Author: Insight Yimo Wherever the heart is, there is poetry, and wherever the eyes are, there is beauty. February 4th, the beginning of spring. Time turns, another year passes, and the twenty-four solar terms return to their starting point. The long winter comes to an end here. .

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Author: Insight Yimo Wherever the heart is, there is poetry, and wherever the eyes are, there is beauty. February 4th, the beginning of spring. Time turns, another year passes, and the twenty-four solar terms return to their starting point. The long winter comes to an end here. . - Lujuba

Author: Insight yimo

Whatever the heart desires, there is poetry in it, and everything within sight becomes beautiful scenery.

html February 4th, the beginning of spring.

Time turns around, it’s another year, and the twenty-four solar terms have returned to their starting point.

The long winter comes to an end here.

The ancients said: "Li" means the beginning of construction, and the beginning of spring is the beginning of establishment.

Spring has officially begun, the east wind is warm, the earth is thawing, everything is a prelude to the growth of all things.

The plan for the year begins with spring. Spring begins for heaven and earth, and people should follow the example of heaven and earth.

Establish one's mind, establish one's morality, and establish one's conduct. This will set the spirit and spirit of the year and create a good future for the year.



I went to Beijing on a business trip a few days ago and took a trip to Yuyuantan Park.

I thought it was almost the beginning of spring, so I could feel the breath of spring and find inspiration for writing.

As a result, I spent most of the day wandering in the park.

found that the grass was not green, the willows had no buds, and the flowers were not blooming.

There is no sign of spring at all. He left in good spirits and returned in despair. When

went home and looked up information, he turned to a poem and slapped his thigh. Wasn't this about me?

I look for spring but can't see it all day long, and my mango shoes are all over the long head clouds.

came back and smiled and smelled the plum blossoms. Spring was already on the branches.

Spring is here, and the poet is looking for traces of spring everywhere. His shoes are worn out and he has traveled all over the place, but he still can't find them.

Looking for spring but not seeing it, the poet also returned home disappointed.

But when I got home, I found that the plum blossoms at home had already bloomed, and spring was already in full bloom on the branches.

Spring is not in Longtou, but at home.

Spring is not outside, but in the heart.

Wang Yangming said: Give up your endless possessions and go begging for alms from the door to help the poor.

Life is inherently good, so why look outside.

It doesn’t matter whether spring comes outside or not. What matters is that there is spring in your heart.

The beginning of spring is not about spring, but about the heart.

Keep your mind firm, life is full of spring.

Keep your mind firm, there is no such thing as coldness in life.

Su Shi was demoted to Lingnan, a barbaric land, and narrowly escaped death.

Others sigh, feel dejected, and cannot afford to fall ill.

But he said: He eats three hundred lychees a day and becomes a Lingnan native without hesitation.

still eats well and sleeps well.

In his prime, Liu Yuxi was demoted to Bashu and was not allowed to return to the court for twenty-three years.

Others felt sorry for him.

He was calm and never depressed.

encourages farming, develops education, and manages the local area in an orderly manner. After

was pardoned, he returned to Chang'an, still full of energy and active in the poetry and political circles.

When the wind blows in the world, the lamp in your heart will never go out.

Keep your mind firm. No matter how severe the storm is outside, a person can still be at ease.

Only by keeping your mind firm can you not panic or be confused in the long years.

Author: Insight Yimo Wherever the heart is, there is poetry, and wherever the eyes are, there is beauty. February 4th, the beginning of spring. Time turns, another year passes, and the twenty-four solar terms return to their starting point. The long winter comes to an end here. . - Lujuba



I saw a hot search a few days ago that made me laugh or cry.

says that the Year of the Dragon is the Year of the Widow.

The Beginning of Spring this year is at the end of the Year of the Rabbit, and there is no Beginning of Spring in the entire Year of the Dragon.

Folk rumors: The beginning of spring is Yang, and Yang is male, so if there is no male in the family to get married in the Year of the Dragon, it is the Year of the Widow that is not suitable for marriage.

Because the commotion was so loud, the Civil Affairs Bureau had to personally respond: "The major events in life need not be affected by superstition."

In fact, it is purely a coincidence that there is no beginning of spring in the Year of the Dragon.

Yang energy does not refer to men either.

The yang energy of spring begins to turn.

After the beginning of spring, the Yang Qi between heaven and earth begins to rise.

The small universe of the human body also needs the recovery of Yang Qi. This Yang Qi actually builds virtue and does good deeds.

"Book of Rites" says: Virtue nourishes the body.

Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty explained: "Therefore, a benevolent person who lives a long life has no greed on the outside but is quiet on the inside, has a peaceful mind without losing the right, and takes the beauty of heaven and earth to nourish his body."

Good deeds and virtues can stimulate one's own yang energy. .

A kind-hearted person has a calm and warm heart, and often gains satisfaction and joy from helping others.

People with strong yang energy and healthy body and mind will often have more blessings.

After Fan Zhongyan became prime minister in the Song Dynasty, he did not build a mansion or enjoy himself.

Establish a righteous field, protect the weak, and do good deeds to benefit the world.When

was alive, everyone respected him. After

's death, his family prospered for eight hundred years.

Yang Rong, the grand master of the Ming Dynasty, helped the villagers when he was observing filial piety in his hometown in his early years.

burns all IOUs afterwards.

He shouldered all the weddings, funerals, and education of the children of poor families.

When villagers had disputes, he often used his family wealth to settle the disputes.

The locals praised his kindness, and he was soon recommended to return to the court.

From a seventh-grade official to a bachelor, he was awarded the title of Grand Master after his death. His merits are profound.

The ancients said: Benevolence is the virtue of spring.

The revival of all things and the sprouting of vegetation are all the kindness of heaven and earth.

This also tells us to cultivate the virtue of "benevolence".

If people always do good things, they will be rewarded with good things.

Speak out kind words and do good deeds to revive your own yang energy and cultivate your own virtues. For people like

, their life path will naturally be broad and smooth, stable and blessed.

Author: Insight Yimo Wherever the heart is, there is poetry, and wherever the eyes are, there is beauty. February 4th, the beginning of spring. Time turns, another year passes, and the twenty-four solar terms return to their starting point. The long winter comes to an end here. . - Lujuba



When I was a child, I always had a question: why adults often didn’t talk about the beginning of spring, but the beginning of spring.

Spring is just a season, how can you use it?

I later learned that Da Chun means: Da Chun Niu.

Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, there has been a custom of hunting spring oxen at the beginning of spring.

On the day of the beginning of spring, people make a clay sculpture of a cow.

Then they use wicker whips to beat the mud cows while praying for a good harvest.

This whipping is not only to drive away the laziness of the Spring Cow, but also to urge people to start taking action as spring has arrived.

Prepare seeds, repair farm tools, and transport fertilizers to prepare for farming.

A year's plan lies in spring, and a life's plan lies in diligence.

Spring is the season of growth, when all things flourish, but it is also the season of working hard and working silently.

People should wake up from the laziness of winter as soon as possible and take active actions in order to finally gain something.

In order to hone his writing skills, Zhang Pu, a writer in the Ming Dynasty, copied books all day long.

A book has to be copied seven times, and my hands are covered with thick calluses.

It was this kind of hard work and dedication that made him a famous litterateur in the Ming Dynasty.

Gao Ming, a dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty, locked himself in the small upstairs of his home for three years in order to compose the script of "The Story of Pipa".

was writing while tapping time on the table and stepping on the floor.

In the past three years, the floor was trampled through and there were marks more than an inch deep on the table.

Only then did "Pipa Ji" become a big hit and Gao Ming became an instant hit.

Life depends on hard work, but hard work means nothing.

All happiness and prosperity in the world are the result of being down-to-earth and working hard.

In the beginning of spring, the ancients worked hard and were dedicated to their work.

We must also create our own future in spring.

All the efforts will not be disappointed. As long as you are willing to pay, there will always be a good harvest.

The ancients said: Everything contains new ideas, and the holy days grow together.

The east wind brings warmth, everything grows, everything is fresh and bright.

It’s another beautiful spring day.

May everything in your heart be poetic, and everything you look at may be beautiful.

Like , let us set goals and stride forward to live up to time and spring.

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