In the star-studded TVB "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023", an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot

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In the star-studded TVB "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023", a male star who remains as handsome as ever has successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted roles - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Luo Zifeng in "Integrity Sniper". He not only won the applause of the audience, but also won the honor of "The Favorite TVB Actor in the Greater Bay Area" in one fell swoop.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

Bosco Bosco, an actor who has already become famous in the Mainland, can arouse enthusiastic pursuit from fans every time he appears in commercial performances. His charm seems to be not limited to the screen, but also extends to every corner of real life. Especially among female fans, his popularity is ridiculously high, as if he can easily capture the hearts of thousands of girls with just a smile.

But recently, when Bosco Bosco attended an event, he was accused by some busybodies of being Mr. Almighty who is "willing to do anything for money." What's going on?

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

From "precipitous aging" to instant rejuvenation, the legend of immortality in the entertainment industry

Have you ever heard of someone being mistaken for another person because of their hairstyle and walking posture? This sounds like a joke, but it actually happened to Bosco Bosco, a well-known TVB actor. Not long ago, he was filming the new drama "Forensic Pioneer 6: Survivor's Redemption" in Osaka, Japan. Because of his slightly messy hair and slightly hunched posture when walking, some sharp-eyed fans mistakenly thought he was 76 years old. Zheng Shaoqiu! This is really dumbfounding.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

However, Bosco Bosco recently appeared in Jiangsu to attend an anniversary event, but we saw a completely different him. Wearing a crisp suit and regaining his handsome hairstyle, he seemed to have rejuvenated instantly and returned to the handsome young boy image we are familiar with. At the event, he was even more friendly to the people. He waved to the audience as soon as he appeared on the stage, and bowed many times to thank everyone for their support after taking the stage.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

In the subsequent interactive session, Bosco Bosco completely let himself go. While playing the "Draw and Guess" game, he would show his teeth and claws to imitate a tiger, lift up his clothes and hide to amuse everyone, and even lie down without hesitation and make a gesture of prostrating himself to the ground. This series of funny actions made the audience laugh out loud, and also caused netizens to like and leave comments: "This is the Bosco Bosco we know!"

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

Looking at Bosco Bosco entertaining everyone so hard on the stage, we can't help but ask: This How does a middle-aged TVB young man maintain such strong energy and good condition? Perhaps the answer lies in his love for life and dedication to work. After all, it is not easy to stay young in the entertainment industry, a stage full of competition and challenges!

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

Bosco Bosco: The "Legend of Immortality" on the stage, reappearing the King of Heaven classics and wowing the audience

Amidst the applause and cheers, Bosco Bosco not only interacted closely with the audience, but also played the classic song "My Dear" by Leon Lai and Aaron Kwok. " and "Endless Love for You", he instantly transformed into a fusion of the two kings, reappearing his signature moves one by one, jumping to the top. Can you imagine that scene? Bosco Bosco, the well-known TVB actor, lets himself go so freely on the stage, as if he has returned to his youth.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

"He still looks like a teenager!" This was the first reaction of many netizens after seeing this scene. Indeed, every movement and expression of Bosco Bosco is full of energy and passion, as if time has stopped on him. The new hairstyle made him look like a young man, full of energy.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

But what is even more admirable is his professionalism. It is said that his schedule that day was quite tight, but on the stage, you could not see his fatigue at all. He was energetic throughout the whole process and interacted frequently with the audience, even lying on the ground to interact with fans. This kind of professionalism and investment makes people have to praise him.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he is really lying on the ground!" Some netizens described it this way. Yes, Bosco Bosco is such a dedicated artist with no pretensions.Every movement and every smile he makes is full of sincerity and enthusiasm, which makes people moved.

In the star-studded TVB 'Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023', an actor who is still as handsome as before successfully conquered the hearts of the audience with his superb acting skills and deeply rooted characters - he is Bosco Bosco. The 43-year-old played the role of Lhot - Lujuba

Looking at Bosco Bosco performing and interacting so hard on the stage, we can't help but ask: How does this middle-aged TVB young man maintain such strong energy and good condition? Perhaps the answer lies in his love for life and dedication to work. In this entertainment industry full of competition and challenges, Bosco Bosco has used his strength and charm to prove that he is a true "ageless legend."

Tags: entertainment