I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th

entertainment 4546℃

I remember those years, whenever Cai Guoqing’s singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer the magnificent music superstar he was back then.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

At the age of 55, his steps seem to have become a little heavy, and every step he takes seems to be fighting against the whole world. What was once praise and applause has now turned into indifference, exclusion and accusation. Watching him swaying in the wind and rain, we can't help but ask: How did this former music legend get to where he is today?

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

No one can deny his musical achievements, and those classic songs are still sung by people today. But why did he seem to "defeat" himself on the stage of life? Was his choice wrong, or has the world changed?

Music legend Cai Guoqing: He worked hard as a boy and became a singing superstar

Cai Guoqing was born in 1968 in a family full of artistic atmosphere. His father is a baritone singer, so his expectations for his son are naturally very high. At the age of 3, while other children were still playing, Xiao Guoqing was already sitting in front of the piano and began his musical journey.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

However, Cai Guoqing also had a "rebellious" time in his childhood. When he was 4 years old, he went to his grandma's house due to changes in environment. Without his father's strict discipline, he had a great time playing and studying? That had long been forgotten by him. But his father had sharp eyes, and he quickly picked him up and sent him to the May 7th Cadre School.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

Life there is no easier than at home. I get up early to hoist my voice, sing, and practice basic dance skills. Every day is full. But it was this kind of rigorous training that laid a solid foundation for Cai Guoqing, and also allowed him to sing popular songs of that era, whether they were Soviet songs or Korean songs, with full charm.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

html When he was 7 years old, Cai Guoqing joined the CCTV Children's Choir and won championships in various music competitions. At the age of 10, he even sang for Cambodian founding father Norodom Sihanouk at the Great Hall of the People and became famous in one fell swoop. His singing voice is clear and beautiful, and every May Day, National Day and other festivals, the streets and alleys echo with his singing voice.

However, just when everyone thought that Cai Guoqing would devote himself to singing, he suddenly "switched" to learn martial arts. It turned out that this was all my father's advice.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

During the three years in the sports school, he worked hard and never complained. This experience also added a lot of color to his future acting career.

The counterattack path from "delicate boy" to the peak of singing

In 1977, Cai Guoqing was an unparalleled young man. When he applied for the Chinese Drama Youth Acting Class, he was almost rejected because he was too handsome. Oops, this makes our Cai Guoqing anxious! He thought to himself: "I am not a flower vase. I have to show them my hands."

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

So, he demonstrated a set of martial arts he learned in the martial arts school on the spot. His momentum and skills simply stunned the teachers. . In this way, Cai Guoqing successfully entered the door of China Opera.

During the days when he was in drama, Cai Guoqing was not idle. In order to cultivate his worker-peasant-soldier temperament, the teachers asked him to play the roles of small rural warriors such as "Tuwazi" and "Xiaogazi" in every rehearsal.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

This is really difficult for our "handsome young man". However, Cai Guoqing is a thoughtful person. He just relied on his tenacity to play these roles vividly.

After graduation, Cai Guoqing also tried acting in movies, but he was never able to leave his name in the film industry. He thought to himself: "That's it, let's go back to my old profession and sing."

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

So, in 1986, he released his first singing album "Addition of Love", which was an incredible performance. , which directly made him famous. Later, he was selected by Beijing to participate in the National Hundred Singer Concert, which really took his singing career to the next level.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

The time has come to 1990, which can be said to be a good year for Cai Guoqing.He rushed to participate in two concerts on May Day, the "Eve of the Asian Games" and the "May Day Labor" concerts. Not only did he prove his ability, but he also showed everyone his level of professionalism. And his performance of "Beijing's Bridge" at the National Young Singer Competition was even more popular, making people remember this singer with a unique voice.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

As his fame grew, Cai Guoqing also attracted the attention of Lang Kun, the general director of the Spring Festival Gala. Lang Kun personally took Cai Guoqing to the home of famous composer Gu Jianfen to seek cooperation, which really flattered Cai Guoqing.

So, on the Spring Festival Gala of 1991, we saw "Going to the Distance" sung by Cai Guoqing, and at that year's Lantern Festival Gala, he sang a divine song "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" that is still circulating today. .

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

These two large-scale evening parties undoubtedly pushed Cai Guoqing's career to the highest peak. However, just when Cai Guoqing's career was at its peak, crisis quietly struck.

From a "little boy" to a military singer, glory and controversy coexist

In 1991, an article titled "Sweet Singer, Killer" was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

Hedong, the author of this article, was rude to Cai Guoqing, criticizing him for not being masculine and just like a "little boy". Oh, this is great. Cai Guoqing has become the target of public criticism, business performances have been cancelled, and he himself has fallen into deep self-doubt.

But, gold always shines. Although he is labeled as a "cream niche", Cai Guoqing's strength cannot be overshadowed. On the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, he was invited to Japan to record songs. Not to mention the quantity, the quality was quite guaranteed.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

The famous Japanese music producer Matsuzaki Sumio was full of praise for him, calling him "an artist who is proud of his motherland and a singer who brings dreams and hope to people."

In 1993, he joined the army and joined the People's Liberation Army General Political Department Song and Dance Ensemble. This news caused a sensation across the country at the time. The director of the recruiting station also praised him in particular, saying that many young people joined the army under his influence.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

In his first year as a soldier, Cai Guoqing completed more than 100 unpaid performances and achieved third-class merit. This really proves one's worth with practical actions!

Entering the new century, Cai Guoqing stepped onto the international stage and participated in the Grammy Music Festival in the United States. He often went abroad to perform with the General Political Department Song and Dance Ensemble. Due to his outstanding performance, he won the third-class merit of the People's Liberation Army in 2002. This is really bringing glory to the country!

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

However, there are many famous people. Just when Cai Guoqing's career was at its peak, something unforgivable happened.

The bumpy road from "scapegoat" to "multiple artist"

Looking back on the Sino-Japanese friendly exchange meeting in 2004, Cai Guoqing may still have lingering fears. That night, as arranged, he wore a kimono and sang in Japanese, but unexpectedly touched the sensitive nerves of some Chinese people. Angry voices came like a tide, and some even clamored to strip him of his military rank.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

"How could he become a 'traitor' when he only sang on request?" Some people defended him this way, but in the face of indignant public opinion, such voices seemed so weak. Cai Guoqing was unable to argue, so he could only choose to remain silent and silently bear this unreasonable disaster.

Time flies, and in 2009, Cai Guoqing once again stood in front of the public as the host. This time, the ratings of "Extraordinary Explanation" he hosted were rising steadily, and his talent was recognized by more people. However, controversy always seems to follow him.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

In one episode of the program, he sharply commented on guest Guo Degang's "not doing his job properly" and believed that a crosstalk actor should not get involved in the film and television industry.

's remarks immediately aroused heated discussion. Some people supported his views, while others thought he was jealous of Guo Degang's success. The words of Guo Degang's partner Yu Qian left him speechless: "You are a vocalist, aren't you also a film and host?"

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

These words were like a heavy hammer, which made Cai Guoqing instantly wake up. .He realized that he had unknowingly become a "multiple artist" and perhaps should be more tolerant and understanding of other artists' choices.

From a national idol to a kind senior, the years have not diminished.

Time flies by. When we look back, Cai Guoqing seems to have always been the same young face, but if we look carefully, he is already over 50 years old. However, age is just a number to him, because he is still active in various variety shows and maintains an indissoluble bond with the audience.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

On the variety show stage, Cai Guoqing never puts on airs. On the contrary, he always wins bursts of laughter from the audience with his humorous remarks and funny behavior.

Once, he gasped and said "Brother, you are so big... you have so much strength" and instantly caused the whole audience to burst into laughter. Such Cai Guoqing is affectionately called "Cai Keyun" by everyone, and he himself readily accepted this title and even personally certified it on social platforms.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

However, there are always some voices questioning his performance, believing that as a soldier, he should show a more tough and masculine side. Cai Guoqing faced this calmly.

In the program "Brother Overcoming Troubles", when other artists criticized him for dressing too cutely, he did not get angry, but responded calmly: "I just like this, it can bring joy and sunshine to everyone. ." This calmness and confidence make people admire his mentality and mind.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

Cai Guoqing not only keeps up with fashion trends ideologically, but also gets along well with young people. He and the 0713 boy band have a perfect cooperation on stage, and they are both teachers and friends in private.

He once said in an interview that he would try his best to get 0713 to attend the Spring Festival Gala. According to the media Reuters, this year’s Spring Festival Gala will indeed include Chen Chusheng, Su Xing and other 0713 members. It seems that Teacher Cai Guoqing does what he says, and his guidance and recommendations have given the young juniors more opportunities and stages.

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

From a national idol when he was young to a kind senior who supports young people today, Cai Guoqing's role is changing, but what remains unchanged is his love for art and sincerity to the audience. Artists like

I remember in those years, whenever Cai Guoqing's singing sounded, it seemed as if the whole world was immersed in that touching melody. At that time, he was like a shining star in the entertainment industry, unmatched by anyone. But time flies by, and Cai Guoqing is no longer th - Lujuba

deserve our respect and love. He used his own strength and actions to prove that age is not a criterion for measuring a person's value. True talent and charm can infect and impress people across the limitations of time, space and age.

Tags: entertainment