You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama "Running Dog" performed well in its premiere, with a pe

entertainment 9835℃

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease.

CCTV's new drama "Running Dog" performed well in its premiere, with a peak ratings of over 2.2. Its innovative and humorous expressions, coupled with the unique quality of period dramas, can be said to have captured all three generations of viewers, old, middle and young.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

After a good start on CCTV, "Gou Sheng Run" will also be broadcast every night on Beijing Satellite TV in prime time starting from January 28. It will be broadcast simultaneously on dual satellite TV platforms + online platforms. On the basis of improving audience coverage, I believe it will also radiate a wider viewing effect.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

"Gou Sheng Run" tells the story of Gou Sheng's legendary experience of joining the army out of love, going through many situations and making people laugh, and eventually growing into a revolutionary warrior. It also shows the passionate struggle history of a group of grassroots people in turbulent times.

Gou Sheng's joining the army is a bright line in the play. A series of thrilling stories that happened to Gou Sheng also connected the growth of young people such as Gou Sheng, Song Yutao, Yang San, Hou Qi, as well as Wang Daju, Wang Maoniang, and Braided Master. , Ma Peizhong and other people with completely different social status in the face of national crisis. They use group portraits to depict the ups and downs of grassroots people in the context of the big era. It tells the changes in their simple values ​​and also reflects the awakening of the small people in the context of the big time. .

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

The name "Gou Sheng" means "easy to feed" in rural areas. Gou Sheng was an orphan. Wang Daju and his wife originally had a son who died unexpectedly. It was at that time that they found Gou Sheng.

For them, who had just lost their beloved son, the arrival of Gou Sheng was like God's comfort to them. Later, they had a son and a daughter one after another, and they became a "good". Therefore, Wang Maoniang has always loved and appreciated Gou Sheng. When Gou Sheng returned from studying in the Shaolin Temple for ten years, Wang Mao Niang was also the happiest one.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Gouzheng went home. Besides Wang Maoniang, Myolie was also happy. After ten years of separation, Myolie has become a slim girl. In addition to Gou Sheng, who longs to marry Myolie, Yang San, the director of the village office, also has a soft spot for Myolie.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

In order to marry Xing'er, Yang San, who was in charge of recruiting soldiers, discussed with his brother Wu Hao and deliberately added Wang Mao's name to the recruitment list, hoping to use this as a threat to scare Wang Daju into agreeing to marry Xing'er to him. . Unexpectedly, the list was taken away by the officers and soldiers in advance, but Wang Mao, who was born with intellectual disability, would only die if he went to the battlefield.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

In desperation, Gou Sheng decided to join the army instead of Wang Mao, partly to repay his kindness, and partly to get the four yuan from the army. After all, Wang Daju said that he must build three large tile-roofed houses before he could marry Xing'er.

After hurriedly joining the army, Gou Sheng met many people in the military camp one after another, including Song Yutao and Tang Yulong who wanted to protect his family and country, and Miao Chunlai, the arrogant and willful company commander who had an uncle who was the county magistrate, and Miao Chunlai. Hou Qi, who wore a cuckold, and Mao Xiaoer, the little brother who followed Gou Sheng wholeheartedly.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

These grassroots little people reflect the changes in the attitude of the lowest level people towards the war of resistance in the turbulent era. Why and how to fight the war? Perhaps only Tang Yulong has a clear answer to these questions, including the fact that Song Yutao was just passionate at first, posting patriotic slogans, participating in protest marches, etc. Song Yutao, who entered the military camp, was also constantly looking for his own destiny. The right way to serve your country. Gou Sheng actually joined the army just to make money and marry a wife at the beginning, but when he went to the battlefield, his inner patriotism gradually awakened and broke through.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Only after experiencing the baptism of war can these little people deeply realize that there is no small family without a country, and their thoughts will change from putting themselves first to putting the country first, and realize the transformation of their outlook on life and values. The description of the growth line in the

drama is not rigid and serious, but constantly promotes the story to go deeper through unique and novel perspectives and unexpected turns.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Among them, the performance of the actors is indispensable.Different from ordinary period dramas, "Gou Sheng Run" boldly uses Jiang Long , Shi Ce , Jiang Yi , Song Muzi , Ye Liu, Da Suo, Jiang Shimeng, etc. who made their debut in comedy sketches. The actors not only brought endless laughter to the audience in "Annual Comedy Competition", but also gave a unique sense of humor in "The Dogs Run", which also injected a sense of humor into the dull period drama. A dose of fresh blood.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

They created vivid characters in the play and produced several famous scenes that made the audience laugh. For example, Gou Sheng, who had no money in his pocket, bought a meatball but refilled four bowls of soup. When he was in a hurry to go to the toilet, he encountered the "snake spirit" Song Yutao who made things difficult for him. Gou Sheng was so anxious that he peed his pants in the street.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

At the same time, "Gou Sheng Run" also features Qin Hailu, You Yongzhi, Liu Peiqi, Li Mengnan and other veteran actors, showing solid acting skills. The characters they play are of different classes and positions, but They all profoundly reflected the reality and complexity of human nature in that era.

Wang Maomao, played by Qin Hailu, is a simple and kind-hearted rural mother. She has both love and care for her children, as well as a "quick-tongued" output when faced with troubles.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Regarding Gou Sheng joining the army for Wang Mao, she was the most difficult one, as the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. Compared with Wang Mao, who was born with impaired intelligence, Gou Sheng was obviously smarter. Although she knew this was the best choice, how could she not worry about the ruthless artillery fire on the battlefield. With tears in his eyes, he held Gou Cheng's hand and sat on the kang. Needless to say, his love for his son made people feel the same.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Wang Daju, played by Li Mengnan, is a very typical "stingy" father. Gou Sheng was not very happy when he came back from Shaolin Temple. Until Gou Sheng said that he joined the army for Wang Mao, Wang Daju's problem was solved. The contrast between the two attitudes is very real and shows the skills of a national first-class drama actor.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

If Wang Daju and Wang Maomao are representatives of the low-level people, then the braided man played by Liu Peiqi and Ma Peizhong played by You Yongzhi interpret the image of people with a little status in that era.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

Both of them are well-known local figures. In the face of national crisis, they are representatives of good and evil. As a noble family member, Mr. Pigtail has been busy raising funds for the Anti-Japanese War. After the enemy troops entered the city, he also insisted on his own integrity and righteousness. County magistrate Ma Peizhong, who was supposed to be one of the parents, was the first to surrender to the enemy. The rivalry between the two of

is also very exciting. A look, a look up, and a pull back and forth are a confrontation of national justice, and it is also a moment to show off textbook acting skills.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

When a comedian meets a talented actor, the chemical effect is unexpectedly harmonious. The mutual learning in acting skills and the collision of magnetic fields are a rare and wonderful audio-visual feast for the audience.

From the cast to the narrative method, from the storyline to the language of the shots, "Running Dogs" is filming a very new period drama. Abandoning the seriousness in the inherent impression, it has shortened the distance with contemporary young people in a more youthful way, and taught and entertained in a "moisturizing and silent" way.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

While laughing, the audience can empathize with the difficulties of small people in turbulent times, and can even think of the current society and trigger their own thinking.

Just as Gou Sheng's original intention to join the army was not a noble reason, he had his own selfish motives, which he never avoided. In order to make money, he would run errands for Miao Chunlai, whom he disliked. He would not think too much about whether this matter was unconscionable or whether he lacked his own "character" because he had his own persistence in his heart. Compared with the so-called With his "character", he wants to survive even more.

Now we, who are in all walks of life, have chosen different tracks in life. Whether you are a delivery boy, a taxi driver, a coder, or an entrepreneur, we all have to make money, buy a house, and start a family. As Gou Sheng continues to struggle and climb, it may also give us some inspiration. No one's life will always be satisfactory, but as long as we move forward, it will not be the worst outcome.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

As a period drama, "Running Dog" bravely took the first step to break through the circle, boldly breaking through the inherent barriers, humorous lens language and stylized performance form, achieving an innovative breakthrough in this genre, and is worthy of Industry concerns and reflections.

You never know what will happen in the next second of "Gou Sheng Run". Just as the war strategy of the troops led by Miao Chunlai is to run away after one shot, Gou Sheng used only three bullets to destroy the enemy. A machine gunner turned around and saw that all his comrades except those who were killed in action had withdrawn.

Has Gou Sheng gone after the large army? No, he "escaped" home.

You can always trust CCTV’s vision for drama selection. Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, the quality of the film and television works broadcast by CCTV will always make people feel more at ease. CCTV's new drama 'Running Dog' performed well in its premiere, with a pe - Lujuba

The reality of "Gou Sheng Run" lies in this. It not only has a vivid storyline and delicate character portrayal, but more importantly, it focuses on the characters' current thoughts and feelings, using the characters' most authentic reactions to govern actions and values. The shaping is not deliberate, but formed naturally.

What the audience sees is the story and what they taste is their own life.

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Tags: entertainment