Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house...

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Hello all LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles held yesterday in the

lpl Spring Split were very effective. Among them, the duel between wbg and rng was a 53-minute battle. Xiaohu defeated his old club by stealing.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

After losing the first game, rng was completely defeated. In the second game, it was easily crushed by the opponent and lost the game. The most embarrassing game of

rng was overturned by wbg.

rng played the first game against wbg until 53 minutes yesterday. It was evaluated as the most embarrassing game of rng, because in this game, the lead of the rng team once reached 8,000. , in the early stage, Wei helped rng establish its advantage through ganking the bottom lane.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

In the subsequent resource team battles, the rng team also won one after another, and then continued to plunder map resources, while wbg used drag tactics.

As a result, the rng team failed to end the game despite winning two big dragons. There were huge problems in handling team battles, and they did not dare to operate or fight in a dominant situation. This was mainly reflected in the tsar of Tangyuan. During the game, both sides In a wave of team battles that broke out at the baron position, Zhumei was in the front, and rng retreated from the four behind to betray his teammates, and was killed by wbg.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

In the subsequent waves of rng team battles, Tangyuan’s Czar did not dare to enter the field and perform spin operations. The whole process was almost done from the back, and the ultimate move of assisting Li Nata was also used to rely on defense.

In the end, wbg reduced its economic disadvantage through several waves of team fight counterattacks, and then Xiaohu started his own stealing operation.

mid laner is like Adou, his performance is disappointing

Xiaohu stole the house for several consecutive waves, which made rng very uncomfortable. In the last wave, Xiaohu ended the game by stealing the house. Rng was dragged in the front, and the players could not return to the city. TP also After being interrupted, Tangyuan's last hit in a single game exceeded 500, with a data of 1-1-3. After the game, the audience also cursed Tangyuan for being unable to support Adou.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

Another reason why the audience is angry is the 53-minute bladder game, which is an extreme torture for rng fans. Be careful of various defensive problems caused by soaring blood pressure.

Tangyuan's mid laner actually played very well for a while in last summer split. When talking about young players this year, many viewers also believed that Tangyuan's mid laner had a chance to rise. Whether he rises will also determine the future of RNG. Can we perform well this season?

But judging from the first few games, Tangyuan's performance is undoubtedly disappointing. The audience can't see any of the qualities of an excellent mid laner in him, such as super operational ability, extremely low turnover rate, powerful Tangyuan doesn't have any of these indicators to measure whether a mid laner is excellent, such as his teamwork ability.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

looks more like a mid laner who can win in a chaotic situation. The biggest problem for rng now has become the old and the young. The main problem of

rng, old and young,

rng's current situation is that the two veteran players in the bottom lane seem to be unable to keep up with the lpl in professional level. I personally think that the real strength of rng's bottom lane may only be in the post-season in the lpl. Regarding the level of goalkeeping, the two of them have been fighting for many years. Their form has declined and their morale seems to have disappeared. Ming also has relatively little training on weekdays. It seems that lwx took his sister to play Genting a lot before.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

Then the young player tangyuan failed to live up to expectations, and the two core players in the top and jungle could not perform well. The top laner has little impact on the game situation in the current version, and the jungler Wei is not at his peak. At the same time, it is difficult for the jungler to perform due to the poor strength of his teammates. .

Generally speaking, it is really difficult for rng to achieve surprising performance or results in this spring split. At the player level of

, ming, lwx, and tangyuan are the three most dangerous players. If this year's performance continues like this, substitutions may have to be considered after the spring split.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The two focus battles of the LPL Spring Split yesterday were very effective. The showdown between WBG and RNG even lasted 53 minutes. Xiaohu stole the house... - Lujuba

By the time of the big transfer period at the end of the year, these three people may face unemployment. RNG, as a notorious club in LPL, is likely to go the way of FPX and start to fail. Reconstruction is unlikely unless There are big investors willing to buy this club.

Tags: entertainment