On the stage of the 2024 Shandong Spring Festival Gala, the sketch "Anti-Fraud Alliance" starring the up-and-coming comedians Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng focused on the hot topic of "telecom anti-fraud" and told a high-energy reversal of brain-burning anti-fraud stories. Convey use

entertainment 2258℃

On the stage of the 2024 Shandong Spring Festival Gala, the sketch "Anti-Fraud Alliance" starring the up-and-coming comedians Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng focused on the hot topic of "telecom anti-fraud" and told a high-energy reversal of brain-burning anti-fraud stories. Convey useful knowledge on fraud prevention and anti-fraud. The enthusiastic joining of "Xiao Liu, the most handsome anti-fraud policeman" Liu Dongyue gave the audience a vivid and intuitive anti-fraud science lesson, showing the organic integration of performance art and practical significance.

In recent years, telecom network fraud cases have continued to occur frequently, seriously threatening people's property security, disrupting people's normal work and life, and affecting people's sense of gain, security, and satisfaction. Telecom network fraud has become a type of crime that endangers property security in the new era. Important types of crime.

When the Spring Festival Gala sketch comes into reality, let me ask you and me in front of the TV, who has not been harassed by fraudulent information in daily life?

On the stage of the 2024 Shandong Spring Festival Gala, the sketch 'Anti-Fraud Alliance' starring the up-and-coming comedians Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng focused on the hot topic of 'telecom anti-fraud' and told a high-energy reversal of brain-burning anti-fraud stories. Convey use - Lujuba

Real case creation, "various routines" emerge in endlessly

In the sketch "Anti-Fraud Alliance", different types of typical and authentic telecommunications fraud methods are presented to everyone in the form of personal narratives. For example, scammers call and lie Cases where children are injured and require immediate transfer of surgery fees; tricks of luring viewers to spend money through local female anchors to compete in rankings; scammers pretend to be police officers to gain trust, and then ask you to transfer money on the grounds of protecting personal property, etc., allowing viewers to immerse themselves in understanding telecommunications fraud techniques, so as to master anti-fraud knowledge.

However, it is these fraud methods that seem commonplace and even make us look ridiculous, but behind them there are many real cases of people losing their money and families. The reason is attributed to a line in the sketch: "They greedily took advantage of my greed." There are all kinds of telecommunications and network fraud techniques that are hard to guard against. Whether it is investment and financial management, part-time job fraud, or pretending to be an acquaintance, they generally use "free lunch", "pie in the sky", "high profits" and other methods to make people A kind of "greed" is formed, and as soon as the mind is loosened, it is easy to be tricked into it.

Therefore, we should always build a solid bottom line for self-prevention mentally, get rid of greed, keep our eyes open, resist temptation, abandon the mentality of "coveting for small gains" and "nouveau riche overnight", and pay attention to protecting our identity in daily life Personal information such as certificate number, mobile phone number, bank card number, etc. It is necessary to enhance vigilance awareness, pay attention to screen out diversified telecom fraud techniques, and report to the police promptly when discovering illegal and criminal activities of telecom fraud. If you accidentally fall into a fraud trap, you must quickly save the evidence involved and report the case in a timely manner to minimize losses.

On the stage of the 2024 Shandong Spring Festival Gala, the sketch 'Anti-Fraud Alliance' starring the up-and-coming comedians Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng focused on the hot topic of 'telecom anti-fraud' and told a high-energy reversal of brain-burning anti-fraud stories. Convey use - Lujuba

The plot is highly reversible, and the "transformation technique" is hard to detect.

In the sketch "Anti-Fraud Alliance", the liar played by Zuo Lingfeng initially pretended to be a victim of being deceived, and gained everyone's trust by telling his tragic experience of being deceived. and sympathy, and also defrauded money. Later, he was caught by the police and the truth was revealed. I believe everyone was "cheated" by the skit when they first watched the show, thinking that Zuo Lingfeng played an expert who has experienced "deception" and came to help popularize anti-fraud knowledge. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a liar in the end. In fact, for us, the "Mission Impossible" plot of the sketch is not a new "transformation" fraud method?

Nowadays, telecommunications fraud methods are taking on new forms, and fraud organizations are developing in a professional and collective manner. The fraud methods have evolved from verbal deception at the beginning to new types of fraud that create life scenes. Only by grasping the new characteristics of telecom fraud, adapting to the trends of the times, and innovating governance methods can we fundamentally curb the spread of telecom fraud.

Various network platforms must strengthen joint supervision, establish effective management mechanisms and technical measures, control all types of information in a timely manner, and provide users with a safe network environment. Public security, market supervision, banking, communications and other departments must adhere to a simultaneous and multi-pronged approach to combat, rectify, and prevent, intensify the inspection and disposal of illegal information online, vigorously rectify the use of the Internet, mobile apps, etc. to set up "routines", and investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law We strive to detect illegal website platforms and accounts in advance, block them during the incident, and crack down on them afterwards, so as to reduce the risk of being deceived from the source.

On the stage of the 2024 Shandong Spring Festival Gala, the sketch 'Anti-Fraud Alliance' starring the up-and-coming comedians Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng focused on the hot topic of 'telecom anti-fraud' and told a high-energy reversal of brain-burning anti-fraud stories. Convey use - Lujuba

AI face-changing reappears, "new method" still needs to be wary

At the end of the skit "Anti-Fraud Alliance", "Xiao Liu, the most handsome anti-fraud policeman" demonstrated AI face-changing video fraud technology live, the host sat in front of the computer, the video However, the appearance of another actor Liu Tong was presented in the film. His voice, facial contours and even expressions were all so lifelike that it was difficult to distinguish. The audience screamed in exclamation, which was more of a kind of disbelief.

Currently, as the iteration of AI technology accelerates, the risk of using AI technology to commit fraud is accumulating. Some criminals continue to innovate fraud techniques and routines to evade attacks, and even apply new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data to fraud implementation, presenting an intelligent and Low cost, concealment and other characteristics. In this regard, anti-fraud technical means must also keep pace with the times and be iteratively upgraded.

All departments in various places must improve technical prevention methods, make full use of the most cutting-edge and advanced technical means such as blockchain, big data, and AI intelligence, optimize and upgrade anti-fraud platforms such as the National Anti-Fraud Center app, and achieve early warning of various types of fraud. , monitor and combat, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of anti-fraud work. It is necessary to strengthen public education and the cultivation of prevention awareness, convey anti-fraud knowledge to the public through the Internet, mobile applications and other channels, provide practical fraud prevention skills, guide the public to correctly handle fraud information, and improve their prevention awareness and ability.

Finally, let us go back to the jingle at the beginning of the skit "Anti-Fraud Alliance": "Before you swipe orders, ask yourself why good things are your turn; before transferring money, ask yourself and question more when verifying information; before dating online, ask yourself, beauty Why do I fall in love with you? Ask yourself before managing money, blindly invest and lose your fortune." To fight against fraud, actions speak louder than words; when encountering trouble, you must think twice before acting. In your future work and life, if you encounter something similar to fraud, never overestimate yourself, be more rational, think more, fully master anti-fraud knowledge, enhance prevention awareness, and start from yourself, so that more people can Criminals have no opportunity to take advantage of and no place for survival. (Text/Zhao Guisheng)

Tags: entertainment