Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. "Gou Sheng Run" does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat...

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Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriting | Fourteen North

Editor | Nanfeng

In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up.

"Gou Sheng Run" does not have any popular celebrities joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Although

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

is not very popular, it is deeply loved by TV audiences. The ratings soared and exceeded 2 for two consecutive days. There is no doubt that it won the national ratings championship.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

In my opinion, this drama is more suitable for young people to watch.

The acting skills of the actors are relatively natural, there is no image baggage, the jokes are dense, and the jokes keep pace with the times, but it may be a bit too out of the ordinary for military fans.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

clicked on the comment area, and it turned out to be a mixed bag.

Some viewers were moved by the continuous churning of baggage and kept laughing, while others felt that "Run the Dog" was very embarrassing, as it was a proper anti-Japanese drama.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

In fact, although the original film " I am not Wang Mao" has a high reputation, it actually did not stir up much splash. The director of the drama version is Qin Hailu 's husband Wang Xinjun, who does not have much experience.

Therefore, although the comedy style of the play is original, the sense of age is slightly lacking, and it is somewhat like an extended version of the sketches that these comedians have saved up overnight.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

The most critical point of the lack of sense of age is that the actors are a bit too "modern".

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

In fact, the young actors in "Go Sheng Run" were chosen quite cleverly. Their styles and characters are different but they fit well with each other.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Several Mesozoic actresses can represent their acting skills, but they made the audience very entertained.

The actress who plays the mistress Xiulan has a large number of separate scenes, but her facial features become more and more awkward. She should be very charming, but she "reveals" as soon as she changes her expression.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

As soon as he turned his head, the horror doubled.

is obviously a comedy-drama of the Anti-Japanese War, but it forcibly allows the audience to see the "snake face". It turns out that in that era, there was such a towering nose bridge and apple-shaped muscles. It is difficult for the audience to think about the drama.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Zhou Xianxin plays Yang San's stepmother. The actor's face is also indescribably weird.

She embodied "forcing out a smile" on the screen. Every time she smiled, she had to use all her strength. Her face should be full of wrinkles, but there were no lines on her apple muscles.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

The camera panned her side face, and the audience's eyes really darkened. You told me this is the facial features that people during the Anti-Japanese War could have, and it felt like their face would collapse in the next second.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

The opposite of her is Qin Hailu.

Others are "squeezing", Qin Hailu is "supporting".

’s face was swollen as if it had been flattened by boiling water. It was completely stretched out and straightened, like a piece of steamed bread.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Of course, after all, Qin Hailu is already 45 years old. It is understandable that she has to be able to withstand the camera and take proper maintenance. However, in the Anti-Japanese War drama, her condition is still quite dramatic.

may not have had a good rest. After all, the travel variety show next door is also quite energy-consuming. Qin Hailu's state in the show was visibly tired.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

But that's okay, but her big white teeth are really unbearable.

In order to create the atmosphere of the era of "Goshen Run", most of the filters in the show are dim yellow tones with high saturation.

However, that's it, Qin Hailu's teeth are still shining white.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Maybe you think the above still is okay, but when the scene changes to daytime, the teeth are extremely obvious.

When she opened her mouth, the audience's attention was almost entirely focused on the big white teeth. All the elements were in perfect harmony, except for the teeth that were too bright.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Moreover, Qin Hailu has no airs. She does not need to control her expressions when acting, and will show different emotions in appropriate plots.

But whenever she laughs and grins, you can clearly feel that she has "too many teeth."

's hair style is simple and her clothes are distressed, but her face and teeth are so modern that it's really not as good as filming a modern urban drama.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

In the entertainment industry, "dentures" have become a common thing.

People can even publicly admit to the camera that they have had dental work in a variety show, and when the host asked, no one present had escaped the clutches of "porcelain teeth."

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

It is true that for celebrities who need to pay special attention to their image, the whole tooth is not a big deal, but for actors, any part of the face, as long as it is not original, will definitely leak in the camera.

For example, Huang Xiaolei mentioned in a show that her porcelain teeth could not even chew a rabbit's head.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Eating is not the focus, the key is that her teeth are particularly "eye-catching" in the movie.

Everyone in "Human World" is online the whole time, and Huang Xiaolei opens her mouth. No matter how dim the light is or how yellow the color is, she can't block the big white teeth.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

In "The Road of Life", in order to fit in with the task, Li Qin's face was wiped like a small briquette.

But the darker your skin color, the whiter your teeth will be.

So, everyone can see her in the play, with a hairstyle that looks like it was blasted by a cannon, a dark face, and such big teeth.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Not to mention younger actors.

In "Hutong", the two male and female protagonists in a certain unit just open their mouths, and the teeth look like they were made by the same person.

is even whiter than the whites of the eyes, it almost blinds the audience’s eyes. They are already white and like to grin, completely blinding them.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

The two heroines of "Love in the Nine Paths Bay" all have fake teeth.

In fact, period dramas are either about poor children or about okay families. Children who grow up in a compound, no matter what kind of youth their teeth are so white, no matter how good the makeup is, it will not help.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

is obviously to maintain a better state and better image, so as to leave a better impression on the audience.

As an actor, when your own color is too prominent, you are bound to lose your in-depth interpretation of the character. Sometimes image management is necessary, but if you distance yourself from the character of the work, it is putting the cart before the horse.


I really miss the true and simple look of dramas in those days.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

At that time, there were no beauty filters to choose from, and actors had to reveal their true side.

Moreover, the director really understands what the audience wants to see, and the actors can completely lose their halo.

For example, Gong Li , she is known as "Gong Huang" by the public not just because of her appearance, but because of her own unique charm. After all, she can really risk everything for her role.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Some actors don’t even have one representative drama, but the audience always praises her when she is mentioned. This is because everyone knows what kind of actor really serves the role.

Another example is Liu Lin.

I think in modern period dramas, it is really difficult for anyone to surpass Dehua in "Parents' Love" and Na Cunhua in "Glory of Fathers".

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng In the corner where no one cares, a drama quietly pops up. 'Gou Sheng Run' does not have a single popular star joining the cast. The protagonists are all comedians, but the anti-war theme is full of funny elements. Despite the heat... - Lujuba

Aesthetics are changing, and the mentality of celebrities and audiences is also changing. Actors with porcelain teeth and silicone faces who are extremely photogenic can still appear in period dramas.

I don’t know whether it is the aesthetic choice of the entertainment industry or the sadness of domestic dramas.


Nanfeng Entertainment Circle

Quality Entertainment Viewpoint

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