The hit drama "Long Time Love" is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the "Hangtian City Six". She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one w

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's popular drama "Long Time Love" is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the "Hangtian City Six". She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one where she had the most dinner parties since filming. Most of the "Hangtiancheng Six" would have dinner and play together after finishing work, so the three of them had a perfect tacit understanding on and off the screen, and Fang Yueqiao He and Yang Zi also designed a tacit understanding unique to best friends for Lan Yifei and Huang Yingzi. "In the play, Huang Yingzi often has some nonsensical ideas, and Lan Yifei is always the first to support her." Fang Yueqiao said.

The hit drama 'Long Time Love' is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the 'Hangtian City Six'. She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one w - Lujuba

Fang Yueqiao. Photo provided by the interviewee

Fang Yueqiao

Date of birth: August 18, 1999

Graduation school: Shanghai Theater Academy

Representative works: TV series "The World" and "Long Time Love"

Every blow Lan Yifei encounters is different.

got the script and saw the fate of Lan Yifei in "Love for a Long Time", Fang Yueqiao felt sorry for this girl from the bottom of her heart. In Fang Yueqiao's eyes, Lan Yifei is a tough flower. She is gentle and keeps the most difficult and painful things in her heart. In the play, Lan Yifei's father ran away due to gambling debts. Later, her mother also left and remarried and started a new family. Only Lan Yifei and her grandmother depended on each other, enduring harassment from debt collectors and various rumors. When Lan Yifei was admitted to her dream university, she was bullied by a gangster who had been secretly in love with her shortly after being released from prison. In the end, Lan Yifei ended her life at the age of 18 by jumping off a building. Some people say that the last straw for Lan Yifei was the gangster Dai Wei, and Fang Yueqiao said: "What really broke Lan Yifei was when she went to see her mother at her most difficult moment, and what her mother said" From now on, don’t come here to find me."

In Fang Yueqiao's view, the stages when Lan Yifei lost confidence in life were when her father left, when her mother left, and when she was raped and then hurt by her mother. During these stages, Lan Yifei's emotions have changed differently, and she also hopes that she can perform a deeper expression of these emotions. "Actually, Lan Yifei understands her father quite well. She will give him the money to buy dance shoes and let him pay off his gambling debts first. She is trying her best to maintain this family relationship. She must have had a hunch in her heart that she is afraid that her father will not be able to bear it. He ran away." But in the end, her father ran away, which actually made Lan Yifei feel powerless and helpless. There was a scene where Lan Yifei and her mother were sitting on the steps having a conversation after her father left. "I added a line, 'Mom, will you also leave me in the future?'" Fang Yueqiao said, in fact, the person who filmed this scene At that time, it was almost time to wrap up the filming. As an actor Fang Yueqiao, she knew that her mother would leave eventually.

As for her mother’s departure, Fang Yueqiao said that Lan Yifei actually knew it for a long time because Huang Yingzi ran into Lan Yifei’s mother being with another man. “She knew everything in her heart, but she just didn’t reveal it. Including her mother. The last time she saw her dancing, she knew her mother was leaving." Fang Yueqiao did not interpret this expression in a surprised way. "I think I performed a kind of relief."

The hit drama 'Long Time Love' is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the 'Hangtian City Six'. She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one w - Lujuba

Fang Yueqiao divided Lan Yifei's inner "pain" into several stages. Picture provided by the interviewee

Yang Zi’s encouragement quickly brought her into the state

There are two scenes that Fang Yueqiao likes very much. One is when Lan Yifei was raped by Dai Wei, she immediately found Huang Yingzi. (played by Yang Zi), Huang Yingzi took her home. After taking a bath, they lay on the bed together and looked at the ceiling. "There was no hysteria or big emotions in that scene. We just lay quietly. Xiao Zi (Yang Zi) and I held hands. After the director called to start the camera, we didn't say a word and kept crying silently. But we dare not look at each other." In this scene, Fang Yueqiao understood that Lan Yifei was particularly sad. She felt that she had lost everything, but she was surprisingly calm and finished her lines calmly, "I feel like this On the contrary, it was particularly heartbreaking."

There is also the scene before Lan Yifei jumped off the building - after Lan Yifei found her mother, she sent Huang Yingzi away and asked her to buy potato chips for herself. Then Lan Yifei found a deserted place for everyone. After recording her last words, she jumped off the building. On the day of filming that scene, it happened to rain in Huizhou and it was very cold. The director cleared everyone away. Fang Yueqiao sat alone in the community with no one around. Holding his cell phone to record his last words, "In that scene, I immediately felt Lan Yifei's helplessness that could not be expressed in words, and I also felt Lan Yifei's extraordinary calmness and acceptance. "

In the drama, Lan Yifei is Huang Yingzi's best friend, so Fang Yueqiao and Yang Zi have a lot of opposite roles. "Long Time Love" is actually Fang Yueqiao's second drama after "The World". As a As a new actor, Fang Yueqiao started to feel nervous and stressed when filming with Yang Zi. But Yang Zi's care and kindness made Fang Yueqiao relax quickly. "I think she is a professional and kind person, and a very capable person." A relatable actor. I really enjoyed that when I acted with her. "In the play, Lan Yifei has many crying scenes, and sometimes the camera cannot capture Yang Zi, but in order to help Fang Yueqiao better mobilize her emotions, Yang Zi often bursts into tears outside the camera; many times, Fang Yueqiao finishes a scene. , Yang Zi also did not hesitate to praise and told her: "Yifei, you acted very well."

The hit drama 'Long Time Love' is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the 'Hangtian City Six'. She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one w - Lujuba

In the drama, Fang Yueqiao and Yang Zi have many scenes opposite each other.

The more "Sun Xiaoning" is scolded, the happier she is

Fang Yueqiao's life The first work she filmed was the TV series "The Human World". She was still in her senior year in college at the time. After recording some trial scenes, Fang Yueqiao was informed that she was going to Changchun to film a drama. At that time, she didn't know that "The Human World" was a TV series. For such a powerful TV series, “The script only let me know the character lines of me and Teacher Lei Jiayin. "The first scene

joined the cast was to film Sun Xiaoning telling Zheng Juan (played by Yin Tao) in a bookstore that he just liked Zhou Bingkun (played by Lei Jiayin), "I collapsed at the time. "Fang Yueqiao recalled. "Sister Yin Tao helped me a lot at that time. "Yin Tao asked Fang Yueqiao in advance to discuss how the scene should be performed. "Sister Yin Tao talked to me about the scene for a long time, and then we went up and performed one scene and passed it. The director also said it was very good. "In addition to Yin Tao, Lei Jiayin is the person who plays more opposite roles with Fang Yueqiao in "The Human World". "Brother Jiayin is my senior brother. We are both from the Shanghai Theater Academy. His acting is very natural and life-like. When I have a lot of roles in my acting, he will remind me: Xiao Ning, please relax here. "When Fang Yueqiao performs well, Lei Jiayin will not hesitate to praise her and let her continue to work hard.

Fang Yueqiao has gained a lot from working with these outstanding seniors. In the past, she always believed that to be a good actor, she only needs to perform well. Okay. But in this crew, she realized that actors should pay attention to many things besides ensuring their performance is good. What impressed Fang Yueqiao very deeply was the one time when Yin Tao played Zheng Juan, because she usually always did A lot of rough work, there will be a lot of trauma on the hands. Once the makeup artist forgot to do special effects makeup on Yin Tao's hands. Yin Tao felt that this was not possible, so she had to fix these details before shooting, including the fact that she usually pays attention to the people around her. Props, such as whether some period props conform to the characteristics of the times, "She will also make requirements on what kind of handkerchief she should take out or what kind of wallet she should take in certain situations. "After the broadcast of "Human World", Sun Xiaoning was "scolded" miserably by the audience as soon as she appeared on the stage, but Fang Yueqiao was very happy. She felt that this showed that the character she created was successful, which gave her a lot of encouragement.

The hit drama 'Long Time Love' is about to come to an end. In the drama, Fang Yueqiao plays Lan Yifei, one of the 'Hangtian City Six'. She is also the best friend of Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi). Fang Yueqiao said with a smile that in Yang Zi's words, this movie was the one w - Lujuba

Fang Yueqiao was in Played the role of Sun Xiaoning in "The World".

After studying, I realized that a good performance must be close to life.

Fang Yueqiao was born in an ordinary family. She studied Erhu for six years since she was in elementary school. Originally, her mother wanted her to take Erhu as a performance when she was admitted to university. Later, the high school teacher thought that Fang Yueqiao was very spiritual and was more suitable to try the acting profession. Her mother asked Fang Yueqiao what she thought. Although she didn’t know much about acting, she wanted to give it a try.In her sophomore year of high school, she used her summer vacation to experience it in an art exam class in Beijing. After trying it out, Yue Qiao discovered that she really liked acting. In the year of the college entrance examination, Fang Yueqiao applied for many art colleges. Fortunately, she passed most of the schools' professional exams. In the end, Fang Yueqiao chose Shanghai Theater Academy.

Fang Yueqiao said that the examination format of the Shanghai Theater Academy is different from that of other schools. Other schools are based on voice, stage, performance, and performance assessment. However, at the Shanghai Theater Academy, teachers teach them, and then other teachers observe the candidates and give them scores. And this class style continued until she officially entered the school. "I still remember that when we first started class, the teacher didn't ask us to act directly, but asked us to dialogue, speak, and speak 'human' language." As she slowly accumulated, Fang Yueqiao also gained a deeper understanding of acting - When she first came into contact with acting, Fang Yueqiao felt that performances should always have an accent. Later, she understood that the better the performance, the closer it is to life.

Because the school is in Shanghai and many audition opportunities are in Beijing, Fang Yueqiao did not start filming very early. "Actually, I missed some opportunities, but later I felt that my choice at that time was not wrong. After all, after graduating from school, there is not so much time to focus on studying and tempering myself." It was my first time filming "Human World", The second film was "Long Time Love", and both realistic-themed works won recognition from the audience. Fang Yueqiao hopes that she can have more opportunities to experience more types of works and roles. "I would also like to try a psychologically twisted role, but I don't want to express it through arrogance. I hope that I can continue to work hard and accumulate experience." , to explore the deeper inner world of the characters."

Beijing News reporter Zhang Kunyu

Editor Tian Sini

Proofreader Liu Yue

Tags: entertainment