Cover News Reporter Liu Yanjun On February 1, the Sichuan Provincial Musicians Association held the 2023 "Hear China Hears You" Sichuan Selection Outstanding Song Works Commendation Ceremony in the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Conference Room. Two cultural an

entertainment 9291℃

cover news reporter Liu Yanjun

html On February 1, the Sichuan Provincial Musicians Association held the 2023 "Hear China Hears You" Sichuan Selection Outstanding Song Works Commendation Ceremony in the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Conference Room. Two cultural and tourism songs composed by Zeng Junda of the Guang'an District Cultural Center in Guang'an City "Live up to my leisure time and good times" and "The Picturesque Years" were successfully selected. Among them, "Live up to my leisure time and good times" has been recommended to the China Musicians Association to participate in the final competition.

Cover News Reporter Liu Yanjun On February 1, the Sichuan Provincial Musicians Association held the 2023 'Hear China Hears You' Sichuan Selection Outstanding Song Works Commendation Ceremony in the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Conference Room. Two cultural an - Lujuba

Commendation Ceremony Site

It is understood that the "Hear China Hears You" annual outstanding song selection event of China's contemporary song creation boutique project is a national professional original song selection event under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and is hosted by the Chinese Musicians Association , has been held for 7 consecutive years.

"The two songs I created are based on the achievements of cultural tourism development in Guang'an District." After being selected, Zeng Junda told reporters that in recent years, Guang'an has continued to inherit innovation and emphasize development, and cultural undertakings have developed rapidly.

It is understood that Guang'an has successively completed the upgrading and upgrading of 2 township cultural stations and the evaluation and grading of 12 cultural stations. At the same time, it jointly prepared the Guangfu Subdistrict Cultural Station improvement plan and urged the accelerated implementation. In terms of cultural activities, there are many wonderful things. 4 large-scale mass cultural activities were held, more than 40 performances of Deng Xiaoping's hometown cultural benefit coupons were carried out, and "Spring Ode" toured Nanxun District.

At the same time, more than 10 literary and artistic masterpieces were created, and "Love in the Canal" and "Snake in the Mountains and Seas" won awards in provincial and municipal competitions. and carry out living inheritance of traditional culture. Five new district-level intangible cultural heritage projects were added, more than 10 district-level intangible cultural heritage inheritors were added, and intangible cultural heritage publicity activities were carried out on a regular basis.

Cover News Reporter Liu Yanjun On February 1, the Sichuan Provincial Musicians Association held the 2023 'Hear China Hears You' Sichuan Selection Outstanding Song Works Commendation Ceremony in the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Conference Room. Two cultural an - Lujuba

Guang'an District Long'an Pomelo Cultural Tourism Festival

In addition, the recommendation and application work for the "four batches" of high-quality provincial cultural tourism public services was completed, and six projects including the Guang'an Middle School History Exhibition Hall and the census and restoration of ancient rare books in Guang'an District were carefully packaged. Make every effort to strive for cultural tourism funds and Sichuan Province historical and cultural heritage protection and utilization county pilot award and subsidy funds.

Next, Guang'an will dig deeper, focus on innovation, and continue to promote cultural prosperity and progress. Efforts will be made to consolidate the cultural position, guide the construction of demonstration villages and towns for rural cultural revitalization, and promote the completion of the upgrade of the second batch of township cultural stations. At the same time, we strive to carry out cultural activities, continue to carry out a series of activities such as cultural benefits to the people, sending opera performances to the countryside, and bringing intangible cultural heritage to campus, and carry out "cultural visits" with Nanxun to create a strong cultural atmosphere. Increase full support for literary and artistic creation, support local literary and artistic workers, compile outstanding literary and artistic works, and participate in provincial and municipal literary and art competitions. (Photo provided by interviewee)

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