Recently, the Silk Band appeared on the CCTV CMG Variety Channel's "Happy Chinese Year - I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala" program. As a new national rock band, the Silk Band joins hands with the famous suona player Chen Lipao of the China National Traditional Orchestra t

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Recently, the Silk Band appeared in the program "Happy Chinese Year - I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala" on CCTV's cmg variety show channel. As a new national rock band, the Silk Band joins hands with the famous suona player Chen Lipao of the China National Traditional Orchestra to play a new movement of national rock.

Recently, the Silk Band appeared on the CCTV CMG Variety Channel's 'Happy Chinese Year - I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala' program. As a new national rock band, the Silk Band joins hands with the famous suona player Chen Lipao of the China National Traditional Orchestra t - Lujuba

At the show, the Silk Band performed a new interpretation of the three songs "A Song All the Way", "In That Far Far Place" and "Youth Dance". Each of these three songs has its own important meaning. "Songs All the Way" sings the Silk Band's sentiments of "writing all their dreams into songs" and expresses their desire to use music to communicate with cultures from various countries. "In That Distant Place" is a classic work by Wang Luobin, the king of western Chinese songs. This song is not only widely sung in China, but also one of the most sung Chinese songs in the world. "Youth Dance" is a rhythmic Xinjiang folk song. Wang Luobin re-wrote the lyrics, retaining the original national style and showing the charm of the Chinese language, creating a classic song that is familiar to the audience today. The Silk Band hopes to pay tribute to Wang Luobin through the adaptation and fusion of these three songs, and at the same time show the world the diverse charm of Chinese national culture.

Silk Band insists on using national instruments to create the world's most cutting-edge music style, combining national music elements with modern pop music. This coincides with the original intention of China's "Suona No. 1" Chen Lipao to explore the integration of traditional folk arts and contemporary music. combine. As an expert in folk music, Chen Lipao is constantly striving for change and innovation. He is not only the suona player behind the scenes of the movie "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix", he has performed on large international stages on behalf of China many times, and he has also served as the suona player of the famous band Suyang Band. , experienced the tempering of many music scenes. He commented on the young people of Silk Band: majestic sound field, passionate stage performance, and endless creative power!

Recently, the Silk Band appeared on the CCTV CMG Variety Channel's 'Happy Chinese Year - I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala' program. As a new national rock band, the Silk Band joins hands with the famous suona player Chen Lipao of the China National Traditional Orchestra t - Lujuba

The lead singer of the Silk Band is Alai Aydarhan, an all-round Kazakh singer-songwriter born in the 1990s. Other members include keyboardist Husitar, drummer Kastel, bassist Nurtai, and national instrumentalist Maireban. , electric guitarist Hainar. In music creation, the band has always believed that "music has no borders" and has a mission to promote national music to a broader international stage. Their years of exploration of national music and their persistence in their inner rock and roll dreams have allowed them to open up an unprecedented musical path. Lu - Chinese national rock band. Alai, the lead singer of

, has a legendary music experience. When he was a child, he studied judo in his hometown of Altay, Xinjiang. His career as an athlete ended due to an accident. During his recovery period, he gradually fell in love with music. Later, he was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music with special exceptions. In 2013, he successfully debuted as one of the top five performers in "The Voice of Chinese Dream" and became acquainted with his mentor and Chinese music queen Coco Lee. In 2016, he made a new arrangement for Coco Lee's classic song "Moonlight Lover", helping Coco Lee win the final championship of Hunan Satellite TV's "I Am a Singer" and becoming famous in the music industry.

In the same year, he co-founded the "First Silk Road Footprints International Music Festival", and his Chinese-Kazakh bilingual pop music won the Kazakhstan Annual Golden Melody Award. In 2017, Alai returned to the stage of "I Am a Singer" as the music partner of the famous Kazakhstan singer Dimash, and served as the star judge of the Kazakhstan version of "I Am a Singer". In view of Alai's outstanding contributions to cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, he was awarded the title of "National Cultural Heritage Ambassador" by the National Ethnic Affairs Commission.

Silk Band stated that they will adhere to their mission of inheriting and promoting Chinese culture and explore more possibilities for the integration of Chinese and Western cultures.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Shoupenghuan

editor/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment