On February 5th, the domestic original animated film "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" released the plot MV. Dai Quan's high-pitched and affectionate voice will immerse the audience into the story of Bajie. The heart-wrenching lyrics and the touching movie scenes complement

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The pilot theme song "Bajie" MV of the animated movie "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" MV Duration: 02:59 Source: Movie Network

The pilot theme song "Bajie" of the animated movie "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" "Jie" MV Collapse

Duration: 02:59 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On February 5, the domestic original animated film "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" released the plot to the MV, Dai Quan's high-pitched and affectionate voice spoke The audience is immersed in Bajie's story, and the poignant lyrics and touching movie scenes complement each other, showing a new image of Bajie that is in contrast to public perception.

On February 5th, the domestic original animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the plot MV. Dai Quan's high-pitched and affectionate voice will immerse the audience into the story of Bajie. The heart-wrenching lyrics and the touching movie scenes complement  - Lujuba

Dai Quan's soulful singing brought tears to his eyes. Every word was full of unyielding and unwillingness.

You are not the unparalleled hero in their eyes. You are just a mockery and joke. One line of lyrics tells the story of Bajie's slightly tragic character: Because he was mistakenly cast into a pig when he was in the lower realm, he left a stereotype impression of being greedy for pleasure and timid. Bajie is completely different from the traditional hero image, so no one cares whether he was a handsome man or a general in his previous life, or whether he practiced hard and achieved great merit. Dai Quan, through the outstanding appeal of his own voice, sublimated the lyrics step by step, telling the core of the story that he can be free and radiant even if he is in a body, and vindicated Bajie's name.

With the exposure of the MV, more storylines are revealed to the public. The MV starts from a third perspective, focusing on Bajie's past and present life, recording Bajie's gap from god to demon, the discrimination he suffered, and the process of finally breaking through the secular perspective and becoming stronger, completing Bajie's transformation from other people's stories The narrative transformation from the supporting role to the protagonist also allows Bajie to break away from the fat, selfish and flat image in the past and become more three-dimensional and full.

On February 5th, the domestic original animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the plot MV. Dai Quan's high-pitched and affectionate voice will immerse the audience into the story of Bajie. The heart-wrenching lyrics and the touching movie scenes complement  - Lujuba

The MV reflects reality and resonates, and the narration heals anxiety and uneasiness.

In fact, this plot-oriented MV is not only a condensed expression of Bajie’s character story, but also reflects the living conditions of many ordinary people from the side. Bajie's appearance is not impressive. After being demoted to the demon world, he has no solid backing and no proud talent. However, he remains optimistic and strives to carve out his own world. His eternal reputation seems to be no longer important. Translated into real life, modern people may also have a series of problems such as workplace bullying, life difficulties, and appearance anxiety. Everyone is a Bajie with unrealistic ambitions. Just like the mundane state sung in the lyrics, what is the difference? Greed, anger, ignorance, love, hate, and evil desires are inevitable for everyone.

On February 5th, the domestic original animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the plot MV. Dai Quan's high-pitched and affectionate voice will immerse the audience into the story of Bajie. The heart-wrenching lyrics and the touching movie scenes complement  - Lujuba

Director He Ranhao once said: Bajie in the movie has frustrations, emotions, and rises. This is the same as our lives. I think everyone will encounter setbacks, emotions, and success in different aspects, just like Bajie. He can lead us out of our own troubles.

The movie "Bajie: Under the Canopy" will be released on 's first day of the Lunar New Year (February 10).

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