The scores are open. One day after its release, "Article 20" scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. "I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid..." "I saw

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scored 8.0 on Douban. One day after its release, " Article 20 " scored 8.0 on Douban.

You can see good reviews of the movie everywhere on the Internet.

"I laughed so hard at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears later. Every character is so vivid..."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"I saw the first movie this's really good."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"Suitable for the whole family People should watch it! People from all walks of life and age groups can understand the cases in the film."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"It's intertwined and it's really worth watching."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Zhang Yimou returned to realism themes after a long absence, but he didn't expect it to explode as soon as he released it. !

The comedy of "Article 20" exceeds expectations, as everyone knows from the comments above.

What's rare is that while the movie chooses to use comedy to express it, it does not abandon the depth of the film.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The film looks lively and lively on the surface, but behind the characters' laughter and curses, the core of the film is very profound.

It focuses on many social issues that are closely related to us nowadays, and seriously discusses the necessity of "legitimate defense".

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

discussed such an uncomfortable but necessary topic during the Spring Festival, and the result also surprised us:

the audience bought it very much!

This is Zhang Yimou's World War II Spring Festival show. He was "willful" in the Spring Festival show, and Chinese-language films also "won" big.

Because the stamina of this film is so great!

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"Article 20" tells not one story, but three stories.

The story unfolds from prosecutor Han Ming who has just moved from the county to the city procuratorate.

In order for his son Han Yuchen to transfer to a good middle school in the city and then enter a good university, Han Ming was transferred from the county seat to the city's procuratorate and became a temporary prosecutor.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

But as soon as he arrived at his post, he encountered three major things.

The first major event was that the procuratorate was blocked.

The procuratorate where Han Ming worked encountered obstacles when prosecuting a case. The suspect stabbed the victim 26 times, and the stabbing footage was recorded on surveillance.

On the surface, there are facts and evidence in this case, but the procuratorate has never initiated a public prosecution.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The victim lay in the hospital for more than half a year, and his medical expenses were advanced by his employer. The advance payment was the salary of his colleagues in the team.

Naturally, there are objections to the fact that workers cannot get paid.

At the same time, the case was dragged on without prosecution, and the victims’ families also had objections.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

But the prosecutor in charge also had reasons because the evidence was incomplete and the facts were doubtful.

The suspect who stabbed someone with scissors seems to have been bullied by the victim for a long time. How should the case be characterized? Should it be ruled as self-defense or intentional injury?

If a doubt is not solved, the case will naturally not be closed.

returned to the public security department to supplement evidence, but the key evidence did not appear. After a delay, it ended up in this situation.

is in a dilemma.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The second big thing was that Han Yuchen hit someone.

Han Ming's son, Han Yuchen, hit someone at school and broke his nose. The other person was the child of the school's dean.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

When someone is beaten at school, the school talks to the parents, and the director is also a sensible person.

does not ask for compensation, only an apology. If your child apologizes to my child in front of both parents, the matter will be over.

But Han Yuchen disagreed.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

He said that he was not beating people, but acting bravely. I took action because I saw that the other party was bullying other students and I couldn't stand it.

He did nothing wrong, so he will not apologize.

But if the apology is delayed, there will be more trouble.

The dean followed the formal procedure and went to the police station to report the incident with the injury report.

Once a child has a criminal record, there will be resistance to entering college and finding a job. The child has not done anything wrong and is unwilling to apologize, so the matter has reached a deadlock.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The third major event is that the person concerned needs to petition.

Zhang Guisheng, the party involved in the case Han Ming previously hosted, was sentenced to three years in prison according to precedent because he acted bravely and caused serious injuries to the other party.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

After he was released from prison, Zhang Guisheng always wanted to go to Beijing to petition. Han Ming tried to persuade him time and time again, and even took the initiative to contact him at work, but Zhang Guisheng still didn't seem to give up.

How should Han Ming respond?

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

These three major events may seem complicated, but in fact they are talking about the same thing - legitimate defense .

And this happens to be the true meaning of the movie "Article 20".

The title "Article 20" refers to Article 20 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China". The content of the article focuses on "legitimate defense."

Article 20 of my country's Criminal Law stipulates that in order to protect the country, public interests, the personal, property and other rights of the person or others from ongoing illegal infringement, actions taken to stop the illegal infringement cause damage to the illegal infringer. , it is legitimate defense and not criminally responsible.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

In the movie, the three major events that Han Ming encountered are actually answering two questions:

What should we do when we act bravely but accidentally hurt others? What is the “degree” of legitimate defense?

When illegal infringement has occurred and is likely to occur again, what should we do? Where is the limit of “ongoing” self-defense?

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

What is clever is that the movie sets these three story lines and two problems into three different dilemmas encountered by Han Ming.

Let us follow Han Ming's perspective, solve it bit by bit, dig deeper bit by bit, and finally get a glimpse of the core of what the movie wants to convey.


Zhang Yimou's narrative rhythm is first-rate, the three lines are intertwined but not chaotic, and there is no wasted pen anywhere. Every detail and every character has been effectively used.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

During the viewing process of "Article 20", including Qingshi, the audience will obviously have three feelings.

These three feelings become more and more obvious as the movie progresses. Because of the exquisite structure of the script and the precise control of the rhythm, the changes in these three levels of perception are smooth and have a greater impact.

The first level: joy.

It can be said that the audience spent the first half of the movie in laughter.

The husband and wife team played by Lei Jiayin and Ma Li contributed too many down-to-earth laughs to this movie.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Moreover, the comedy in this part does not rely on body language, but is supported by the subtlety of the text and the actors' performances.

It was as if Han Ming took out playing cards to set up his family members in a serious manner and said: "Your mother is a preserved egg."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

He was so speechless that he kept dying. Who would have thought of this? No wonder Ma Li would get angry at her.

Also, when he saw his son coming home after winning a lottery, he was immediately concerned, but his focus was misplaced.

"How can four people be beaten so lightly?"

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Not a single word in the conversation between these two people would fall to the floor.

also has a dinner table scene with Lei Jiayin, Ma Li, and Chen Minghao, and it can also be seen in Zhang Yimou's underrated movie "If You Have Something to Say".

texts are interlocking, and everyone’s lines are interlocking.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

A discussion about "first love" can keep you talking for most of the day. In addition to the exquisite text of

, some unexpected reversals and operations are also a highlight of the early stage of this movie.

But it is a serious subject after all, with a happy undertone, and it will not be greedy for too much.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The second level: Silence

In the plot, Zhang Yimou also focused a lot on the topic of how to defend yourself after being suppressed.

As the plot develops, the three things begin to be "resolved" one by one.

is also the key turning point in these three things, allowing us to change from happy laughter to helpless speech and finally heaviness in the process of watching.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Zhang Guilai's petition was stopped due to major changes. Hao Xiuping also found what she thought was the best solution within her ability. Han Yuchen was still beaten, but his matter was not over.

The film has twists and turns one after another, and the stories of the characters appearing in the film become more and more complete.

Qingshi won’t spoil too much here, but there is one thing Qingshi must talk about, and that is the comparison of characters.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

After watching the second half of the film, it is obvious that there is a control group in the film - the persistence of young people and the compromise of adults.

Zhang Guilai has always insisted on appealing. In fact, a large part of it lies in her daughter's insistence. She wants an explanation for her father and a fair judgment.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Han Yuchen insisted on not apologizing for "beating" someone because he couldn't understand. When he saw his classmates being bullied, he stood up to stop him. Did he do something wrong?

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Even when he was young, Han Ming once beat up a senior who molested him for the sake of justice and bravery. In the end, he was reduced to working as a prosecutor in a small county town. He was capable but found it difficult to get promoted.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The once brave boy slowly grew up and became a "normal person" who had concerns, was able to weigh things, and knew how to make choices.

This transformation is realistic and real, but it makes people feel silent. How can

break the silence?

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Through Han Ming’s words, the movie places many real-life cases related to the film in front of us one by one. In the end, each case is condensed into one sentence:

“What we handle is not a case, but other people’s lives.” ."

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

At this point, as an audience, our emotions have been suppressed to the lowest level and we are in urgent need of an outlet to vent.

Zhang Yimou also knew it, so there were high-energy moments in the film.

The third level: Catharsis

At the end of the video, Lei Jiayin’s speech at the hearing was shocking and every sentence made people feel full of stamina!

"If you had watched that person being bullied by a gangster, what would you have done?"

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"I stopped the bully, how could this happen?"

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

"Why would a mother be willing to leave her alone? Why did my husband in prison and my five-year-old disabled daughter choose to die?"

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

asked questions one by one, and in the end the bottom line was that "the law cannot give in to the law!"

At the end of the film, they all have the courage to speak out for injustice. I hope that after watching this film, we will also have the courage to speak out for injustice.

also wishes to speak out without risking his future and life. This is the confidence and courage brought by "Article 20".

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Finally, Qingshi would like to talk about the actors of this movie.

From the moment I saw the cast of this movie, I was already assured of the film’s acting skills. Whether they are starring or supporting roles in the

film, the actors who participated in the film all gave performances that were above the standard and exceeded expectations.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Even in this situation, during the movie watching, Qingshi was still amazed by the acting skills of the three actors in the movie. It was really a surprise.

The first one is the absolute star of the film, Lei Jiayin.

The big winner of this year's Spring Festival is definitely Lei Jiayin. Facts have proved that his acting skills have indeed held up. In the

movie, his Han Ming is the embodiment of the audience's perspective.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

In the early stage, he was a temporary prosecutor who followed the leader and flattered him, to later he stood on the stage and spoke impassionedly. He integrated the performance into Han Ming and made this person come alive.

The daily bickering between him and Ma Li really showed the way of getting along between an old couple, it was so life-like.

There is a scene where he and Zhang Guisheng's daughter are sitting on a chair. He is listening to the girl's voice playback, and the expression on his face changes little by little, capturing the details of every emotional change. It is really accurate.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Hao Xiuping, who is responsible for the key turning point in the movie, is very touching and absolutely surprising under the interpretation of Zhao Liying.

As we all know, it is difficult for deaf-mute people to act, because all emotional expressions are external, without the aid of lines.

But the detail that Hao Xiuping is deaf-mute was added by Zhao Liying on her own initiative.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

When reading the script, Zhao Liying thought about the character of Hao Xiuping for a long time and suggested that it might be better to use a "deaf-mute" to represent it. The proposal of

was approved by the director, and Hao Xiuping was born today.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scene where she uses body movements and sign language to ask Han Ming about her daughter in a building under construction, the trailer alone can already make people cry.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

In the movie, after adding the context of this performance, it is even more lethal.

and her last stand on the rooftop, with her outstretched hand and relieved expression, she has completely entered the ranks of powerful actors.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Another one is our old friend Zhang Yi.

In fact, we have all seen Zhang Yi's acting skills for a long time, but it is new to see him play such a serious comedy.

and surprisingly, he did it very well.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Especially in the confrontation with Ma Li at the wine table, his every emotional turn from elegant to angry was very reasonable. After the movie

, Zhang Yi's acting career broadened again.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Finally, Qingshi would like to say a few more words on this subject.

"Article 20" is a movie suitable for the whole family to watch, because:

One more person watching the movie will benefit one more person.

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

The scores are open. One day after its release, 'Article 20' scored 8.0 on Douban. Online, you can see good reviews of the movie everywhere. 'I laughed until I fell on my back at the beginning, and cried until I burst into tears at the end. Every character is so vivid...' 'I saw  - Lujuba

Because only by understanding what legitimate defense is, can we know the scale of legitimate defense and be able to speak clearly and rationally!

originally thought that choosing a serious subject for the Spring Festival would be a risky move, but in fact, it can maximize the "function" of this movie.

Director Zhang Yimou creatively wrote the "edutainment" method into the movie, diluting the seriousness of the subject matter with laughter as much as possible, and using comedy as much as possible to let us see another form of serious movies.

Yes, Zhang Yimou made another stunning shot.

It can be said that this movie not only has great stamina for movie fans, but also has great stamina at the box office.

Because "Article 20" is worth watching for both young and old.

Qingshi Movie | Lao Meng

This article is the original content of Qingshi Movie. Please do not reproduce it in any form without authorization

Tags: entertainment