At 3:40 pm on February 4, talk show actor Yang Bo posted a scheduled Weibo post, suspected of committing suicide due to personal emotional disputes and online violence. More than an hour later, Yang Bo posted content on his personal Weibo again, reporting to netizens that he was

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At 3:40 pm on February 4, talk show actor Yang Bo posted a scheduled Weibo post, suspected of committing suicide due to personal emotional disputes and online violence. More than an hour later, Yang Bo posted content on his personal Weibo again, reporting to netizens that he was safe, saying, "I'm sorry for making everyone worry, and I apologize to everyone for my immaturity!" Chao News reporters found that as of press time, Yang Bo's personal Weibo The blog has been logged out.

At 3:40 pm on February 4, talk show actor Yang Bo posted a scheduled Weibo post, suspected of committing suicide due to personal emotional disputes and online violence. More than an hour later, Yang Bo posted content on his personal Weibo again, reporting to netizens that he was  - Lujuba

Scheduled Weibo content posted by Yang Bo.

In addition, according to media reports, Yang Bo also said in the circle of friends: "Don't worry, everyone, I'm fine. I found that drinking cephalosporin can't kill you at all. Apart from a little stomach discomfort, there is nothing wrong. Many people and the police have also found I’m sorry, I’m sorry for making everyone worry.” Among them, the statement “You can’t die by drinking cephalosporins” triggered heated discussions among netizens. In this regard, Chao News contacted doctors and lawyers for interpretation.

At 3:40 pm on February 4, talk show actor Yang Bo posted a scheduled Weibo post, suspected of committing suicide due to personal emotional disputes and online violence. More than an hour later, Yang Bo posted content on his personal Weibo again, reporting to netizens that he was  - Lujuba

Screenshot of Yang Bo’s circle of friends posted online.

Is "cephalosporin paired with wine" really dead?

There have been many thrilling cases before.

Many friends have heard in their lives that "cephalosporins are paired with wine, and the suona plays all night." But Yang Bo said, "You can't die from cephalosporin by drinking alcohol." Is there really no danger in "pairing cephalosporins with wine"? Is the Internet rumor that "cephalosporins are paired with wine and you can just leave" just a rumor? Yang Bo's remarks in WeChat Moments aroused many questions and condemnations.

According to the reporter's understanding, several medical experts have previously warned that cephalosporins and alcohol cannot be taken at the same time. "Qianjiang Evening News" has previously reported on the experience of Professor Ling Feng, chief expert in neurosurgery at Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University and a pioneer in interventional neuroradiation therapy in my country.

On December 7, 2018, she experienced a thrilling "24 hours of life and death" due to a disulfiram-like reaction caused by cephalosporin + alcohol: "She was sitting limply in a wheelchair, completely unconscious, her head was swinging back and forth like a rattle, and her whole body was... I was sweating profusely, my clothes were soaked, and my limbs were cold."

In addition, the People's Daily has reported similar incidents many times, such as "A 35-year-old man almost died after drinking two days after infusion of Cephalosporin", "He left immediately after being given wine with Cephalosporin, a 30-year-old man almost died after drinking after infusion" and other related reports .

At 3:40 pm on February 4, talk show actor Yang Bo posted a scheduled Weibo post, suspected of committing suicide due to personal emotional disputes and online violence. More than an hour later, Yang Bo posted content on his personal Weibo again, reporting to netizens that he was  - Lujuba

People’s Daily previously reported on “cephalosporins paired with wine”.

What will happen when "cephalosporin meets wine"?

Doctor: It needs to be taken seriously, it can be fatal in severe cases

On the evening of the 4th, Chao News reporter contacted Li Li, deputy director of the Western Pharmacy of Zhejiang Hospital. He said that when the commonly known cephalosporin meets alcohol, it is medically called "disulfiram" "like reaction", also known as disulfiram-like reaction. The principle of action is that when ethanol is combined with such drugs, the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver is inhibited. After ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the body, it can no longer continue to decompose and oxidize, resulting in the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body and a series of reaction.

Therefore, when using certain cephalosporin antibacterial drugs, if you drink alcohol or take alcohol-containing food or drugs, in mild cases, you may experience facial or skin flushing, mild dizziness, and palpitation. You may also experience dizziness, headache, Nausea, vomiting, fever, and severe cases may include chest pain, difficulty breathing, shock, "disorder of consciousness, incontinence of urine and feces, and even death." Li Li emphasized.

Li Li introduced to Chao News that cephalosporin antibiotics are the drugs with the highest incidence of disulfiram-like reactions in clinical practice, accounting for nearly 90% of all drugs. Common ones include cefoperazone, ceftriaxone, and cefazolin. , cefminox, "among which cefoperazone and cefoperazone-sulbactam are the most sensitive."

For the prevention of disulfiram-like reactions, the most important thing is to avoid drinking alcohol after using disulfiram-like drugs. At the same time, Li Li also emphasized that in addition to alcohol, attention should also be paid to avoiding the intake of drugs containing ethanol, such as Chinese patent medicine injections, syrup preparations, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, etc. "Foods such as fermented bean curd, fruit beer, drunken shrimp, drunken crab, beer duck, wine-centered chocolate, etc. also contain ethanol, which are often easily overlooked."

Li Li reminded netizens that generally speaking, it is recommended to drink alcohol 3 days before taking the medicine. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and use alcohol-containing drugs and food during the medication and within 7 days after taking the medication. Once a disulfiram-like reaction occurs, patients should seek medical attention immediately.For critically ill patients, doctors will give the patient oxygen, monitor vital signs, keep the respiratory tract open, induce vomiting when necessary, and provide timely treatment. The symptoms of the vast majority of patients with disulfiram-like reactions can be successfully relieved.

Will I be held legally responsible if my comments lead netizens to follow suit?

Lawyer: Strong moral condemnation, legal consequences are not obvious

Negative behaviors of public figures can easily have a negative impact on the public, causing some immature netizens to accept abnormal values ​​​​and lifestyles. Especially for some teenagers who lack life experience, their cognitive and social experiences are not deep enough, and their self-psychological construction is not sound enough. They are likely to imitate and imitate the behaviors of irresponsible celebrities, thereby further aggravating the unhealthy society. develop.

So, as a public figure, if Yang Bo’s remarks that “taking cephalosporin with wine will not cause death at all” really triggers netizens to imitate him, will he need to pay legal responsibility? In this regard, lawyer Xiong Chao, a partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that legally, if the facts are fictitious and cause damage to the interests of others, such as someone's reputation, etc., they can be held legally responsible.

"However, Yang Bo's remarks that cephalosporin will not kill you if you mix it with wine, because it did not deliberately target a certain group or a specific individual. Therefore, the legal consequences of the remarks are not obvious." From this point of view, Xiong Chao believes that the Yang Bo incident Perhaps it should be morally condemned and stopped. At the same time, he also expressed the hope that online platforms can further delete irresponsible remarks and that the media can conduct correct science popularization. "The most important thing is that public figures should clarify their personal responsibilities and improve their civilized quality."

The words, deeds and legal constraints of public figures have always been a widely discussed topic. Lawyer Xiong Chao also appealed through Chao News, hoping that future laws can clarify the accountability rights of public figures in public opinion and maintain a healthy social environment.

(Source: Chao News Client)

Tags: entertainment