The TV series "Detective Heroes", which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w

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The TV series " Detective Hero ", which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight!

This drama tells the story of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea. The ending of our victory was actually already known.

I didn’t expect that when I watched it, I couldn’t help but be moved with joy! The last episode of

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

is full of emotional elements. Not only does it have a surprising plot, but it also has a sense of perfection that makes you uncomfortable!

So what are the specific surprises and what are the perfect parts? Listen to me carefully!

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

An accident, I didn’t expect him to make such a decision!

To say that the biggest visible enemy of the volunteers in the drama is Baek Chang-ho, the captain of the Fox Detachment.

At the beginning, when the two sides were still chasing each other, it could be seen that after a pursuit battle, the South Korean army looked a little embarrassed.

Finally in a mountain stream, he was surrounded by soldiers from the reconnaissance company. Baic Changhao knew that there was no room for maneuver, so he took the initiative to surrender.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

Unexpectedly, he, who was always unwilling to surrender and wanted to fight until the end, would be the first to surrender.

To be honest, Yangyang was surprised when he saw it, and thought he had some conspiracy.

Later, after Liang Chen arrived, Bai Changhao revealed his purpose. He thought that because of his previous evil deeds against many soldiers in the reconnaissance company, Liang Chen would make no distinction between public and private affairs.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

However, Liang Chen taught him a lesson, that is, our army has strict discipline. Handing in guns and not killing is more than just a slogan, and preferential treatment of prisoners is not just words.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

It wasn't until Baek Chang-ho was taken to a prisoner-of-war camp, and unexpectedly met his third brother who he thought was killed in battle, but ended up living a good life there, that he may have discovered that our army kept its word!

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

Two happy endings, Luo Jin burst into tears when he said "all are back"

As the war subsided, the marriage of Liang Chen and Wen Jie was also put on the agenda.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

Their relationship also has twists and turns. It is also because of this relationship that the image of the soldier in the play is more comprehensive.

The two submitted the result report to the division headquarters. Unexpectedly, the division commander directly asked the wedding to be held in the evening so that the two could achieve success.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

The teacher has always been a great matchmaker for the two of them, and has always cared about their relationship. It is also a blessing for them to have such a good superior leader!

originally thought that the whole drama would be over when the wedding of the two was over, but he did not expect such a plot to be interspersed in the drama.

When Liang Chen was toasting to the soldiers in the army, a group of people suddenly appeared. They were Li Wanfu, Jin Zhe, Yu Xiaoshan, Bi Lei Zhen, Zheng Yushu, Statement Min and Daniu.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

are all the soldiers who died in the battle before. Finally, today, today, the day of victory, they all came back.

At the same time, they also came back to congratulate their section chief on this great day.

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

Seeing this, he was infected by Luo Jin's acting skills. As the sacrificed comrades came one by one, his eyes began to turn red. Later, with tears in his eyes, he kept saying: They are all back, they are all back!

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

His joy was evident, and his excitement really touched the audience. I didn’t expect it to be so easy to cry!

This is the first war-themed work directed by Zheng Xiaolong, and it is also the third collaboration between Luo Jin and the director. The two cherish each other and have created a good work!

The TV series 'Detective Heroes', which is the most anticipated TV series at the beginning of 2024, has its finale tonight! This drama tells the story of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The outcome of our victory was actually already known. Unexpectedly, when I w - Lujuba

The TV series has come to an end, but we still have to remember history and learn from history!

Tags: entertainment