01 Study abroad market                                                                                                                                                                                                   ” had gone for a run. Found that the recovery was OK. After fin

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Study abroad market

When I got better from the cold, I went for a run. Found that the recovery was OK.

01 Study abroad market                                                                                                                                                                                                   ” had gone for a run. Found that the recovery was OK. After fin - Lujuba

After finishing my run, I remembered that the winter vacation was approaching and I had to go to the tutoring class to talk one-on-one. I chatted with the tutor in the tutoring class for an hour, calculating the year-end bonus and the tuition fees at the same time.

The conclusion is to make ends meet.

all say how much market value is destroyed by a piece of A4 paper. You little bourgeoisie really don’t know how profitable the education and training industry is. The key is blood-sucking.

tutoring class has a lot of business, from IELTS to minor languages ​​​​to art exams to college entrance examination improvement classes to associate degree upgrading. There is even a big brother next to me to consult with Dr. Baolu, and the study abroad consultation area is even more crowded.

Mr. Xingkong, who had paid for all the tuition fees, went home and turned on his computer to see a message: "The number of international students has plummeted. Why are no one willing to go abroad?"

The replies to various comments are simply ridiculous. There are a thousand words to say: middle class The class is out of money.

I really miss Sichuan Bao. When he was in office, he did not make so many smoky remarks. It is said that he is coming back soon.

01 Study abroad market                                                                                                                                                                                                   ” had gone for a run. Found that the recovery was OK. After fin - Lujuba

Even if you don’t go to tutoring classes and study abroad agencies, you can just go to the Ministry of Education website to see the data!

The Ministry of Education released the latest data on the number of Chinese international students in 2023. Surprisingly, the number of international students this year once again hit a record high. According to statistics, a total of 246,000 Chinese students chose to study abroad in 2019, and this year the number has reached 348,000, a year-on-year increase of more than 40%, a record high.

Some people say that this is the release of three years of backlogged demand and does not count.

However, in fact, the vast majority of international students go out in their junior year of high school (undergraduate studies) and senior year (graduate studies). Why squeeze out three years? Repeat a grade and go to remedial classes? I asked the tutoring class if they don’t have this service!

Xingkongjun checked again in 2022, and the number of international students also increased by 10% compared to 2019.

The middle class who no longer have the pressure to buy a house are actually very capable. After 2024, studying abroad will inevitably reach new peaks one after another.

The reason is very simple. The number of children in recent years coincides with the baby boom, and the pressure of college entrance examination will inevitably divert a large number of candidates to study abroad.

In another ten years, when the children born in 2018 (the birth population begins to drop off a cliff) will generally enter the college entrance examination stage, the number of students studying abroad will really drop significantly, and the middle class will take the blame again.


Why doesn’t the piano sound good anymore?

Then we encountered a new problem: the piano industry was plummeting. Second-hand piano stores said that "maintaining 30% of sales is very good." Why are there fewer children learning piano now?

Someone actually argued tens of thousands of words eloquently, but yygq still said that the middle class is no longer good.

can’t do it, you uncle.

There is only one truth: the Ministry of Education issued a document stating that starting from 2024, bonus points for students with artistic talents will be abolished.

What is a student with artistic specialty?

means that if you have artistic talents such as piano, zither, guitar, and suona, you can enjoy extra points (reduced points for admission) during the ordinary college entrance examination (the high school entrance examination in many provinces also has similar treatment). The specific details of this policy of

are constantly changing. In the most cases, the score can be increased to 80 points, and in the most outrageous cases, it can even be recommended.

For example, a certain aerobics student was recommended to Tsinghua University.

01 Study abroad market                                                                                                                                                                                                   ” had gone for a run. Found that the recovery was OK. After fin - Lujuba

Note that students with artistic talents are not art students.

Art students can only take the art examination sequence, and the only colleges that can register are art colleges. Students with artistic talents can take the general college entrance examination in most colleges and universities. Therefore, many people play musical instruments since primary school just to gain 80 points (varies) in the college entrance examination. The policy of

has been cancelled, but I still need to learn something new!

has something to do with the decline of the middle class!


Imported luxury car sales collapse

In 2023, my country's car imports fell 11.6% year-on-year to 719,000 units; luxury cars fell significantly.

So, the middle class took the blame again.

Some people say that the middle class’s spending power is no longer good.

However, the most popular ranges for imported cars are the 300,000-400,000 and 400,000-500,000 ranges. These two ranges have been heavily penetrated by domestic cars such as Ideal, Denza and Wenjie.

It’s not that the middle class’s consumption power is declining, but that domestically produced cars are on the rise.

01 Study abroad market                                                                                                                                                                                                   ” had gone for a run. Found that the recovery was OK. After fin - Lujuba

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