[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense

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[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest lol news. Today we will talk about the final game of TES]

Come to the Spring Festival final game of the lpl spring regular season. Many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, this last The heat of the day was extremely high. The schedule also arranged these two games for rng vs. ig and wbg vs. Taobo. Just looking at the team names, the topic is still full, but again, some people are happy and some are sad. After two bo3 games, ig and Taobao had a good final battle, but rng and wbg were miserable. They continued to be sluggish, and they were overturned by advantages, which was difficult to resist.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense - Lujuba

Let’s first take a look at the bo3 game played by Taobo. In the first game, Taobo had a huge advantage in the bottom lane. With a total record gap of 26-4, it can be said that they won without any suspense. But in the second game, this was a bit unexpected. WBG had a huge advantage in the early stage, and Xiao Hao's Foyego even got four kills. Almost all positions had certain economic advantages, so that they were The barrage was defined as a "speed pass round", and both sides believed that there was still a third round to play. The commentator on the posture side even talked about Tao Bo's mentality, thinking that they would definitely play the third round steadily.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense - Lujuba

However, a turning point came. Although Taobo was at a huge disadvantage, the development of the double C was okay, and he finally took out the three-piece suit. In addition, wbg's hook was a little aggressive, and zdz was killed when the line was too deep, resulting in wbg never being able to push up. After finally finding an opportunity in the bottom lane, wbg prepared to play a four-on-five, but unexpectedly 369 Rambo's ultimate move got stuck in an excellent position, maxing out the output. In the end, wbg was defeated and the team was wiped out, and 369 even got the victory. After receiving a lot of bounty, development caught up.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense - Lujuba

Taking this opportunity, Taobo got the ancient dragon and baron buffs, sounding the clarion call for a comeback. At this point, wbg lost, and Taobo also completed their "hell-level" schedule, except for losing in the first game. Except for blg, Taobao has won all the games. In jkl's words, this result means that we can have a good year. In addition to this pair, rng's loss was also quite uncomfortable. In the last game, rng was the same as wbg. It also had a small advantage at the beginning, but it was not as big as wbg. In this case, Breath Brother Sword Demon's two waves of jump cuts to restore blood in the middle road are also eye-catching.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense - Lujuba

But it is a pity that there is a problem with their cooperation. Tangyuan's Ni Pai cuts and controls people, but the front C position is isolated by the Tsar's ultimate move, and there are even two people, Quisanti and Ruier, blocking it, so that After Tangyuan controlled the enemy, no one could follow up to deal damage. The team fight was broken by ig one by one, resulting in the loss of the game. After seeing this result, I exclaimed: How can this letme be broadcast? But who knew that letme would not only start broadcasting, but also start broadcasting immediately after the broadcast, without fear of public opinion at all. After seeing the barrage ridiculing RNG for its poor performance and that he, the head coach, was to blame, Junze also drafted a letter of resignation in public.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL news. Today we will talk about TES’ final game] Coming to the Spring Festival final game of the LPL spring regular season, many players have time to watch the game. Therefore, on this last day The competition is extremely intense - Lujuba

letme: During the Chinese New Year, I first send a Happy New Year to my boss, and then attach a resignation letter, "Dear boss, due to my poor coaching ability, I feel unworthy of the training and trust of the club. Here, I voluntarily resign as the head coach of rng." Job, go and approve——letme”. Just when everyone thought he was really going to resign, his subsequent words dispelled everyone's worries: letme: What should I say? Then the boss directly replied, "You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, don't force me to slap you." In fact, just looking at this game, the coach can still not take the blame. No wonder he can make fun of himself.

ps: 100% original article, manual typing is not easy, friends who like it can follow it!

Tags: entertainment