According to the People's Daily, on January 26, 2024, the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced He Xingxiang, the former vice president of the China Development Bank, for accepting bribes, issuing financial instruments in violation of regulations, illegally

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According to the People's Daily, on January 26, 2024, the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced He Xingxiang, the former vice president of the China Development Bank, for accepting bribes, issuing financial instruments in violation of regulations, illegally - Lujuba

According to the People's Daily, on January 26, 2024, the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced He Xingxiang, former vice president of the China Development Bank, for accepting bribes, illegally issuing financial instruments, illegally issuing loans, and concealing overseas deposits. The defendant was sentenced He Xingxiang was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 5 million for accepting bribes, 11 years' imprisonment for illegally issuing financial instruments, and eight years' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 10 for illegally granting loans. He Xingxiang was sentenced to one year in prison for concealing overseas deposits, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined RMB 5.1 million. He Xingxiang's criminal proceeds and interest were recovered in accordance with the law and turned over to the state treasury.

After trial, it was found that:

From 2006 to 2021, the defendant He Xingxiang took advantage of his positions as the President of the Hainan Branch of the Bank of China, the President of the Shandong Branch of the Bank of China, the Vice President of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, and the Vice President of the China Development Bank. , or take advantage of the convenient conditions formed by their powers and status to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in handling bank credit, children's employment, etc. through the actions of staff from other countries. illegally accepted other people's property directly or through their relatives, with a total amount of More than RMB 66.36 million .

From 2012 to 2014, when the defendant He Xingxiang served as the president of Bank of China Shandong Branch, when the relevant enterprises failed to implement unified credit management according to group customers and misappropriated trade financing for other purposes, and some of the collateral for credit business was insufficient, Instructing bank personnel to handle trade financing credit in violation of regulations. According to the above-mentioned credit extension, the relevant branches of the Bank of China processed letters of credit and advance payment guarantees totaling more than 6.349 billion yuan and more than 104 million US dollars. As of the incident, the above-mentioned trade financing business had caused the bank to lose more than 1.461 billion yuan in principal.

In September 2014, when the defendant He Xingxiang was serving as the president of the Shandong Branch of the Bank of China, illegally decided to adjust the trade financing credit line of relevant enterprises to short-term working capital loans. The relevant branches of the Bank of China successively issued working capital loans totaling more than 1.746 billion yuan. . From 2012 to 2013, when the applicant applied for loans in the name of others and misappropriated loan funds, He Xingxiang instructed bank personnel to apply for loans of more than 77.43 million yuan, resulting in a principal loss of more than 9.62 million yuan in the bank.

From 2015 to 2021, when the defendant He Xingxiang served as the vice president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China and the vice president of the China Development Bank, failed to truthfully report to the organization that there were more than 33.69 million deposits in bank accounts opened by his family members overseas and controlled and used by He Xingxiang. meta case .

The Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court held that the defendant He Xingxiang's behavior constituted the crime of accepting bribes, illegally issuing financial instruments, illegally granting loans, and concealing overseas deposits, and should be punished in accordance with the law and punished for several crimes. In view of the fact that some of He Xingxiang's bribery crimes were attempted, after arriving at the case, he voluntarily confessed most of the facts of bribery crimes that were not known to the case handling agency, and truthfully confessed that he had accepted bribes, illegally issued financial instruments, illegally issued loans, and concealed overseas deposits. He pleaded guilty and repented, and actively retired. All stolen money and stolen goods must be paid, and the offender shall be given a lighter punishment. The court then made the above judgment.

Public information shows that He Xingxiang was born in 1963. He has been working in the banking system, and has worked for the Bank of China, Agricultural Development Bank of China, and China Development Bank.

He Xingxiang served as Party Secretary and President of Shangyu Branch of Bank of China, Party Committee Secretary and President of Jiaxing Branch, Party Committee Member and Vice President of Jilin Branch, Party Secretary and President of Hainan Branch, Party Committee Secretary and President of Shandong Branch , Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Agricultural Development Bank of China. In April 2020, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the China Development Bank.

In September 2021, He Xingxiang was fired, and he was double fired in January 2022. The double opening notice pointed out that He Xingxiang failed to implement the Party Central Committee's decision-making arrangements on preventing and resolving financial risks, made changes, and even acted on his own; abused the power of financial approval to cause major financial risks, caused particularly huge losses to the country; failed to report major personal matters, and was confrontational Organizing reviews; lending money to management and service recipients to obtain large returns; having unhealthy family traditions and neglecting the discipline and education of spouses and children; engaging in power-for-money transactions and illegally receiving huge amounts of property.

According to Xinhua News Agency, in February 2022, He Xingxiang was "named" in the work report of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The work report reviewed the work in 2021 and pointed out that in the past year, we have promoted the punishment of financial corruption and the prevention and control of financial risks, and strictly investigated Cai Esheng, He Xingxiang, Song Liang and other "insiders" who used financial regulatory approval powers and financial resources to engage in corruption. ".

Editor | Sun Zhicheng Du Hengfeng

Proofreading | Wang Yuelong

Daily Economic News Comprehensive People's Daily, Shangguan News, Xinhua News Agency, etc.

Daily Economic News

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