"Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me."

entertainment 6027℃

An emotional dispute in "Rashomon"

I never expected that the last person to rush out to rush for performance in 2018 would be the struggling talk show industry.

At about 10 pm on February 1, a netizen named "Eat More Burgers 1234" posted a short essay on Weibo, breaking the news that a well-known talk show actor cheated on a female college student while he had a girlfriend, and accused her of misconduct. Let the inexperienced self be forced to be the third person. Moreover, the continuous cold violence also caused an emotional blow to myself who thought she had met love. For this reason, she wanted to ask for an explanation.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

In the Weibo text, she clearly @talk show Yang Bo.

This Yang Bo is the male protagonist of this incident. He became famous because of "Talk Show Conference" and has his own one-liner performance style. Although compared with Xu Zhisheng, Tong Monan, etc., this person is a bit vague today, but he is still relatively famous, can perform in various places, and has his own loyal fans. This "Eat More Burgers 1234" was originally his One fan.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

Soon, "Yang Bo's cheating" became a hot search topic, and the shaky talk show industry faced another catastrophe.

On the morning of February 2, Yang Bo finally published a short response essay. The main points of the content are quite different from the original blog post in which he discusses his explanation. When read together, it is like "Rashomon" together:

Regarding the appointment at the beach after the performance " "A chance encounter", the girl said it was Yang Bo who took the initiative, and Yang Bo said it was the girl who took the initiative;

Regarding cheating, Yang Bo said that he did kiss the girl, but it was just a kiss, but the girl was not the innocent Bai Lianhua he said. , she obviously knew that I had a girlfriend but she still insisted on hooking up with me and making love with me. (ps: Yang Bo seems to love the word "broken shoes". He used it three times in a short essay.)

What is even more shocking is that Yang Bo said that girls are not as rational and restrained as she described. , on the contrary, her mental state was very problematic and she kept talking about "death". He blocked her and threatened to call the police because he couldn't bear the harassment. The other party threatened to "either break her shoes or kill me", but there was nothing he could do! (Look, it’s "broken shoes" again~)

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

In this way, the truth seems a bit confusing?

is actually not that difficult to identify. You can make a reasonable guess by looking at where their expressions overlap and what each emphasizes and weakens.

The woman gave a relatively detailed description of their acquaintance and their romantic night at the beach, which contained many details, such as the seaside environment, "my" psychological activities and how he kissed "me", etc., between the lines. It has the tone of a romance novel.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

Yang Bo’s description of this “romantic time” was obviously a passing one. He admitted his mistake as soon as he came up, saying, “I was hot-headed even though I had a girlfriend, so I went on an appointment to walk alone on the beach with a strange woman. , and even a kiss occurred that day."

What the woman emphatically wrote is basically consistent with the core content that the man briefly mentioned, which shows that they did have intimate behavior and the man did cheat.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

However, Yang Bo never mentioned this again, and pointed almost all mistakes and problems at the woman's side.

Regarding "knowing three people and acting as three", one piece of evidence Yang Bo gave is "he told the other party that he had a girlfriend when they met", but this is only one-sided. However, the chat records and friend application messages he released are more convincing. The woman not only repeatedly expressed her reluctance and concern for this relationship, but also expressed it in a very extreme and emotional way. "The fish is dead and the net is broken" "You are finished" " I don’t even think about myself.” “You can’t escape me if I have any shortcomings.” Words such as are indeed quite frightening.

So to sum up, we can roughly judge that the man did cheat, and the woman has been pestering her, and it cannot be ruled out that she is still pestering after knowing the existence of Yang Bo's girlfriend.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

As for the purpose, it may be to seek an explanation for being deceived and make the scumbag pay the price, as she said, or it may just be to make him speak in response to her and make up for the gap between the gentleness of the past and the indifference of the present, that is, Fire explosive artillery fire just to blast through the cold and violent ice wall.

only "forces the palace to take the position", I think it is unlikely, because whether it is her essay or the cruel and crazy words she intimidates in the friend application window, they all have obvious emotional overtones, which are more like a kind of abnormality. A biological weapon that must not be used, rather than a confession, the motive of destruction is far greater than that of courtship. Rather than saying that one knows three things, it is better to say that it is a violent vent caused by unwillingness.

Whoever is more inappropriate should bear greater responsibility. Although both parties handled this emotional dispute improperly, it was Yang Bo who was the first to cross the moral bottom line.

What prompted the woman to be entangled was probably immaturity and emotion, and what made Yang Bo kiss her desperately was probably "getting interested in sex and being unable to control himself", right? Mental maturity cannot be achieved overnight, but "resisting temptation and keeping one's duty" can only be achieved in a moment of thought. If hadn't acted out of petty evil at that time, how could he have been in the bloody turmoil today? wanted to make a clean choice, be an innocent victim, and let the "mad woman" bear all the blame. It was a beautiful idea.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

It is simply a replica of "Painted Skin"

Looking at the whole incident, there are two interesting points:

The first is that both parties are masters and are very good at guiding public opinion! 's "avoiding the important and taking advantage of the light" and "leveraging strength" are all used by them with great proficiency! The woman is really not easy to mess with, and the man is really deadly.

Let’s look at the woman first. Although she will say some crazy things when she is obsessed with love, when she is writing a composition, her little mind is very clear. Her goals are clear and focused, and she points the finger directly at "Yang Bo's cheating" because This is his irrefutable moral flaw, and it is also a black spot that can disgrace him as a celebrity.

And, she writes delicately and is very good at describing her own psychological activities. For example, the reason why she accepted his kiss at that time was because "I thought he was the savior brought to me by God to save me from my unhappiness. Or maybe it was Because I don’t have to hide at all.” As for being "forced to be the third person", she used strict words, saying "I objectively caused harm to her."

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

In addition, she also linked Yang Bo's unethical behavior to concerns about the quality of talk show practitioners and even the entire industry from a broad perspective. The meaning is obvious - "He has poor values ​​and has discredited the entire circle. Go squeeze him out and make it impossible for him to survive!"

Moreover, perhaps inspired by Du Meizhu, her speech in the last paragraph also rose to the height of women's independent awakening. On the one hand, she questioned her real girlfriend first The behavior of making things difficult for the mistress and then choosing to forgive the scumbag also established a strong and sober positive image with the declaration of independence: "I will not lose confidence in love, and I will take my life into my own hands."

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

It is no exaggeration to say that this short essay has almost reached full marks in the dimension of "attacking the other party and protecting yourself".

Of course, Yang Bo did not give in too much. In addition to throwing the blame on the woman as much as possible in terms of discussing the matter, he also listed other black spots of the woman, which fully reflected the firm determination of "Destroy it, no one can survive."

, for example, exposed her school and name without any mosaics, as if to say that celebrities are not easy to bully, and they want to die in society together.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

This was not enough, he also uncovered more dirty information about Ms. Han, such as "posting anti-social remarks on Weibo" and "doing bad things in school because of mental problems. As a result, she was raped because of her father's relationship with the school." I suppressed it." "I heard that she will be admitted to graduate school. With her moral character, does Xiamen University really not want to give it another thought? Aren't the instructors worried that her essay will cause her to explode in the future?"

Tut, tsk, every sentence Hitting the bull's-eye, it's a whole "you ruin my reputation, I'll ruin your future", let's just say ruthlessness or not?

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

When I read the second half of the essay, I seemed to see the way Yang Bo was typing with his back teeth clenched. He was fierce in his determination, and determined in his anger. That posture and expression were probably enough to compare with last year. Comparable to Huang Zijiao in Xia Tian.

In addition to the explosive fighting power of both parties, another very interesting point is that Yang Bo repeatedly said that his girlfriend still stands with him, they are still a couple, and his girlfriend is a very good person, so don't bully her.

This is conveying two effective messages:

1. My girlfriend has forgiven me, so others should shut up!

2. I am a good boyfriend who protects my wife, not that kind of frivolous man.

"Just go home" cannot be said to instantly bring this man back to the moral high ground, but it can always restore his respect to a certain extent.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

So, combining two interesting points, I was surprised to find that the plot was so familiar - my first wife stood firmly with me, we were husband and wife of the same heart, and we were united in dealing with the outside world. No matter how powerful the monsters were, they would never try to take my life.

Isn't this a perfect reproduction of the story outline of "Painted Skin"? !

Xiao Han is the "fierce ghost", Yang Bo is Wang Sheng, and his girlfriend is Chen. Yang Sheng fell in love with Xiao Han, who had not revealed his crazy nature, and they spent some quality time together. Who would have thought that it would be easier to invite God than to give him away, so she actually tried to "split her belly and give birth to her heart."

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

Yang Sheng's smooth life has ushered in unprecedented storms. Fortunately, "Chen" has never left him and fought side by side. The difference between

and the original work of "Painted Skin" is that Yang Sheng is not as cowardly as Wang Sheng. He does not need to rely on Chen's "phlegm rejuvenation" to save his husband. He can go to the front line and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the "devil ghosts". A mad woman with moral stains became the target of public criticism, and he seemed to be familiar with it.

But whether it is the contemporary version of "Painted Skin" or the original work, one thing remains unchanged, that is, neither the madness of the "fierce ghost" nor the generosity of the "major wife" can change the fact that the current embarrassment is all caused by the male protagonist. core essence.

Mrs. Liu licked a mouthful of thick phlegm into her belly, and finally vomited it out and turned into a red heart of Wang Sheng. The metaphor of dandelion is ironic enough, right?

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

No one is a real "female ghost"

Let's talk about "fierce ghosts" dressed in gentle clothes.

Why are there so many female ghosts and banshees in ancient novels and stories? Because from the male perspective, as the main body, they don’t know much about women. If they don’t understand, they will be afraid, so there will be a series of symbolic Stigma.

She is out of control, I imagine her as a green-faced fang; she is enchanting, I guess she is well versed in the art of foxy charm. And so on.

But now, as technology has developed and civilization has progressed, the simple and crude "crazy woman" label can also be torn off.

Ms. Han’s analysis of herself in the essay was quite pertinent. She said that she was in a bad mood at that time and longed to be saved, so she regarded that haloed man as her savior.

attempts to rely on the other party to save herself. Her positioning of the relationship is doomed from the beginning to subsequent disappointment. Even if there are no moral issues such as cheating, it will be difficult for the other party to stay with her willingly, because he must Bear the gap between the feeling of superiority of being admired at first and the feeling of being unable to bear the burden of the other person. Your unrealistic expectations for him will become his shackles, making him want to escape every minute.

Why Yang Bo refused to reply to her later was because he felt the other person's delicate emotions rushing towards him like dense vines, trying to entangle him. He instinctively sensed the danger of freedom being swallowed up, and would naturally build a chain. The line of defense of resistance - "If we can't defeat it, why can't we hide?"

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

Obviously, this is not the best way to deal with it. Silence will only make Xiao Han fall into greater fear and confusion, which will in turn lead to resentment. She will continue to stretch out those vines, like a debt collector trying to grab the life-saving straw and die together. Since we can't coexist, let's destroy them together!

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

Ms. Han mentioned “disenchantment” in her essay. This is a very popular word in the past year. It is easy to say, but how to do it? In fact, fundamentally speaking, there is only one path, which is to gradually build a strong sense of self.

wants to be saved by others, but in the final analysis, he still feels that he is insignificant and needs to cling closely to another person to survive in the world;

is easily enveloped by the halo of others, but still feels that he cannot become an independent luminous body, so he is willing to stand Become a fan girl after someone else's death, take advantage of the spotlight, and look less dusty;

gets mad when he doesn't receive a reply, because he always feels that he is a poor person who has been left in a small dark room by the world, and it is not easy to open it. One of the windows was closed and nothing could be seen.

'Stand firmly with my original wife and kill the crazy woman who seduced me.' - Lujuba

The root of sadomasochism actually lies in one's own weakness and messiness. So why should we look for the perfect savior? Re-adjusting the inner order and describing the inner scene is the top priority.

Otherwise, the savior will eventually become the perpetrator, and you will become resentful and exhausted in the struggle with the perpetrator.

Of course, it is inevitable to go through a "crazy" stage. There is no need to avoid problems. As long as you find the right path for growth, today's turbulent waves will eventually become tomorrow's calm and calm.

Author: Miss Bovary

Follow me, read people's hearts and interpret customs in the entertainment world.

Tags: entertainment