young people. Author Liu Man, Li Ying, Mao Yuqing During the Spring Festival holiday, You Xiezhen, who returned to his hometown from Shenzhen for the New

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China News Service, Changsha, February 13th: Title: Using holidays to relieve stress and "spiritual healing" is popular among young people

Author Liu Man, Li Ying, Mao Yuqing

During the Spring Festival holiday, You Xiezhen, who returned to his hometown from Shenzhen for the New Year, chose to get a massage with Fangcao essential oil Gathering with sisters. "The environment is comfortable and private, and the aroma of essential oils permeates the whole room. I relax while chatting and feel very relieved."

In a singing bowl sound therapy center in Kaifu District, Changsha City, Wei Qinghong, a singing bowl sound therapist, clearly felt that the flow of customers increased with the flow of people. It will increase with the coming of the Spring Festival holiday. When he is working, he will first introduce the nearly 20 large and small bowls surrounding him to his customers and lead them to do body rhythms.

China News Service, Changsha, February 13th. Title: Using holidays to relieve stress and 'spiritual healing' is popular among young people. Author Liu Man, Li Ying, Mao Yuqing During the Spring Festival holiday, You Xiezhen, who returned to his hometown from Shenzhen for the New  - Lujuba

In February, consumers experienced singing bowl therapy in a singing bowl sound therapy center in Kaifu District, Changsha City. Photo by Li Ying

After everyone lay down slowly, covered themselves with quilts and put on eye masks, Wei Qinghong slowly rubbed and tapped the bowl body with a hammer. With bursts of steady and long "buzzing" sound, the customer gradually falls into sleep. He said that most of the young customers came to experience it.

The "China Sleep Research Report 2023" published by Social Science Literature Press shows that 38.2% of China's insomniac population suffers from insomnia, among which first-tier cities have the worst sleep quality. Nearly 70% of the respondents said that insomnia is mainly due to stress.

  Fall asleep to the sound of banging copper bowls, inhale the aroma to soothe anxiety, and enjoy the tranquility brought by solitude... Singing bowls, aromatherapy, meditation, etc. are gradually becoming popular among young people. Data from a certain platform show that since 2023, the search volume for the "healing" keyword has increased by 256%.

Reporters saw on the streets of Changsha that many spas, beauty salons and other mature businesses have healing as a special feature. They are open during the Spring Festival and are very popular. Some boutiques specializing in singing bowls, aromatherapy and other items have also become the "spiritual guardianship" choice of some young consumers.

Although the aromatherapy teahouse opened by aromatherapist He Yaling in Changsha only resumed business on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, many customers have already consulted and communicated on WeChat about customizing scented essential oils.

"The aroma of plant essential oils can bring people olfactory enjoyment and relax their originally tense nerves." Before the service begins, He Yaling will ask customers in detail about the reasons for their recent stress. The scented essential oil specially blended by her can sell hundreds of bottles a week.

China News Service, Changsha, February 13th. Title: Using holidays to relieve stress and 'spiritual healing' is popular among young people. Author Liu Man, Li Ying, Mao Yuqing During the Spring Festival holiday, You Xiezhen, who returned to his hometown from Shenzhen for the New  - Lujuba

In February, a "meditation concert" was held in Changsha, Hunan. Photo by Li Ying

Optimistic about the development of the aromatherapy industry, He Yaling is cooperating with a psychological studio and plans to use a "psychological counselor + aromatherapist" combination to provide consumers with more comfortable "spiritual healing."

Complete a set of eight pieces of brocade, sit on the floor, close your eyes and meditate with soft music... In the most prosperous business district of Changsha City, such a meditation concert is held every weekend.

Ali, the organizer of the concert, has been in the music industry for many years. He found that young people no longer blindly pursue dynamics and sound, but increasingly enjoy the relaxing concert format, so he tried to combine Baduanjin, meditation and other new elements are added to it.

Liu Xiaorong, a college student born after 2000, saw the "meditation concert" from social media and attended it. Not only did she experience a novel concert that could "daze" her, but she also made many new friends. The ticket price of about 100 yuan made her I feel it's great value for money.

Deng Yihui, dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that young people usually have a lot of work pressure, are angry and think too much, which leads to emotional discomfort, insufficient heart and spleen, and poor circulation of qi and blood, leading to sleep disorders, etc. For various problems, practicing aromatherapy, meditation, etc. appropriately in your spare time is beneficial to the body and mind, but you must also practice scientifically and don't be overly obsessed. (End)

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