In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as "dirty" and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in

entertainment 4115℃

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is it really impossible to find a trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as "dirty" and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like these, who are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry. Not only are they superb in acting and noble in character, but what's more rare is that they have also been recognized by the official media!

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

These four actors are not the kind of short-lived traffic niche, but real acting talents. They don't rely on hype to gain attention or scandals to get to the top. Instead, they rely on their own talent and hard work to firmly establish themselves in the entertainment industry. Who are they? Let me tell you slowly.

Chen Baoguo

Some people say that a real actor injects life into a character rather than just interpreting a story. These words were vividly reflected in Chen Baoguo. He is the "National Treasure Chen" in the eyes of the audience, an actor who interprets "the drama is bigger than the sky" with his strength and love.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Looking back on the 1986 "The Whip", the little gangster "Glass Flower" played by Chen Baoguo was impressive. At that time, his righteousness seemed to be incompatible with this role, but Chen Baoguo had a magical power that could make the audience forget the actor himself in the role.

For this role, he even did not hesitate to make friends with real gangsters and observe and experience their lives in depth. What is even more shocking is that in order to restore the "Glass Flower" effect in the blind eye, in an era without special effects and contact lenses, Chen Baoguo actually put a polished white button into his eye. Although this move caused permanent damage to him, it also created an unsurpassed classic character.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

However, Chen Baoguo's dedication is not only reflected in this drama. While filming "Goujian, King of Yue", he was trampled by a horse; while filming "Old Farmer", he was almost disfigured.

These difficulties and pains that are unimaginable to ordinary people, in his opinion, are just the duties that an actor should perform. He often said: "As an actor, you have to rely on your strength to make a living."

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

In the complicated entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo has always maintained a rare sobriety and low-key. His love life is as legendary as his acting career.

In 1974, he held hands with Zhao Kui'e, and they recognized each other as lifelong partners. No matter how his fame changes, he always protects this love.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Today, Chen Baoguo has been in the industry for 43 years and has created countless classic roles, but his love and awe for acting have never changed. He used his own strength and actions to interpret what "both virtue and art" are and what a true actor is.

Xi Meijuan

At the 2023 Golden Rooster Party, Xi Meijuan chatted and laughed with her junior Zhou Dongyu, as if time had not left any traces on her body. However, who would have thought that this highly respected actress was once rejected by a director because she was "not photogenic".

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

At that time, although Xi Meijuan had an outstanding temperament, her appearance did not meet the aesthetic standards of the time. Faced with repeated rejections, she felt helpless and confused, but she never gave up.

She firmly believes that as an actor, the most important thing is to have excellent acting skills. So, she settled down, honed her acting skills seriously, and waited for the opportunity to come.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Finally, in 1990, Xi Meijuan came to prominence with the role of "Wang Yu'er" in "Fake Girl True Love" and won the Golden Rooster Award. This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also the best reward for her persistence and hard work. Since then, Xi Meijuan's acting career has been going smoothly.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

However, as she grows older, Xi Meijuan also faces the dilemma of middle-aged women. But instead of feeling sorry for herself, she accepted her changes calmly. She began to try more mother roles and used her delicate acting skills to perform each role vividly.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Whether she is a kind and kind mother or an "evil mother-in-law" image, she can perfectly display it. Even sometimes the "mother" roles she plays are similar, but she can show different flavors.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Throughout Xi Meijuan's acting career, she has always maintained her love and awe for acting. She acts conscientiously and doesn't like hype. She can be said to be a "clean stream" among actresses in the entertainment industry. Her persistence and hard work not only won the love and respect of the audience, but also set an example for future generations of actors.

Zhang Yi

html In the film and television feast at the end of 2000, Zhang Yi frequently appeared in works such as "Priceless Treasure" and "The Three Brigades". At the beginning of the year, "Hurry Up" and "Man Jiang Hong" also seemed to be still in front of us. Audiences have praised him as a "model worker" in the entertainment industry, but behind this title is Zhang Yi's unremitting efforts and persistence.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

In front of the screen, Zhang Yi's acting skills are like exploding sparks, giving the audience a strong sense of involvement no matter what role he plays. His superb acting skills have won him the Hundred Flowers Award, Golden Rooster Award and many other "TV Emperor" honors. However, behind this infinite scenery, there is hidden his bitter journey that no one cared about.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Because of his mediocre appearance, Zhang Yi rarely had the opportunity to go on stage during his days in the drama troupe. The resumes he submitted to big production crews always came to nothing. However, he never gave up and always believed that he would succeed one day.

Faced with setbacks, he moved forward bravely; when he saw opportunities, he caught up. This tenacity and courage have become the key to Zhang Yi's success.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

In 2004, Zhang Yi successfully won the role of "Shi Jin" in "Soldier Assault" with a long letter of understanding of the character. This opportunity brought him to prominence and allowed the audience to see his outstanding acting skills.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Although he has never acted before, Zhang Yi performed the role of "Shi Jin" vividly. Since then, he has created many images on the screen, from soldiers to dads, from businessmen to ordinary people, each role is impressive.

However, Zhang Yi is not complacent because of this. He always believes that as an actor, you should carefully shape each character and give the audience the best performance. This respect and love for acting has also made him a caring person in life.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

He cares about stray cats and even set up a website to rescue stray cats with netizens. This love and kindness allowed people to see his "virtuous and artistic" side.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

In terms of love, Zhang Yi also showed a firm attitude. His first love girlfriend unfortunately became a vegetable due to a car accident, and he took care of her tirelessly for ten years.

This deep affection and persistence make people full of respect for his view of love. Zhang Yi is even more protective of his wife Qian Linlin. The two have been in love for 17 years. This kind of single-mindedness and long-lasting love is really rare in the entertainment industry.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Zhang Yi is only 45 years old today, but he has already won the respect and love of the audience with his strength and actions. He is not only a "model worker" in the entertainment industry, but also a representative of "morality and art" in everyone's mind.

He Bing

When you mention Silly Zhu in "Love in the Courtyard", do you think of an image with sharp words but soft heart? This is He Bing, an actor who is changeable on screen but consistent in life.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Unlike some "traffic niche students", He Bing's appearance is not amazing, but his acting skills are unforgettable. After graduating from the Central Television Department, he joined the drama troupe. Those days when he had few opportunities to appear on stage seemed to be a long prelude to his acting career. But He Bing did not choose to give up. He persisted and waited until the opportunity came for him to stand out.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Yingda's discerning eye allowed He Bing to play the role of "Hu San" in "I Love My Family", which also introduced more audiences to this actor with outstanding acting skills. From "Party A and Party B" to "The Empty Mirror", He Bing's figure gradually became active on the screen, and his acting skills have been recognized by more and more people.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

In 2005, the director of "The Punisher of the Song Dynasty" extended an olive branch to He Bing and invited him to star in "Song Ci". This is a brand new challenge, but He Bing is not afraid.

He immersed himself in the knowledge of ancient forensic medicine and tried hard to figure out the inner world of the characters. In the end, his efforts paid off and he successfully created a "Song Ci" who was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

However, despite his growing fame, He Bing has always maintained a normal heart. He never regards himself as an "inner person", and he doesn't want to be called an "old actor". He hopes that when everyone thinks of him, the first thing they think of is his acting skills and his devotion and love for the role.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Today, He Bing, who is over fifty years old, is still passionate about acting. He treats every role as dearly as his first love, and he uses his acting skills to bring one classic work after another to the audience.


Speaking of these big names, they are the real clear stream in the entertainment industry! Their respect for acting is simply more precious than gold. What about in private? No scandals, no hype, just like us ordinary people living a real life.

In this seemingly glamorous but undercurrent-filled entertainment industry, is there really no trace of fresh air? Are all celebrities labeled as 'dirty' and no one is spared? Not always! There are four actors like this. They are like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment in - Lujuba

Do you think they are worthy of the four words "morality and art"? Why bother asking? I sincerely hope that those young freshmen and young actresses who have just debuted can learn more from these seniors and stop hyping and gaining presence all day long. If you want to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time, you have to rely on your true talents and good character!

Tags: entertainment