Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Xi) The film "Moonlight Samurai" produced by Song Dai and directed by Hong Ying, starring Zuo Hang, Feng Jiamei, Cai Heng, Bai En, Liu Lei, Peng Jing and others, won the Hollywood Next Generation Independent Film Award. Best Screenplay Award, th

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Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Xi ) The film "Moonlight Samurai" produced by Song Dai and directed by Hong Ying, starring Zuo Hang, Feng Jiamei, Cai Heng, Bai En, Liu Lei, Peng Jing and others, has won the next generation of independent films in Hollywood in the United States. Film Awards for Best Screenplay, the U.S. Global Film Competition's "Outstanding Achievement Award" and "Top Ten Best Female Filmmakers", and the 2023 Golden Rooster Award for domestic outstanding new films.

Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Xi) The film 'Moonlight Samurai' produced by Song Dai and directed by Hong Ying, starring Zuo Hang, Feng Jiamei, Cai Heng, Bai En, Liu Lei, Peng Jing and others, won the Hollywood Next Generation Independent Film Award. Best Screenplay Award, th - Lujuba

△Writer Hong Ying

The movie "Moonlight Warrior" is adapted from Hong Ying's novel of the same name, with the "mountain city" of Chongqing as the geographical background. It tells the story of Dou Xiaoming, a 12-year-old boy who was admitted to the hospital due to injury in 1976 and met the people who took care of him. and the caring nurse Jiahui. Jiahui was born beautiful, but she married Gang Ge, a young man from the local mixed society, and often suffered domestic violence. Dou Xiaoming stood up for his goddess, became her warrior, protected her for the rest of his life, and left behind a beautiful and touching Chongqing story.

Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Xi) The film 'Moonlight Samurai' produced by Song Dai and directed by Hong Ying, starring Zuo Hang, Feng Jiamei, Cai Heng, Bai En, Liu Lei, Peng Jing and others, won the Hollywood Next Generation Independent Film Award. Best Screenplay Award, th - Lujuba

△Xiao Ming and Jiahui reunited (still)

Many people know Chongqing, but they may not really understand Chongqing. It is a mountain city where the Yangtze River and the Jialing River merge. There are a lot of ancient legends and myths of the Ba Kingdom spread among the people. When Chongqing opened as a port, there were many foreign banks and foreign consulates along the river bank. They built factories and opened mines. Western modernization factors gradually entered Chongqing, and Chongqing's urban modernization gradually took shape. Chongqing was once the "accompanying capital" during the Anti-Japanese War. Heroes and star artists from all walks of life gathered here, creating a lively atmosphere.

When I was a child, Hongying's home was on the south bank, and I could see the bright lights on the other side across the river. During the National Day, the fireworks at the Chaotianmen Liberation Monument were bright, and it was like a fairy tale world. In 1997, Chongqing became a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the city underwent earth-shaking changes, with tall buildings everywhere. Take the light rail through the building, various overpasses are added, and Hayao Miyazaki's Hongya Cave has become a check-in spot for Internet celebrities, as well as the Eighteen Staircases and the Second Factory in the movie " passes through from your world", etc.

Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Xi) The film 'Moonlight Samurai' produced by Song Dai and directed by Hong Ying, starring Zuo Hang, Feng Jiamei, Cai Heng, Bai En, Liu Lei, Peng Jing and others, won the Hollywood Next Generation Independent Film Award. Best Screenplay Award, th - Lujuba

△ Jiahui walked down the stone steps (still photo)

Hongying took Zuo Hang, a popular boy from the TF family, to create a Chongqing version of "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily". On the surface, "Moonlight Samurai" tells a coming-of-age story about a young hero saving a beauty, but it actually tells the story of the lives of Chongqing people. There are many movies about Chongqing, but none of them treat Chongqing as a people. This is the movie that best evokes the memories of that period of Chongqing. She uses her unique lens language to tell all her tender memories of this city.

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